Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: He Told Her?

There were three ministers who went to a pastor’s convention and were all sharing one room. The first pastor said, "Let's confess our secret sins one to another. I'll start.  My secret sin is I don’t take time to pray for my churchmembers but my members think I am a prayer warrior.” 

The second pastor said, "My secret sin is that I just hate working andpreparing the sermons. I copy all my sermons from those given by otherpastors." 

The third pastor said, "My secret sin is gossiping and, oh boy, I can't wait to get out of this room!"

We laugh at that, but if we are honest, we probably all have had secret sins in our life.  Sins that may haunt us…sins that may still control us…even sins that we have asked for forgiveness from, but still have an impact on our daily lives. 

You are probably familiar with John 4:1-42 which tells the story of the Samaritan woman.  This is a fascinating encounter to me.  Here was a woman with a very sordid past and her sins weren’tsecret.  Everyone in her community knew her to be promiscuous and I’m sure the tongues of the townspeople were kept pretty busy talking about this sinner.  She definitely wouldn’t have been one of the “in” crowd with the other women because more than likely, she may have slept with some of their husbands.  She would have been an outcast.  

So why in the world would Jesus choose to speak to this despised woman at the well?  If you read this text, you will see that He planned this encounter. Jesus chose this time and this place and this woman to be a part of a setting where He would, for the first time ever, formally and explicitly unveil His true identity as the Messiah.  I would have thought He would have done that for the first time before a large crowd, like a Billy Graham crusade, to have a much greater impact.  Instead, He selected this sinful, promiscuous woman to be the first to hear it.  To me, that is amazing.

He told her…because He knew of her past.  He told her…because He knew she needed a Messiah.  He told her…because He knew she would tell others.  Because of her willingness to tell others about the Messiah, because of her willingness to be vulnerable and confess to others about her sinful past, many came to know Him as their Lord and Savior.  Jesus knew that this area was on the verge of accepting this living water that He was offering.  That’s why He told his disciples that the field was ready for harvest there in Samaria.  And because of one woman, being willing to spread the word, many were saved.  Notice that these people told the woman that they no longer were just taking her word for it that Jesus was the Messiah.  They had heard it for themselves and now believed.  You see, too often we think we must do the saving.  We don’t!  We just have to be willing to tell those whom we see about our Jesus, about what He has done for us, and the Holy Spirit will make sure they see it for themselves.

You know, this woman could have wallowed in her sin, feeling like she wasn’t worthy of accepting the living water.  Obviously, she wasn’t proud of what she had done and the sins she had committed, and she could have continued on in this sinful life, feeling like she could never be forgiven for all she had done.  I think it is easy for some of us to do that too.  We’ve done things in our past which we are not proud of, and even though we know that Jesus says He will forgive us of those sins, we continue to hold on to them, feeling shame and embarrassment.  That is Satan making sure we don’t live a victorious life in Christ.  He wants to keep us down and discouraged. 

What an impact this despised, sinful, outcast woman ended up having on eternity!  If she could be used to make a difference, don’t you think you and I can be too?  Jesus can take us, with all our failures, with all our sins – secret and not so secret – cleanse us and allow us to be a living vessel for Him.  What an honor and what a privilege.  Now is the time to quit wallowing in our past and feeling that there isn’t any hope.  There IS hope in our Messiah!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Completely Obedient

The book had me hooked in the first chapter because it was about a Bible story which I love.  If you ask me who my favorite person in the Bible is, there is a good chance I would say Abraham because the story of him, and his son Isaac, just blows me away.

The book I have started reading this past week is, “The God of the Way”,  by Rabbi Jason Sobel, a Jewish follower of Jesus.  He is wonderful at giving great insight into the lives of those from Biblical days.  It’s not surprising then that he began the book by looking at Abraham.  What an amazing man he was.  I’ve always been in awe of his dedication and obedience to God…and Rabbi Sobel’s writings gave me even more of which to be impressed.  Did you know that God tested Abraham ten times through his life and each time, Abraham chose to trust and obey.  Every time, his faith didn’t waver because he trusted and rested in God’s faithfulness and timing.  

Even when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac…his resolve to be obedient held strong.  It has always amazed me that scripture tells us that after he was given these instructions…it was the next morning when Abraham set out with Isaac to fulfill God’s directives. He didn’t whine or complain or try to barter with God for a different outcome.  God spoke and Abraham obeyed.

But Rabbi Sobel shared another aspect of this story that I hadn’t considered.  He said that according to another highly respected Jewish scholar, Rabbi Kook, scripture alludes to the fact that Abraham “awoke” and rose up the next morning.  He said that evidently, Abraham slept soundly the night before he was to sacrifice Isaac.  He didn’t spend the wee hours pacing back and forth trying to bargain with God.  Knowing that he was called to sacrifice his son didn’t disturb his sleep.  It was this kind of calmness in faith which set Abraham apart from others.  Amazing.

And then there was Isaac.  He also had to be an obedient follower by what we read and learn from scripture.  Many of us think of Isaac as being a young boy at this time…but that couldn’t be further from the truth.  Sobel shared that according to Jewish tradition, Isaac was a man in his thirties and could have easily resisted his father who was well into his second century of life by then.  Instead, Isaac had the faith to trust both his earthly father and his heavenly Father.  Doubly amazing.

Oh, how I want to have faith like Abraham and Isaac.  I want their kind of obedience…one that hears God speak and then immediately obeys, even when I have no idea where it will lead me. While I believe I’ve grown in this area over the years, I know I still have a long way to go to be like these patriarchs of the Bible.

It comes down to the fact that we all have a choice to make.  As Rabbi Sobel shared, we can choose to follow God like Abraham did, to trust Him completely, believing His promises, or we can turn back.  God won’t make us obey…it is our decision as to whether or not we will be faithful followers. Even amid unthinkable trials, we can still choose to be people of incredible faith and obedience, led by God the Father as Abraham was.

I can hardly wait to see what I learn as I read the rest of this book.  If I use my highlighter as much in the other chapters as I have so far…I just may need another highlighter.  I’m praying that my eyes will be opened and my heart will be softened as the Holy Spirit continues to speak to my soul :-) 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: If Only

Unless you’ve had your head in the sand, you know that it has been another week of horrific events in our world. Just about every TV and radio station gave us a moment-by-moment account of the bombings and the after effects. Time after time, I heard the newscaster say before running one of the stories, “And we just want to warn you, these images are difficult to see”. 

It is not possible for me to think the way some people think. I just don’t have it in me. I cannot fathom how someone can deliberately make the choice to injure, kill, torture and forever change the lives of many. There is no explanation, no commentary, and no psychological evaluation that can get me to understand those thought patterns. A person whose mind is so bent for evil makes decisions which most of us just can’t grasp. 

If only someone could have intervened. If only someone could have said something to those with such malicious hearts that would have changed their minds and their plans. If only their parents would have raised them differently. If only their teachers would have spent more time teaching them one on one. If only.... 

We can spend hour after hour listing the “If only” scenarios, but it doesn’t change what has happened in the past. We can’t go back. Yesterday has already been recorded in the record books and nothing we can do can change the history that has been made. 

Today, this 24-hour period, is the only segment of time in which we can do something to make a difference. But unfortunately, the only part of today which we have jurisdiction over is ourselves. We can change no one else. We cannot make anyone think the way we think, or behave the way we think they should behave, or make decisions which we think should be made. We only have the ability to change ourselves. 

That stinks, doesn’t it? It is so much easier to spend our time wishing everyone else would change. The world would be a much better place if THEY would just get their act together. I mean, I have reasons for why I behave the way I do...if only you knew what I have been would surely understand. 

The sobering thought is that others’ lives may never change if they don’t see a change in us. If we aren’t living lives which are completely sold out to Christ; lives which are filled with His Spirit and controlled by His touch, they may never know that we have the answer to their pain and hurt.

In light of the events of this past week, I think there is only one “If only” we should be thinking about. If only they could have met our Jesus and realized the sacrifice which has already been made for them. So true. But THEY may never meet our Jesus, if they don’t see Him in US. 

No matter how each incident is labeled or described, it comes down to the fact that we have a world who needs Jesus. The question is, “Are we willing to be Jesus with skin on today, so that others will have hope for their tomorrow?” Just think...If only you and I would change...they could see Jesus! 

“For he is our God.
We are the people he watches over,

the flock under his care.
If only you would listen to his voice today!”

Psalm 95:7 (NLT)

Monday, October 9, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Too Much to Ask?

When our children were growing up, there were times when I heard a certain statement come from their mouths. I would tell them to do a chore, such as cleaning their bedroom so the floor could be seen, and I would receive this response; “But I don’t FEEL like cleaning my room.” To which I would usually reply, “Well, if I only did what I FELT like doing, not much would get done.” If that comment didn’t tug at their heartstrings and they still didn’t want to obey, I would tell them that if they didn’t do what they were told to do, they would be FEELING something warm on their backside :-) 

I can laugh at those times now but when I was in the situation, I usually wasn’t laughing much. I just wanted them to do what I wanted them to do with no arguing. Was that too much to ask? It would frustrate me when they couldn’t comprehend the fact that life would be much happier for all of us if they would just trust me to know what was best for them. From my perspective, it didn’t matter whether they FELT like doing something or not; if I as their parent wanted them to dust the furniture then they should cheerfully bow to me and say, “Yes dear mother, your wish is our command”. OK...maybe I was expecting a little too much! 

Reliving those days made me ask myself if my Heavenly Father ever tells me to do something, only to hear from me, “But I don’t FEEL like doing that”. If I am honest, I have to say yes, He has heard that response from me. I wonder if He gets frustrated when I don’t comprehend the fact that life would go much easier if I would just trust Him to know what is best for me. I know there have been many times when my disobedience deserved a good “warming of my backside” and it could have been avoided if I would have just done what I was told to do. 

Is your Heavenly Father asking you to do something now that you don’t FEEL like doing? Are you listing reason after reason why you don’t think you should have to obey Him? When you do this, you are actually telling Him that you know more than He does and there usually isn’t a good outcome when a child feels that way about their parent; especially when the parent is the God of the universe. It might be something as simple as going to church on Sunday. You know He wants you to put aside that time to worship Him, but because you don’t FEEL like going, you find every excuse as to why you can’t fit it in your schedule. Or maybe He is asking you to step out of your comfort zone and share about Him with an unsaved friend. But because you fear looking “different” or being called a religious freak, you choose to be disobedient. 

As we go throughout our week, let’s be intentional in obeying our Father whether we FEEL like it or not. I am confident that we will be blessed for our obedience and we may be surprised that our FEELINGS just might change as we do what He is telling us to do. He died for us and rose again so we can have a future with hope and all He asks of us is to trust Him and be obedient. Is that too much to ask? 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: The God of Convenience

Forty-two years.  When I was a child that number seemed like a million years in the future.  Now looking back as an adult…those years began just yesterday…didn’t they?

Forty-two years ago tomorrow, on October 3rd, 1981, I married the man whom God created for me.  I had no idea what the days ahead of us would hold; all I knew was we had just committed to each other that we were in this for the long haul (sounds romantic, doesn’t it?!).  Divorce was not going to be a word which would be thrown around as a threat…it wouldn’t even be in our vocabulary.  I have been very thankful for that over these years…because trust me…most men would have given up on me a long time ago!

I’ve heard that some couples are changing their vows to say that they promise to be married for as long as they still love each other; or for as long as they are happy.  To be married “until death do us part” has gone by the wayside and commitments are made to last as long as it is convenient.  Bumps in the road soon become craters and it doesn’t take much for the husband and/or wife to be swallowed up and consumed with themselves and with what makes him or her happy.

We have become a society which wants the world to revolve around us; a society where “me” is much more important than “we” and where “we” is more important than “HE”.  He, the Lord Jesus Christ, is not who we look to anymore to learn how to grow and develop our relationships because He tells us to die to self daily…and let’s face it…that doesn’t sound easy or fun.

This used to be more prevalent in non-Christians, but today there doesn’t seem to be much difference.  Many professing believers opt to not even get married and just choose to live together…just in case they discover they aren’t compatible.  Honestly, I am so saddened as I hear Christians talking or read Facebook statuses as some proclaim their allegiance to their God all while cohabitating with their significant other.  Premarital sex is accepted as the “normal” thing to do anymore because we believe the old saying, “If it feels good do it”.  Oh, we expect God to be there when we need Him…but only when it is convenient for us.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop with our marriages.  Many of us are sitting in the pews on Sunday morning, lifting our praises to God, but choosing to live for ourselves the rest of the week.  I think for some reason we have concluded that putting our time in on Sunday, gives us a “free pass” to worship “me” Monday through Saturday.  I just can’t believe this is what the life of a fully devoted Christian should look like. Regrettably, we have become followers only when it is convenient.  Our world is crumbling down around us as we stand by and watch…pointing fingers at everyone else because it surely isn’t any fault of ours…is it? 

Change can only happen when I first make sure that the “me” which is seen on Sunday morning is the same “me” that is seen throughout the week.  That means that in my marriage, in my relationships, in my job, in my daily walk…my “me” must be replaced with Christ.  I have heard it said that whatever controls our mind…controls our life so I must first begin to replace my selfish thoughts with God’s thoughts.  If the choices I make are centered on His Word and His desires for my life, I can’t help but believe that my marriage, my relationships, my job and my daily walk will be much stronger and will begin to mirror His image.

I’ll be honest.  Following Christ isn’t always convenient.  Following Christ isn’t always fun.  Following Christ doesn’t always make us feel good.  Sometimes it is downright hard and doesn’t give us an overwhelming feeling of happiness.  But I don’t think Christ’s goal is to make us comfortable or even happy.  His goal is to make us look more like Him and to do that we often have to sacrifice what we want…to give Him what He needs to accomplish this within us.

Forty-two years in my marriage and 63 years on this earth.  In God’s timing, that isn’t even a fraction of a second.  I have no idea where the next fraction of a second will take me.  But my prayer is that during whatever time I am given, I will stop settling for the God of convenience and be willing to sacrifice whatever it takes so others will begin to see more of Him and less of me.

 “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you

 to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. 

Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. 

This is truly the way to worship him.”

Romans 12:1