Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Attention to Details

I have been sharing the last few weeks about the six-week life detour that we were on recently. I realize that our “hiccup” lasted a relatively short time compared to many of your unexpected detours. I know that for some of you, the unexpected change in life plans turned into your new normal…and you may not see a resolution this side of heaven.  My heart grieves for you.

We were blessed that this particular episode was short-lived.  Erica is now back home in North Carolina and has returned to a relatively normal schedule.  She has been healing well and is gaining strength each day.  We realize that the outcome could have been much different, and we are thanking our Jesus for many answered prayers.

As many of you know, most of our life detours have centered around my health…not the health of one of our children.  So, this was a whole new “ballgame” for me, and I felt like God was whispering to me the entire time.  I have written before that I would have given about anything to have the pain be mine and not our daughter’s, but that wasn’t what He wanted for us and I knew we had lessons to be reminded of during this time.

I realized during those weeks that it is so good that we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Of course, I have known that before, but in this particular situation it was just glaring to me.  If I would have been told ahead of time, what my schedule for those six weeks would be, I probably would have told you that it couldn’t be done.  It would be just too physically wearing on all of us and I would have been sure that my health couldn’t withstand the schedule. But, every single day, the strength, wisdom and power were given to us.  What wasn’t possible for us to do…God stepped in and gave us what was needed and more.  

I learned during this time how many prayer warriors there are in this world.  We had people all over the country, lifting us up to the Great Physician each and every day.    It amazed me how many times I would get a text or call from someone, at just the right time.  Someone checking on us and letting us know that they were praying.  A cousin of mine in Florida, told his church family about Erica and they began to pray.  His pastor even anointed him, as a representative for Erica, asking God to touch her in a powerful way.  Others put Erica on their prayer chains.  And many, many of you blessed us over and over again by your willingness to pray. There is no way we can adequately thank you.

I think the biggest take-away for me from this detour, was the fact that we serve a God of details. Nothing He does is haphazard. When things make absolutely no sense to us…it is often because He is working out every exact detail behind the scenes.  While we are waiting…He is working.  

When doors kept slamming shut for Erica to have her surgery in North Carolina, it made no sense to us.  But little did we know, that the surgeon who God wanted to do the operation was in the process of moving to Indianapolis from Texas.  She would arrive at IU Health for her first day in the clinic on the exact day Erica’s appointment was scheduled.

Could God have worked it all out to have the perfect surgeon for Erica be in North Carolina? Of course He could have…but I believe He knew we needed to work on our “trust” factor.  We needed to trust Him completely to shut doors and open doors. We needed to trust that His ways are always perfect and His timing is always on time J   Our job is to trust…to walk through open doors AND to not waste time trying to pry doors open that have been slammed shut. 

I don’t know what you are going through today but I do know that I’m glad you don’t know what tomorrow will bring.   Tomorrow may be the day you get your answers…or it may be the day you begin an unexpected life detour.  Regardless, I want to urge you to trust the Creator of the universe. He alone knows what is perfect for you and today He is working out the details for your tomorrow.  What you can’t see…He can…and trust me…His attention to details will blow you away when you least expect it.  

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
    He delights in every detail of their lives.”

Psalm 37:23

Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: A Life Detour Part III

Our life detour continued as we arrived in Indianapolis on Wednesday, March 27th for our daughter Erica’s appointment to see the Minimally Invasive OBGYN surgeon. She talked with Erica and confirmed that surgery was going to be needed ASAP.  The problem was that this surgeon’s schedule was full for the rest of the week and she was going to be on vacation the following week.   BUT, (and sometimes the word “but” brings good news!)…another surgeon had just started at IU Health who was also a Minimally Invasive OBGYN surgeon and she, more than likely, could do the surgery.  This was this surgeon’s first day in the clinic.  If Erica’s appointment there would have been on Monday or Tuesday, when we thought it should have been, this doctor wouldn’t have been there to see Erica. Once again…God’s timing is always perfect!

Dr. Oshinowo, or as she called herself Dr. O, walked into the room and immediately put us at ease.  She was amazing.  She examined Erica and looked through all of her test results.  She concurred that surgery was needed and she could do it. But, she brought that dreaded “C” word back into the picture.  She was not willing to rule out that Erica didn’t have cancer.  Her test results were way too high for her liking and she wanted us to realize the possibilities.

Dr. O said that it would probably take a few days to get surgery scheduled, since other surgeons would also have to be lined up to assist.  An oncologist because of the possibility of cancer and a urologist because of the involvement of the kidneys.  Finally, Erica received the phone call she had been waiting for…surgery was scheduled for the following Wednesday.

I’m not going to lie…those days of waiting were difficult.  Especially since we felt like we were dealing with a ticking time bomb. All we could do was trust in God’s power and in His timing.

Wednesday finally arrived and we checked in at the hospital in Indianapolis.  Since the surgeon didn’t know exactly what she would find when she looked inside, Erica had to sign papers giving her approval for every possible scenario that could happen.  Erica might come out of surgery with all of her organs intact…or…everything involved may have to be removed.  Dr. O went over all the different possibilities and then she inquired as to whether we had asked a chaplain to come in before surgery. Erica told her that we had not. Then her surgeon informed us that she had already been praying for Erica and for this surgery, along with her mother who was a very strong prayer warrior.  We were overwhelmed.  Not only did God lead us to an excellent surgeon…He led us to a very strong Christian surgeon who wasn’t afraid of sharing her faith with her patients!

The surgery was scheduled to last three hours.  Fortunately, a close friend of ours lives in the area and was kind enough to come and spend the time of waiting with us.  Having Mary with us was such a blessing and we just couldn’t thank her enough for her willingness to be Jesus with skin on for us that day.

We started to receive updates from the doctor after the first couple hours.  The word was that Erica’s condition was much worse than expected.  It was discovered that her entire abdomen was “frozen” together with endometriosis, and many organs were involved.  We learned in one update that a general surgeon had to be called in to remove her appendix.   Another update told us that one of the cysts had been painstakingly removed from a ureter…still another one to go.  And one update gave us information we had been waiting to hear…there was no cancer! Oh, that was music to this mama’s ears.

We approached the three-hour mark…and then the four-hour mark.  Five, six and seven hours went by and all we were hearing was that she was still in surgery and the doctor was still carefully working on repairing everything in Erica’s abdomen.  Finally, after eight, very long hours, we were told that surgery was over.

We soon met with Dr. O and her assistant as she shared with us all that had to be done. She shared that Erica’s condition was one of the worst she had ever seen and that was why it had taken so long. One of the cysts was the size of a grapefruit and the other the size of an apple.  These doctors were willing to spend eight hours, doing all they could do to save Erica’s organs and, in the end, the only thing removed besides the cysts, was her appendix.  All other organs had been preserved.  

What a miracle that was because we had been told by one of the doctors in North Carolina that it was a given that Erica would automatically lose one ovary and a very good chance both ovaries.  There was even the possibility that she would need a complete hysterectomy.  If the surgery would have taken place in North Carolina…where we thought it should have happened…more than likely that would have been the outcome.  But…because all doors were slammed shut there and the doors were opened in Indianapolis…she had a very positive outcome.

We thanked the doctors over and over again for all they did for Erica and I told them that we knew the Lord had led us to them.  Dr. O then told us that not only had she and her mother been praying…but her husband and brother had also been praying for Erica throughout the day. God is SO good!

Yesterday we celebrated Easter…the day when our Jesus rose from the dead.  I know there are those who don’t believe this happened and deny that there is a living, risen King to worship and serve.  I’m here to tell you my friends…I have seen our living Jesus intervening is such powerful ways these past six weeks, that there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that He is alive and well and still in the miracle business.  HE gets all the glory.  HE gets my complete trust.  HE is coming again so that we can spend eternity with Him.  Are you ready?

 “He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise, 
the one who has done these mighty miracles 
that you have seen with your own eyes.”

Deuteronomy 10:21

Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: A Life Detour - Part II

Our life detour began on March 10th, 2019, and as I shared last week, it has been a stressful time of waiting.  When we found out that the first surgeon consulted in North Carolina did not feel she was the right one to operate on my daughter, Erica, we were sent to a Minimally Invasive OBGYN.  But it would be almost another week until we could get in to see him.

Her appointment was at 2:00 p.m. and we arrived at 1:30 p.m.  Erica filled out the necessary paperwork and we began the “fun” of waiting for her to be called back.  We waited…waited…and waited some more.  Finally, at 2:30 p.m. they came out and told us that there was a problem with her insurance and since her appointment was to be 30 minutes prior, she had missed it and she would have to reschedule.  We sat there in disbelief.  This appointment had been on the books for almost a week, and it was their office that was to verify insurance, etc, ahead of time and they had dropped the ball. But, they were taking no blame…and my blood pressure was rising.  Remember, we had been told, a week and a half prior, that Erica’s surgery was urgent and she was to be very careful in the meantime, since her kidneys could suddenly shut down…or one of the cysts could burst which wouldn’t have good results. Again, surgery was needed ASAP…but no one else was in a hurry.

We asked to talk to someone dealing with the insurance, and they (Duke System of NC) told us that they were no longer taking Erica’s insurance.  Now the other doctors Erica had seen leading up to this had been in the Duke system and had accepted her insurance, but this doctor would not. 

We left with Erica in tears and me feeling somewhat desperate.  At that moment I realized I was experiencing just a small taste of what mothers must go through in third world countries.  Mothers who so desperately want medical care for their children and there is none to be found.  Our situation wasn’t nearly as difficult as theirs…but mothers everywhere can understand the love we have for our children…no matter what their age.  

Fortunately, as we were waiting for this appointment, we had also contacted my son-in-law, John, who is a doctor in our area of Indiana.  We asked him if he knew of any Minimally Invasive OBGYNs, just in case I needed to bring Erica back to Indiana for the surgery.  There weren’t any of these doctors in our immediate area, but he had a friend who is currently in residency in Indianapolis with an OBGYN.  John said he would contact her to see if she knew of any of these specialists in her area. Her answer?  The doctor she is currently working with is a Minimally Invasive OBGYN and was willing to see Erica.  Isn’t our God amazing?

For the next two days following our “missed” appointment in North Carolina, we worked on trying to get the doctor there to agree to see Erica so that she could stay in her area for surgery.  We were praying that God would slam doors shut and open doors wide so that we knew exactly what we were to do.  I didn’t want us to make any mistakes because I knew we needed the best surgeon out there, so I told God He had to make it crystal clear to us.  On Friday of that week, Erica received a call from the head of the Duke financial department, saying that it was definite…the surgeon in North Carolina would not see her.

I told Erica that we couldn’t get a harder slam on a door than that, so I was going to take her back to Indiana.  By the time the weekend was over, we were back in my home and we had an appointment scheduled for Wednesday in Indianapolis.  In our minds, we were disappointed that she couldn’t be seen Monday or Tuesday…but as only God can do…we would find out that God had a reason for the appointment to be on Wednesday and once again, we were blown away by His timing and His attention to details.

Watching your child suffer, is one of the hardest things a parent will go through. I would have given anything to trade with Erica during this time, but I couldn’t, so she was going to have to face it and endure through the suffering herself.  All I could do was be a support to her and pray like crazy.

This week we will observe the day when Jesus gave His all for us.  I honestly can’t imagine what it must have been like for Mary to watch her Son, being crucified on a cross, for you and for me.  He was spit on…whipped…and finally hung on a tree; not because He was guilty…but because we are guilty.  I can’t imagine her anguish…her sobs…her begging God to save her precious Son.  I’m sure she would have given anything to take this torture from him, but she could not. She knew He was going to have to endure unimaginable pain and suffering…for you and for me.  

What will you do with His sacrifice for you?  Will you turn your back on Him?  Will you make His suffering worthwhile, accepting Him as your Lord and Savior…or will you be one who joins in on the ridicule and torture of the One who loves you so?  No one can make the decision for you…no one else can reserve your spot in Heaven…make sure you accept Him as your Lord and Savior today. 

Until next week, when I will share with you about our God who is still in the miracle business…

P.S.  Many of you have inquired as to what is currently happening in Erica’s situation…and you really want “the rest of the story” before you know all the details that led up to today.  Erica has had her surgery and has been recovering in our home. Today I am driving her back to North Carolina and she will continue her recovery there.  It has been a very long five weeks…but God has been so faithful as you will discover when you read next week’s post J

“Standing near the cross were Jesus’ mother, 
and his mother’s sister, Mary (the wife of Clopas), 
and Mary Magdalene.”

John 19:25

“He was beaten, he was tortured; but he didn’t say a word.
Like a lamb taken to be slaughtered and like a sheep being sheared,
    he took it all in silence.
Justice miscarried, and he was led off—
    and did anyone really know what was happening?
He died without a thought for his own welfare,
    beaten bloody for the sins of my people.
They buried him with the wicked, threw him in a grave with a rich man,
Even though he’d never hurt a soul or said one word that wasn’t true.
Still, it’s what God had in mind all along, to crush him with pain.
The plan was that he give himself as an offering for sin
    so that he’d see life come from it—life, life, and more life.
    And God’s plan will deeply prosper through him.”

Isaiah 53:7-10 (The Message)


Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: A Life Detour - Part I

I believe there are a list of phone calls that most parents don’t want to receive.  We received one of those several weeks ago and immediately, an unexpected life detour began.

We were on our way to church on a Sunday morning and the call came from our daughter, Erica, who lives in North Carolina.  She told us that she had been up all night, doubled over in severe pain in her abdomen and lower back.  We told her that she needed to call a friend to take her to the ER immediately.  Erica has such amazing friends and one of them immediately came and rushed her in to get help.

I’ll be honest…I don’t think I could tell you much about our church service that morning. This mama’s mind and heart were in North Carolina and not in what was going on around me.  Updates were sent to us often and finally, after tests were run, it was determined that large cysts on Erica’s ovaries were pressing on the ureters of her kidneys.  They released her and instructed her to see her doctor the next day because surgery would be needed ASAP.

The next morning, while I was on a plane flying to be with her, Erica saw her doctor and she confirmed that surgery would be needed just as soon as it could be lined up. But what she was told next…were words that no one wants to hear.  The surgeon she needed to see was an OBGYN Oncologist, because some of her test results pointed towards the possibility of cancer.

No one wants to hear the “C” word…cancer can take on many forms and can entail so many decisions, procedures and outcomes.  As I arrived to be with Erica and she told me the news, my heart fell to my toes.  But I knew that God was in control and whatever was ahead, was His perfect plan for her…even if it made absolutely no sense to me and scared me to death. 

Of course, even though the surgery was deemed as one that was needed immediately, we were told that the OBGYN Oncologist couldn’t see Erica until Thursday.  What added to the stress load of concern while we waited, was the fact that they told her to be very careful in the meantime, since her kidneys could suddenly shut down…or one of the cysts could burst which wouldn’t have good results.  So much to fill our minds with as we walked through the days until Thursday.

Of course, because I believe our God has a sense of humor, it was at this time that I was writing in my blog about trusting God completely…with no ands, ifs or buts.  That isn’t too hard to do if life is going along swimmingly, but throw in a sudden, scary detour and it takes it to a much higher level.  But God just kept reminding me…and I just kept saying over and over “God, I am going to trust you…with no “buts”.

Thursday finally arrived and we went to her appointment…expecting to come out with a game plan and a surgery date.  I’m telling you, I think the hardest thing I have ever done was walk into a women’s cancer center with my daughter.  Oh, if it could have only been me that needed to see the surgeon…not my daughter.  But that hadn’t been God’s plan, so we needed to see it through.

After the exam was done, we heard encouraging words and discouraging words.  The doctor said that even though Erica’s counts were high…she didn’t think she had cancer…but because of that, she didn’t think she was the right surgeon to operate.  She felt a Minimally Invasive OBGYN surgeon would give Erica a much better outcome and wanted to refer us to one in the area.  

We walked out a little relieved but a whole lot frustrated.  We felt like we were back to square one and now we would have to wait again to see the next surgeon.  Many calls were made, and, in the end, we were told that this surgeon couldn’t see Erica until the next Wednesday.  So, more days of waiting, all while wondering what might happen since the surgery needed to be done ASAP…but no one was in a hurry but us.

Waiting. I’ve decided I don’t like it.  If you are waiting for something fun to happen…there is excitement in the air and waiting is part of the fun.  But when you are waiting for something that you wish you didn’t have to even experience…waiting becomes, at times, overwhelming.

Since Easter is on the horizon, this experience has me wondering what it must have been like for Jesus during the days leading up to His crucifixion.  Talk about waiting!  It wasn’t a situation where He didn’t know what was going to happen…He knew every detail.  We were waiting for the unknown…He was waiting for the known.  He knew what He was going to have to go through…for you and for me…so that our sins could be forgiven and we could spend eternity with Him. Absolutely unbelievable. 

Are you in a time of waiting?   Trust Jesus.  He understands exactly what you are going through.  He’s been there and He won’t let you walk the detour without Him. Reach out to Him today.  If He loved you that much to be willing to go through the waiting period that led up to being crucified…I think He can help you as you walk these uncertain days.

Until next week, when I’ll share about the next wrench that was thrown into our detour…

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart 
and lean not on your own understanding; 
in all your ways submit to him, 
and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Don't Be a Fool

I came across this graphic last week and it sure hit home to me.  Many of you know that I come from a long lineage of Christians.  My grandfather was a minister…my father was a minister…so was his brother…his sister was a missionary nurse in Africa and his other sister married a minister.  On my mom’s side, her two sisters also married ministers and her brother was always a leader in the church.  Just about everywhere I turned growing up…someone in the ministry was in eye-shot.

I told someone recently that I don’t know why I was blessed to have this kind of lineage. Why was I born in the United States…to parents, grandparents and extended family… who loved the Lord?  Why was I fortunate to always have enough to eat and a safe, warm place to lay my head at night?   Why was I shown Jesus over and over again growing up, instead of being born in a country that never even spoke His name?

I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I am realizing the responsibility that I have because of what I have been given.  I think it is coming to my mind more often now, and in a much clearer view, since both of my parents are now in Heaven.  It now starts with me and those who have come after me will either feel blessed to have me in their ancestry “pool”, or wonder why they were chosen to have to put up with me.

I do know one thing for sure…having the long line of Christians before me…won’t get me into Heaven.  When I stand before Jesus, He won’t say, “Now let’s see…ahhh yes LuAnn…I see where your father, grandfather and uncle were ministers.  Why, quite a few of your ancestors were Christians and are already here in Heaven, so by all means…come on shore!”

No, I’m very doubtful that any of my relatives will be in the conversation between Jesus and me when I see Him face to face.  I also doubt that He will ask me what church I went to…gasp…because just being a member of a church won’t get me in either!  The only thing that Jesus will care about at that moment, is whether I asked Him to forgive me of my sins and invited Him to come into my heart and lead me on my earthly journey.

As the graphic today tells us, no one will ever get into Heaven because of someone else’s faith.  It is up to each of us to ask Jesus into our heart. So, if we are expecting to spend eternity with Jesus, just because our parents were Christians or because we sat in the pew every Sunday, unfortunately, we are wrong.

Today is April Fool’s Day and I know many people will be pulling pranks on their family and friends.  I want to assure you that my words today are not said as a prank or a joke.  Jesus is the reason that I get up every morning, pen every blog post and urgently pray for those who need to know that there is hope! Accepting Him is not difficult; you can come to Him just as you are right now…today.   All you have to do is say a prayer such as this:

“Dear Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins, were resurrected and that you are alive and well today.  I believe that you are the Son of God and that you deeply love me.  I confess that I am a sinner and I need you to forgive me and cleanse me from my sins. I accept you as my Savior and want you to create a new and clean heart in me.  I now want to live every day for you and I know that I will have eternal life with you because of what you did on Calvary’s cross for me.  Thank you, Jesus.  Amen.”

If you have prayed this prayer, please let me or a friend know so that we can be praying for you as you begin your walk with Jesus.  Please…please…don’t be a fool and reject what He has to offer you.  Only you can make this life-changing decision and I’m urging you to make it today.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16