Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: Experiencing God

I have wanted to write about this for a couple weeks, but I just couldn’t find the words.  Finally this past weekend, the Lord began to put my thoughts together so I could share them with you.

On Sunday September 20th, we met our daughter, son-in-law and grandson for lunch after church.  When we left the restaurant, my husband and I talked about whether we would go home or go to the hospital to see a friend of ours, Ray, who was facing a serious surgery.

To be honest, I wanted to go home.  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him, but I was tired and really just wanted to go home and vegetate.  It had been a long week and I desperately needed a nap.  I also was concerned that since it was a Sunday afternoon, he would have lots of visitors and it would be too much for him.  We went back and forth trying to decide what to do and finally came to the conclusion that we should head for the hospital.

We entered his room and were surprised to find him all alone.  Some of his family had just left and so he seemed happy to see us walk in.  We greeted him and told him that we were sorry that he had to go through this.  His immediate response was, “Really, it’s ok.  The One who created me knows all about me and I know I’m in His hands.  I have peace about this and I’m just trusting Him.”

Wow.  It’s so much easier to say that we would have peace if we were faced with difficult situations when things are going well, but to hear someone say those words when he is in the middle of scary circumstances, really spoke to me.  What followed was an inspiring visit as he shared more details of his life with us and we left so thankful that we had decided to visit him.

Little did we know that just a few days later, on September 25th, Ray would meet his Creator face to face.  When we received word of his passing, all I could think of were his words of peace the Sunday before.  He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his God was bigger than anything he would face and that all he had to do was put his trust in Him.

Fast forward to this past weekend when I was reading in a book that a friend had recommended.  The writer, a woman who was brutally raped at the age of 15 shared these words, “Although I knew God, a tragedy like this made me experience God.  In Job 42:5, Job said, ‘I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You.’” 

My thoughts immediately went to Ray.  He didn’t just know his God when difficult times came…he experienced his God.  He felt Him…He heard Him…He trusted Him and again, he experienced Him.  This didn’t just happen after the health issue arose, it began during the good times when Ray walked with His God day in and day out.  Because of this when trouble did arise, he was already in step with his Creator and could rest in His care.

What an awesome reminder this has been for me to make sure that I am always seeking a closer relationship with the One who created me.  Every minute of every day, I need to walk in step with my God and be solely focused on Him.  That way, when trials and temptations come, it will be completely natural for me to trust Him.
We went to the hospital that day thinking we were going to bless Ray and walked out realizing we were the ones who had been blessed.  That’s what happens when you are in the presence of a true follower of God.  May each of us seek to be that kind of a light to the dark world in which we live. 

“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear;
but now my eye sees You.” 

Job 42:5

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