Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: If Jesus Was On Facebook

I, like so many of you, are on Facebook.  As I wrote at the first of this year in “Above All Else”, this avenue of social media can easily take control of our lives and we need to be diligent to make sure that our focus is more on Christ than on Facebook statuses.

As I’ve also shared with you before, I often have strange things pop into my head and once again this has been happening the last couple of days.  As I’ve been reading updates on Facebook, my thoughts keep going to this: what if Jesus was on Facebook?  What would His page look like?  What kinds of things would He deem important enough to post?

Of course I know that many of you would say that He wouldn’t ever be on Facebook to begin with.  I’m not going to get into a debate with anyone about this, but I do know that He was and is willing to use just about any avenue to get His message out to those who will listen.  So maybe, just maybe, He would decide to use this form of social media to connect with those that He created.

So today I’m asking you to please humor me with these thoughts of mine, as I ponder about what His page might include.  First of all, I think He would post lots of pictures.  Not pictures of the great things He has done, but photos of His precious children whom He loves so much.  Just like we rush to post pictures of our family and friends, I happen to believe He would also love to share photos of His children enjoying their journey with Him.  Do you realize how much He loves you?  1 John 3:1 tells us,   “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”  If we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior, we are His children and I just happen to think He would want everyone to see those He dearly loves.

I also think He just might post inspirational music.  One of my favorite verses is found in Zephaniah 3:17, “For the Lord your God is living among you.  He is a mighty savior.  He will take delight in you with gladness.  With his love, he will calm all your fears.  He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”  If scripture tells us that He rejoices over us with joyful songs, then surely He would want to post music that would encourage us, bless us and as this verse tells us, calm our fears.

I think He would probably post upcoming services and events where we could learn more about Him.  Not places where we could just have our ears tickled and feel good about ourselves, but places where we could go to be challenged in our walk.  Services where we could hear from His appointed messengers who aren’t afraid to tell it like it is.  He would direct us towards pastors who are more concerned about whether their parishioners are ready to face eternity than they are whether they will win a popularity contest.

Some may think I’m a little warped, but I would think Jesus just might post funny, clean jokes.  We often think of Him being serious all the time, but I believe He loved to laugh and would enjoy sharing some clean fun.

Of course, my mind has also been mulling over what He probably wouldn’t post.  I don’t think he would post videos or music or jokes with a disclaimer such as, “Sorry for the language or innuendoes in this, but it is just so funny.”  I also don’t think he would share photos or graphics that have come from porn sites or sites including vulgar language.

I would be surprised if He would share posts where He attacked those who disagreed with Him.  Scripture tells us how we are to handle those with whom we have a disagreement.  We are first to go and talk with them privately and then Matthew 18:16 tells us:  "But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.”  Too often we see people attacking using, as their first response, social media as their weapon.  I just can’t see Jesus using this method.

I also can’t see Jesus writing posts that talk about thinking of himself first.  Posts that talk about living His life in a way that makes sure HE is happy.  I would be shocked if He would post, “It’s time I start thinking about what makes ME happy.  I’ve cared about others far too long, it’s time I begin focusing on ME.”  Can you imagine if that would have been His thoughts when He faced Calvary?  I really doubt being ridiculed, spit on, beaten and eventually hung on a cross to die, brought Him much joy.  But because He loved others so much, He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for you and for me.

I’m thinking that as Christians, we might want to take a moment before we post anything to Facebook, and ask ourselves if this is a post that Jesus would share.  If it isn’t, then maybe we would be better off to sign off and wait until we have something to share that will bring Him glory.  If others are going to see Christ’s image in us, then they need to hear from our mouth and see from our posts that His thoughts are ours too.

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