Monday, November 28, 2022

Monday Morning Memo: Persistent Prayers

Thanksgiving is over and I enjoyed every minute.  Two of our children and their families joined us for the day and the only thing that could have made it more perfect would have been if our oldest daughter and her family could have been here too.  We ate, laughed and just enjoyed being together and I felt so very blessed.


With six of our grandchildren here (ranging from 11 months - 8 years old)…this grandma’s heart was bursting.  To hear them giggling…running through the house…and telling me story after story with eyes just a-dancin’…was such a blessing.  I soaked in every moment and so enjoyed just loving on them.  More than once I heard, “Grandma, I want to sit with you” and as a result, my lap was full with two and sometimes three young ones at the same time.  It was wonderful.


Since that day, I’ve realized I have neglected to do something for them that is really important.  Although I pray for them, I haven’t been praying for their future spouses on a regular basis.  I know that may sound rather crazy…praying for the person who will someday marry James (11 months old), Charlotte (3), Ezra (4), Emma (6), Ezekiel (6), Elias (8) and Kayden (17)…but that’s exactly what I did with my own children and it is important I also do it for my grandchildren.   I know that besides asking Jesus into their heart…choosing a life partner will be one of the most important decisions they will ever make.  So, if it is that crucial, I know that praying not only for them, but for their future spouse…needs to be a priority in my life.

I can’t put into words how amazing it was to watch Christ answer those prayers for each of our children.  We are blessed to have a Christian daughter-in-law and two Christian sons-in-law as a part of our family.  With each wedding, I thanked my Jesus over and over again for hearing my prayers and answering them in such a powerful way.  


Could He have worked all of this out without my years of praying?  Of course He could have.  But, I would have missed out on having a part in the entire process.   Oh, I learned so much over those years.  You see with each prayer…I fell just a little more in love with the future family member whom I didn’t even know.  I cared more and more for them as I prayed for their health, their protection, and above all, their relationship with Jesus.  I not only prayed for our child to become the Christ follower that he or she should be…but I lifted up their future mate…asking Jesus to draw them near to Him.  Then, as each spouse entered our family, I already loved them and felt like I had had a part in their lives…even if I hadn’t known who they were for many years.


If you are a parent or grandparent and aren’t praying for your children’s and grandchildren’s future mate…I want to urge you to begin doing so today.  Whether they are newborns or adults…praying for them and their future mate is one of the greatest gifts you will ever give them.  You may never know what your prayers have shielded them from or how they have been blessed by them…but I can attest to the fact that Christ will hear your prayers and will bless you for your persistent prayers.


“Never stop praying.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Monday, November 21, 2022

Monday Morning Memo: Button Pushers

Well, ready or not…here it comes!  This week begins the holiday madness of cooking, cleaning, shopping…so that you can spend love-filled, heartwarming, Hallmark-like time at various family gatherings.  Right?  OK…maybe that’s not what will take place for you between now and the end of the year.  I hope it is a fair description…but unfortunately, I know for some…the days ahead hold everything but a loving family scene.


We may (hopefully) get along great with our spouse, but please don’t make us be in the same room with certain family members.  Or, maybe we get along fine with our family, but please God, don’t make us sit in the same pew at church with that hypocrite who only shows up at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  


Most people have someone in their life that really irritates them.  This may be someone with whom they have a strained relationship or someone who just knows how to push their buttons.  And while it is often fairly easy to avoid these difficult people during the rest of the year…it sometimes is impossible to do so at holidays or special events…causing more stress than most are willing to endure.


Maybe the questions we need to ask ourselves when we are faced with these types of circumstances are, What can I do to change this situation?  Can I make this person change?  The answer is no.  If I nag and nag and nag will the situation get better?  The answer is no.  If I whine, complain and grumble about it to everyone I meet will it make the holidays bearable?  The answer is probably no. 


If I pray for this person and our relationship…will God hear my prayers?  The answer is yes.  If I pray for this person and our relationship…can God begin to change the other person and me?  The answer is yes.  If I pray for this person and our relationship…will my heart begin to soften and will I begin to see this person through God’s eyes instead of mine?  The answer is probably yes.


I Corinthians 13 is often referred to as the love chapter and I really like how some of the verses are written in the version The Message. They say:


“So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first”,
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.” 


WOW.  I know if I am honest, I fall way short in living out these verses on a daily basis.  I’m guessing if I really took these words seriously…using them as my guide for how to pray for those who push my buttons…I just might see God work in a mighty way.  What could God accomplish if each day I prayed,


“God, help me to never give up loving _________ (insert name).  Help me to care more for him/her than myself.  Lord, help me not to think that I am better than him/her and help me to not fly off the handle when I am irritated.  Help me to not rank sins…pointing out his/her indiscretions and neglecting to ask for forgiveness for mine.  Father, help me to trust you with _________ (insert name) and our relationship…knowing that you are able to do far more than I can even imagine.  Help me Lord to always be the person who you want me to be…until the day when you call me home.  Amen.” 


If you are looking for something to give Jesus this year for His birthday…I have a feeling He would love for you and me to commit to praying this prayer every day.  Who knows…maybe in doing this our holidays will end up being what they were intended to be…a time of praise and a time of celebrating Jesus’ birth…instead of a stressful time of button pushing J

Monday, November 14, 2022

Monday Morning Memo: "Just"

We were blessed recently to have three of our grandsons, ages 4, 6 & 8 come for a sleepover.  My oh my…do those boys have energy!  They came running in the house…eyes just dancing…all excited for the hours ahead.


Their personalities are so different.  Elias, 8, came in and immediately sat down at our kitchen island and began drawing us new pictures to display on our refrigerator.  Ezekiel, 6, sat down on a kitchen stool next to his brother…but all that was on his mind was what we were going to eat at our meals.  His first question is always the same, “Can we have pancakes?”  Trust me, saying no to that boy is next to impossible.  And then there is Ezra, 4, who is a combination of his brothers.  He came in and flashed me one of his huge smiles…and I knew we were in for some fun ðŸ˜Š


Oh, how wonderful it was to spend those hours with them.  They rode on our tractors, played outside, ate, watched some TV (so Grandma could rest!), asked me to read to them, slept a little and did I say they ate?  It is fun to cook for them because they love to eat!


We really didn’t do anything during those hours that was newsworthy.  We didn’t travel anywhere or shower them with expensive gifts.  We “just” spent time together playing…eating…talking…laughing…listening…and of course there were a few tears.  But I wouldn’t trade those moments with them for anything in the world.  There was no other place I wanted to be than “just” being with them…investing in their precious young lives and learning all I can about them.


As we sat down for one of our meals together, one of the boys spoke up and said he wanted to pray for our meal.  He bowed his head and said, “Dear Jesus, thank you that we get to be with grandpa and grandma”.  


I wonder if there are times when my Jesus wishes I would spend more time with Him.  Not time which includes going to church or helping in an area ministry or even doing good things for my community.  No, “just” time with Him and me…talking…laughing…sharing…listening…and of course maybe even shedding a few tears.  Time when I am content to “just” be with Him…not telling Him to do what I think He should do…but time when He can speak and I can listen so I can learn more and more about Him.  Time when I bow my head and thank Him for the privilege of spending time with Him.


We are living in crazy times when we can get so wrapped up with our hectic schedules that we fail to spend time just being with our family talking…laughing…sharing and listening.  And most importantly, times when we fail to just be with our Jesus, one on one, so we can learn more about Him and hear His voice.  


How can we expect to have strong family relationships and a vibrant, Spirit-filling walk with Jesus…if we don’t prioritize our time with them?  This week let’s make sure that “just” being present, even if it includes shedding some tears, will be just what we need to strengthen our relationships and fill our souls. 


“Look at how good and pleasing it is
    when families live together as one!” 

Psalm 133:1 (CEB)

Monday, November 7, 2022

Monday Morning Memo: The Winning Side

If you watch TV or are on any other social media venue, I’m sure you have noticed that many people seem to have an opinion to share on the midterm election tomorrow and on politics in general.  I get it…I have opinions and beliefs too and I am more than willing to share with you why I believe what I believe.  But,  I’m actually amazed at times of what some people share and the anger which seems to fuel them.  There isn’t anything wrong with voicing your thoughts on a candidate or a political issue, but I am saddened with the way some decide to use the opportunity to attack others.  We all have the right to our own opinions, but why is it so difficult to share them without assaulting others with our words?


Unfortunately, we seem to almost relish stepping all over others while we loudly tell our political views.  Why is it then, when it comes to our religious beliefs, we are often silent and use the excuse that we don’t want to step on anyone’s toes?  When we have the opportunity to speak up and share what Christ has done for us, we chicken out because we might be rejected or looked down on.  Instead of telling others, in love, that we have the answer to their searching, we just hope and pray that an ordained minister comes along to tell them the Good News.


I have to wonder what would happen if we were as willing to share our faith as we are to share our politics.  Would it make a difference in eternity?  I believe it would.  Time is of the essence and we need to be willing to speak boldly about our Jesus to a lost world.  

Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, I’m sure you want to be on the winning side.  Well with Jesus, we can be confident that we are…and always will be…the winners! 


“Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.

Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.”

Psalm 96:3