Monday, October 26, 2015

Regardless of Your Decision

Once again…I’ve got a word rambling in my head.  This happens every once in a while.  I see a sign or hear someone mention a word in conversation or as it happened this time…read a graphic. 

The word?  Resolution.  It’s not a word that we hear as much in October.  It’s a word that is more apt to be said or thought at the beginning of the year when many of us make one or more New Year resolutions that are often broken before the calendar is turned to February.

The dictionary says that a resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something.  Another dictionary said that it’s when you are firmly determined about something. You make up your mind that you will not waver and you will not accept less that what you have resolved to do.  You resolve that you are going to eat healthier and exercise.  You make a promise to yourself that you are going to read God’s Word every day and spend time with God in prayer.  You make up your mind that you will control your spending and not go on shopping sprees where you spend money that you don’t have.  All of those things are great resolutions to make, but the problem is that they are much easier to talk about…than to do.

So why is it that even with the best intentions, we often fall short of keeping our resolutions?  We usually don’t make our promise, expecting to break it.  We make it fully intending to be strong enough to see it to fruition.  We believe in whatever we resolve to do and have faith in ourselves to see it through. 

It wasn’t until I saw this graphic that I had a light bulb go on in my head concerning why our resolutions often fail.   

I think one of the biggest reasons our resolutions fail is because we often make our promises alone.  We make a decision to do or not do something, but it isn’t long until we realize that those around us haven’t made that same resolution.  We are determined to eat healthier and exercise on a consistent basis…but the rest of our family has no intention to give up their Twinkies.

We promise God that reading His Word and spending time in prayer will be our top priority.  The problem arises when those around us don’t see this as a daily task that is important and so when their schedules begin to affect ours, we soon lose track of time and it isn’t long until our quiet time is filled with noise.

We make up our mind to control our spending, but then we see that our friends and neighbors have toys that we don’t have and we begin to feel “less” than them.  To be able to keep up with the “Joneses” we soon determine that we are going to have to overextend our finances once again; otherwise we won’t be included in the in crowd.

I think that is where we often fall short.  Our resolutions are only applicable as long as everyone around us is making the same resolutions.  As long as they are in total agreement with our thoughts, we have the stamina to keep our promises.  But when they don’t have the same convictions that we have, it doesn’t take long for us to crumble.

I believe God is asking for more than a flippant resolution that changes with the wind.  He is asking for us to make a solemn vow to Him that we will do His will each and every day, even if everyone around us isn’t.  Even if we are the only one who He is calling to do or not do something, He expects our resolution to not be a mere sentiment, but a steadfast determination that is fueled by His strength.

I get excited when I think about what might happen in our families, our communities and in our world if each of us would make this resolution to live completely sold out to God, even if no one else does.  What a difference could be made in these dark days that we are living in, if each of us would resolve to let our light shine for Him, no matter the cost. 

Are you in?  I hope so.  But I know that I can’t wait to see what your choices are before I make my decision.  I need to resolve today to do His will…regardless of your decision.

“For this reason, since the day we heard about this, we have not stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will with respect to all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you might live in a manner worthy of the Lord and be fully pleasing to him as you bear fruit while doing all kinds of good things and growing in the full knowledge of God.”
Colossians 1:9-10

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: If Jesus Was On Facebook

I, like so many of you, are on Facebook.  As I wrote at the first of this year in “Above All Else”, this avenue of social media can easily take control of our lives and we need to be diligent to make sure that our focus is more on Christ than on Facebook statuses.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: Experiencing God

I have wanted to write about this for a couple weeks, but I just couldn’t find the words.  Finally this past weekend, the Lord began to put my thoughts together so I could share them with you.

On Sunday September 20th, we met our daughter, son-in-law and grandson for lunch after church.  When we left the restaurant, my husband and I talked about whether we would go home or go to the hospital to see a friend of ours, Ray, who was facing a serious surgery.

To be honest, I wanted to go home.  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him, but I was tired and really just wanted to go home and vegetate.  It had been a long week and I desperately needed a nap.  I also was concerned that since it was a Sunday afternoon, he would have lots of visitors and it would be too much for him.  We went back and forth trying to decide what to do and finally came to the conclusion that we should head for the hospital.

We entered his room and were surprised to find him all alone.  Some of his family had just left and so he seemed happy to see us walk in.  We greeted him and told him that we were sorry that he had to go through this.  His immediate response was, “Really, it’s ok.  The One who created me knows all about me and I know I’m in His hands.  I have peace about this and I’m just trusting Him.”

Wow.  It’s so much easier to say that we would have peace if we were faced with difficult situations when things are going well, but to hear someone say those words when he is in the middle of scary circumstances, really spoke to me.  What followed was an inspiring visit as he shared more details of his life with us and we left so thankful that we had decided to visit him.

Little did we know that just a few days later, on September 25th, Ray would meet his Creator face to face.  When we received word of his passing, all I could think of were his words of peace the Sunday before.  He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his God was bigger than anything he would face and that all he had to do was put his trust in Him.

Fast forward to this past weekend when I was reading in a book that a friend had recommended.  The writer, a woman who was brutally raped at the age of 15 shared these words, “Although I knew God, a tragedy like this made me experience God.  In Job 42:5, Job said, ‘I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You.’” 

My thoughts immediately went to Ray.  He didn’t just know his God when difficult times came…he experienced his God.  He felt Him…He heard Him…He trusted Him and again, he experienced Him.  This didn’t just happen after the health issue arose, it began during the good times when Ray walked with His God day in and day out.  Because of this when trouble did arise, he was already in step with his Creator and could rest in His care.

What an awesome reminder this has been for me to make sure that I am always seeking a closer relationship with the One who created me.  Every minute of every day, I need to walk in step with my God and be solely focused on Him.  That way, when trials and temptations come, it will be completely natural for me to trust Him.
We went to the hospital that day thinking we were going to bless Ray and walked out realizing we were the ones who had been blessed.  That’s what happens when you are in the presence of a true follower of God.  May each of us seek to be that kind of a light to the dark world in which we live. 

“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear;
but now my eye sees You.” 

Job 42:5

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Modern Christianity

I shared with you yesterday something that has been burning in my soul.  I am so saddened by what I am seeing among Christians today which is serving not the Almighty God, but the God of convenience.  We, and I'm including myself, have become complacent in our walk.  We interpret the Bible to say what we want it to say, so that we can make the choices that we want to make.  

This morning I received this graphic in my e-mail box and the words just blew me away.  I wish that they would have shocked me and that I would be able to immediately disagree.  But I can't.  Unfortunately they are true and it is time that we wake up.  May God grant us the courage and strength to serve Him with everything that we matter the cost.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: The God of Convenience

Thirty-four years.  When I was a child that number seemed like a million years in the future.  Now looking back as an adult…those years began just yesterday…didn’t they?

Thirty-four years ago, on October 3rd, 1981, I married the man that God created for me.  I had no idea what the days ahead of us would hold; all I knew was that we had just committed to each other that we were in this for the long haul (sounds romantic, doesn’t it?!).  Divorce was not going to be a word that would be thrown around as a threat…it wouldn’t even be in our vocabulary. 

I recently heard that some couples are now changing their vows to say that they promise to be married for as long as they still love each other; or for as long as they are happy.  To be married “until death do us part” has gone by the wayside and commitments are made to last as long as it is convenient.  Bumps in the road soon become craters and it doesn’t take much for the husband and/or wife to be swallowed up and consumed with themselves and with what makes him or her happy.

We have become a society that wants the world to revolve around us; a society where “me” is much more important than “we” and where “we” is more important than “HE”.  He, the Lord Jesus Christ, is not who we look to anymore to learn how to grow and develop our relationships because He tells us to die to self daily and let’s face it…that doesn’t sound easy or fun.

This used to be more prevalent in non-Christians, but today there doesn’t seem to be much difference.  Many professing believers opt to not even get married and just choose to live together…just in case they discover they aren’t compatible.  Honestly, I am so saddened as I hear Christians talking or read Facebook statuses as some proclaim their allegiance to their God all while cohabitating with their significant other.  Premarital sex is accepted as the “normal” thing to do anymore because we believe the old saying,  “If it feels good do it”.  Oh, we expect God to be there when we need Him…but only when it is convenient for us.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop with our marriages.  Many of us are sitting in the pews on Sunday morning, lifting our praises to God, but choosing to live for ourselves the rest of the week.  I think for some reason we have come to the conclusion that putting our time in on Sunday, gives us a “free pass” to worship “me” Monday through Saturday.  I just can’t believe that this is what the life of a fully devoted Christian should look like.  Regrettably, we have become followers only when it is convenient.  Our world is crumbly down around us as we stand by and watch…pointing fingers at everyone else because it surely isn’t any fault of ours…is it? 

Change can only happen when I first make sure that the “me” that is seen on Sunday morning is the same “me” that is seen throughout the week.  That means that in my marriage, in my relationships, in my job, in my daily walk…my “me” has to be replaced with Christ.  I have heard it said that whatever controls our mind…controls our life so I must first begin to replace my selfish thoughts with God’s thoughts.  If the choices I make are centered on His Word and His desires for my life, I can’t help but believe that my marriage, my relationships, my job and my daily walk will be much stronger and will begin to mirror His image.

I’ll be honest.  Following Christ isn’t always convenient.  Following Christ isn’t always fun.  Following Christ doesn’t always make us feel good.  Sometimes it is downright hard and doesn’t give us an overwhelming feeling of happiness.  But I don’t think Christ’s goal is to make us comfortable or even happy.  His goal is to make us look more like Him and to do that we often have to sacrifice what we want to give Him what He needs to accomplish this within us.

Thirty-four years in my marriage and 55 years on this earth.  In God’s timing, that isn’t even a fraction of a second.  I have no idea where the next fraction of a second will take me.  But my prayer is that during whatever time I am given, I will stop settling for the God of convenience and be willing to sacrifice whatever it takes so that others will begin to see more of Him and less of me.

 “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you
 to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you.
Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”
Romans 12:1

 “My old self has been crucified with Christ. 
It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.
So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Galatians 2:20