Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: No Fail? Not True!

Ahhhh, apple season is upon us.  While I hate that summer has come to an end…I am happy it is apple season.  So many good things can be made with this fruit.  Jam, pie, apple butter, applesauce, muffins…and I could go on and on.  All delicious concoctions which usually bring a smile to my face.  

Today I’m sharing with you a picture of a caramel apple pie that I made one day.  I enjoy making all different kinds of pie, but if I’m honest, this is one of my favorites.  As we all know, caramel and apples make such a great combo and throw them in a pie and well…a little bit of heaven occurs 

But I must confess…while I made this pie and many other pies from scratch, there is one component that was purchased.  There is one part of a pie where it doesn’t matter what recipe I try (and I have tried many of them) I just can’t make successfully.  I’ve even tried recipes which have the words “No Fail” in the title…but I still manage to make it fail.  No matter what I do or how hard I try…I can’t make a pie crust to save my life.

Because of this, I bought my pie crusts for years and always kept a supply of them on hand.  But, a couple years ago, I decided that surely after all these years, I could be successful in making my own.  So, the search began, once again, for a recipe I could master.  I even went so far as to go to a pie crust making class!  Now I wish I could tell you that, after all that effort, I was finally victorious…but I wasn’t.  It didn’t matter what recipe I tried, even if it had great reviews, mine was awful.

I was frustrated.  For pete’s sake…it’s not rocket science…it’s just a pie crust.  Lots of my friends make great crust; why in the world can’t I?  I consider myself a fairly decent cook, so if I can follow lots of other recipes and they turn out fine, what is different with this?  What is wrong with me that is keeping me from making this simple crust?

After all those attempts, I found myself whining about this one day to my husband, telling him how I felt like such a failure and he said, “Oh well…you are good at a lot of other things”.  Simple statement…powerful words.  At that moment I realized I was doing something I have taught others that they should never do.  I was comparing a weakness of mine to other people’s strengths…and I guarantee you, I will lose every time I do that.

Now I realize that a pie crust is a pretty minor thing in life, but I know I’ve done this comparison game before.  Why can’t I sing like she can?  Why don’t I have athletic ability like they have?  Why does my metabolism run like a turtle but hers seems to run like a cheetah?  Yep, I could go on and on.

I wonder how often I make Jesus sad because I wish I was someone else, instead of being thankful that I was created to be me.  I was made, with my strengths and weaknesses, to bring glory to Him and that isn’t possible if I’m whining and complaining.  Yes, I have weaknesses which I can work on improving, but I think there are times when He wants us to use our weaknesses to help others.  Sometimes, people need to see our shortcomings, to realize Jesus can use everyone to touch the lives of others.  Sometimes others need to see that we are human…definitely not perfect…and through our imperfections He can bring beauty.

I don’t know what your weaknesses are, but I hope you aren’t dwelling on them today wishing you were someone else.  You, my friend, were created in God’s image and He loves you just the way you are.  Can He help you improve in some areas?  Of course He can.  But He is much more interested in you having a willing spirit to be used for Him regardless of what you see as your imperfections.  

So, this is a fair warning that if you eat a piece of pie made by me…it won’t include a crust made by me.   But, trust me on this, you should consider that a blessing!  I’m back to using store bought pie crusts and I hate to brag…but they are quite good!

“For the Lord is the Spirit, 

and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, 

there is freedom. So all of us who 

have had that veil removed 

can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. 

And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us 

more and more like him as we are 

changed into his glorious image.”

2 Corinthians 3:17-18


Monday, September 18, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: All in the Family

If you have been in my home, you may remember that I really don’t have a theme as far as my decorating.  I’ve heard people say that their style of decorating is country, or modern, or eclectic, or traditional or mid-century modern…my style is well…just me.  I really don’t care if it is the latest fashion or not…I just want to feel comfortable with it and I want my home to feel comfortable to those who visit.  I have two nativity scenes that stay out year-round and things on my walls that have been there for many, many years.  Why?  Because I love why would I put them away?  

The only thing that changes in my home is the periodic addition of photographs.  Notice I said the “addition”…because I usually don’t put the old ones away…I just add the new ones!  I love these pictures because they are of my family who mean the world to me.  Looking at them brings me comfort, happiness and a feeling of contentment.  Why?  Because I know those in the photos really well and oh, I love them so.  I have spent hours and hours with them and have desired to know everything about them.  I could put pictures of your family throughout my home and while I would think they were nice…I wouldn’t have the same feelings when I looked at them as I do with my own family.  I know my family intimately because I have spent lots of time with them and I am closely related to them.  If I ever feel distant from them, it is usually because I haven’t spent quality time with them recently. 

It's so easy for me to want to know everything about my family.  I don’t think of spending time with them as a “chore”…or as something I do just to mark it off my list.  I look forward to seeing them…to spending time with them…to having a conversation with them.  Trust me, I am thrilled when I know I’m going to get the opportunity to see them.

I was thinking about this recently and it made me ask myself if I feel the same way about spending time with Christ.  Do I get up in the morning all excited to spend time with Him before I start my day?  Or do I think of it as just a “chore” that I need to get done so I can mark it off my list?  Do I look forward to spending time with Him…having a conversation and learning all I can about Him by reading His Word?  Or do I just rush through so I can get to the end and give Him my list of wants? 

I am the daughter of the creator of the universe.  His precious book was written to inspire me, direct me, and guide me as I seek to know Him more intimately.  I should know Him so well that I feel comfortable in His presence as I share with Him and He shares with me.  Being with my Jesus should bring me comfort, happiness and a feeling of contentment; but none of that will happen unless I desire to know everything about Him and want to live my life according to His instructions.

When you enter my home, I’m guessing it won’t take you long to know how much I love my family because of everything I have displayed.  But since I know my love for my Jesus should be even greater, I realize you should notice something more.  My goal needs to be that above all, you sense my love for my Jesus.  I want you to sense that the Holy Spirit lives in me and through me.  If you don’t…then I have failed.

I have a long way to go to be the follower of Jesus He wants me to be.  I know I need to spend more time in His Word…devouring His ways so they become my ways.  Since He is my Father, I want to learn everything He wants to teach me.  I’m definitely a work in progress and I hope you will keep me accountable to live according to His ways.  I think we all need to support each other and encourage each other on our journey because we are all in His family together.  And I just can’t help but think that maybe when we get to heaven and see the home He has prepared for us…there just might be pictures of us displayed for all to see.  Why?  Because we are His children and oh, He loves us so!


“So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you 

spiritual wisdom and understanding.”

Colossians 1:9

Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: He Sees YOU!

I have shared with you before how blessed I was with an amazing mom. She wasn’t perfect…but her example was one which I have strived to follow. 

She took her last breath on earth and her first breath in heaven in 2009.  Her health had begun to fail 10 years prior when we noticed the first signs of dementia, which later turned into Alzheimer’s.   We noticed her nerves being on edge and her thought processes were not clear.   She would easily become agitated which was not at all her normal personality.

What followed was something I would never wish on any family as we watched her slip away from us, one inch at a time, over those years. There were, of course, good days and bad days as she knew her mind was failing and there was no way to stop this dreaded disease.

There were times though during those years when God would speak to me through her even when her mind was not clear.  It is one of these moments that I was thinking about recently.

Mom had become ill and needed to be hospitalized.  She was very confused and somewhat agitated as I sat next to her bed.  Our conversation was not centered on reality, but the things that were in Mom’s mind were very real to her and were causing her distress.  I knew not to disagree with her or tell her that her fears were unfounded because that would only cause her to become more upset.

But suddenly, I noticed her begin to relax and calm down.  She looked at me and said, “Oh, do you hear that?  Do you hear that beautiful music?”  Unfortunately, I heard nothing but the hustle and bustle of the hospital corridor, along with the machines which were monitoring her, but it was obvious that in Mom’s mind she was hearing something.  Curiosity overtook me at that moment and so I said, “Yes Mom, I hear the music, but I just can’t quite figure out what song it is.  Can you?”  She smiled and said, “Oh yes, it’s ‘His Eye is on the Sparrow’ and that’s one of my favorite songs.”

Even in the dark abyss of Alzheimer’s, God could calm his dear child.  Even when nothing else that Mom said was based in reality, her precious relationship with her Savior could give her peace.  Why?  Because she had spent a lifetime focusing on her Lord.  I’m confident that many times in her years on this earth, the words from the scripture that this hymn is based on, brought peace and comfort to her soul; “What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” Matthew 10:29- (NLT)

This verse is a reminder to me by my Savior that there is no reason for me to ever fear or be discouraged.  No matter how dark days may be or how overwhelmed I may feel, His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Are you discouraged today?  Are you experiencing a valley that is dark and seems unending?  I want to encourage you today to fill your mind with God’s promises.  If He cares about every sparrow that falls, how much more must He care about you.  He is watching you and is your constant friend…never leaving you alone.  So, take hold of His hand today and draw closer to Him…He cares and can set you free…because His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He is watching you.

Why should I feel discouraged, 

why should the shadows come,

Why should my heart be lonely, 

and long for heav’n and home,

When Jesus is my portion? 

My constant Friend is He:

His eye is on the sparrow, 

and I know He watches me;

Civilla D. Martin 1905

Monday, September 4, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Let's "SEE" Others

Well, today is Labor Day, which is a sure sign that summer is coming to an end.  UGH.  I have so enjoyed this summer’s warm, sunny days and I’m praying we have many more before the snow flies!


Labor Day is a day when we honor the American worker; those people who work hard day in and day out to keep this world of ours moving forward.  Everywhere we look, we see laborers who are faithfully doing their job to the best of their ability.  Yes, I’m not naïve enough to think that everyone is doing their very best and working their hardest…but I don’t want to dwell today on those who choose to do just enough to get by.


I want us to turn our thoughts to those with whom we come in contact, who are obviously giving their all to bloom where God has planted them.  It doesn’t matter whether they are a cashier, a salesperson, a teacher, a lawyer, a ditch-digger, a stay-at-home parent or a doctor…they get up each morning determined to follow God’s plan for their day.  Even when they aren’t employed at their dream job…they still do their best…working as if God was their boss.


2020 changed our world forever…with Covid having a huge effect not only on health, but even our laborers looked much different.  Many places of business had to close due to the virus…and unfortunately…many of those businesses never reopened due to their severe financial loss.  Some reopened, but it has taken everything they’ve had to stay afloat.  Now in 2023, America’s workforce is still stressed beyond measure and there are few homes which haven’t been affected in some way.  


I think it is even more important then to be observant of those with whom we come in contact as we go about our daily lives.  In many cases, we have no idea what each person is facing in their life, and we may not realize that some are at their breaking point.  They may be holding on by a thread and it just may be that our making sure we “see” them, could be what makes the difference.  I think so many people feel invisible in this world and believe that no one cares…no one even sees them.  


It is so important we recognize and appreciate these dedicated workers today on Labor Day and in the days to come.  Some people give their all in everything they do…but they never have anyone notice and I find that sad.  It is easy to become so busy in our day that we overlook those whom God has placed in our path who need an encouraging word.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, as we go throughout each day, we were intentional in praising those we see?  It doesn’t have to take a lot of our time; sometimes just a simple, heartfelt “thank-you” is appropriate.  Maybe it is just asking the cashier how he or she is before they can say anything to us.  Maybe it is writing our child’s teacher a note, thanking him or her for all they do to instruct our loved one.  Maybe it is taking the time to tell our spouse how much we appreciate all they do each day to make our lives easier. 


The list of those we can encourage is endless.  The key is that we must be intentional; otherwise, opportunities will be missed.  The amazing thing is that as we lift the spirits of others, we will also be blessed.  The reason is that we can’t out give God…so as we deliberately strive to bless others…we will be blessed in return.

So let me begin by thanking all of you, my readers, for the love, support and encouragement you have shown me.  I am so humbled that you take your valuable time to read my ramblings.  Some of you I know quite well and there are others whom I have never met.  Regardless, you have blessed me immeasurably and my prayer is that God will shower you with HIS blessings as you continue your journey with HIM!


“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Philippians 1:3-6