Monday, November 14, 2022

Monday Morning Memo: "Just"

We were blessed recently to have three of our grandsons, ages 4, 6 & 8 come for a sleepover.  My oh my…do those boys have energy!  They came running in the house…eyes just dancing…all excited for the hours ahead.


Their personalities are so different.  Elias, 8, came in and immediately sat down at our kitchen island and began drawing us new pictures to display on our refrigerator.  Ezekiel, 6, sat down on a kitchen stool next to his brother…but all that was on his mind was what we were going to eat at our meals.  His first question is always the same, “Can we have pancakes?”  Trust me, saying no to that boy is next to impossible.  And then there is Ezra, 4, who is a combination of his brothers.  He came in and flashed me one of his huge smiles…and I knew we were in for some fun 😊


Oh, how wonderful it was to spend those hours with them.  They rode on our tractors, played outside, ate, watched some TV (so Grandma could rest!), asked me to read to them, slept a little and did I say they ate?  It is fun to cook for them because they love to eat!


We really didn’t do anything during those hours that was newsworthy.  We didn’t travel anywhere or shower them with expensive gifts.  We “just” spent time together playing…eating…talking…laughing…listening…and of course there were a few tears.  But I wouldn’t trade those moments with them for anything in the world.  There was no other place I wanted to be than “just” being with them…investing in their precious young lives and learning all I can about them.


As we sat down for one of our meals together, one of the boys spoke up and said he wanted to pray for our meal.  He bowed his head and said, “Dear Jesus, thank you that we get to be with grandpa and grandma”.  


I wonder if there are times when my Jesus wishes I would spend more time with Him.  Not time which includes going to church or helping in an area ministry or even doing good things for my community.  No, “just” time with Him and me…talking…laughing…sharing…listening…and of course maybe even shedding a few tears.  Time when I am content to “just” be with Him…not telling Him to do what I think He should do…but time when He can speak and I can listen so I can learn more and more about Him.  Time when I bow my head and thank Him for the privilege of spending time with Him.


We are living in crazy times when we can get so wrapped up with our hectic schedules that we fail to spend time just being with our family talking…laughing…sharing and listening.  And most importantly, times when we fail to just be with our Jesus, one on one, so we can learn more about Him and hear His voice.  


How can we expect to have strong family relationships and a vibrant, Spirit-filling walk with Jesus…if we don’t prioritize our time with them?  This week let’s make sure that “just” being present, even if it includes shedding some tears, will be just what we need to strengthen our relationships and fill our souls. 


“Look at how good and pleasing it is
    when families live together as one!” 

Psalm 133:1 (CEB)

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