Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Stay in the Game!

If you know me well, you know that being a grandma is one of my greatest blessings.  Spending time with them is so much fun and yes, if I’m honest, I might be known to spoil them just a bit.  In fact, two of my grandsons were looking at a catalog before Christmas, figuring out things they wanted.  Our daughter then overheard one of them say, “Let’s tell grandma…she’ll get it for us”. That, of course, made me smile…and made my daughter roll her eyes ðŸ˜Š


Besides spoiling them, it is my goal to pour truth into their lives whenever I am given a chance…but there are times when they teach me instead.  Let me explain…


When our oldest grandson was three years old (he will soon be nine)…he was obsessed with the game, “Simon Says”.  In case you aren’t familiar with this simple game, Simon Says is a child's game where one player takes the role of "Simon" and gives instructions to the other players, which should only be followed if prefaced with the phrase "Simon says".  If Simon doesn’t begin the instructions with those words, the players are not to comply, and if they do they are out of the game.


Elias was at our home one day and wanted us to play this game and of course, he wanted to be Simon.  There Grandpa and I were, patting our heads, waving our arms like we were flying and doing whatever “Simon” told us to do.  After we had played for quite a while, Simon (aka Elias) suddenly told us to “tell everybody about Jesus!”  I’ll be honest, it took me by surprise and so I looked at him and he nonchalantly said, “That’s what we’re supposed to do grandma.  We’re supposed to tell everybody about Jesus!”  I responded, “Yes we are Elias.”


Elias’ statement that day taught me a few things.  First of all, it is so important that we are intentional in teaching our children spiritual principles at a young age. Children’s minds are like sponges and they can easily absorb Biblical truths.  They may not understand it all at this point, but having it in their young thoughts is so important.


Secondly, I think we often make sharing about our Jesus too difficult.  It amazed me that day how matter-of-factly Elias told me what we are supposed to do.  To him it was just a given that we are all supposed to tell everybody about Jesus.  Plain and simple.  We don’t have to prepare a sermon…study a stack of theological books…or practice pronouncing big words.  We are just supposed to tell others about our Jesus.  We are living in a lost world and so many are searching for answers, and we have those answers in Jesus Christ.  But if we don’t tell them, they may never know, and that could make the difference as to whether they spend eternity in heaven or hell. 


Last, but not least, it is so important who we listen to each and every day.  It is easy to listen to the world as it is screaming at us to do our own thing and as a result, we neglect to listen to our “Simon” – Jesus Christ.   If we are spending time in His Word and praying every day, we are more likely to hear Him as He directs our steps.  It is imperative we make listening for His voice a priority.


As we go throughout our week, let’s remember that we are on this earth to teach, share and most of all, listen to our Heavenly Father.  I believe if we are truly in tune to His promptings, He will give us the opportunity to let others know how much He means to us.  Again, we don’t have to memorize a long speech; we just need to be willing to share.  Very few of us have a hard time telling others about our kids, grandkids, job or our vacations…we ought to be willing to talk about the One who gave His life for us.  And, if you are leery about sharing, don’t forget that “Simon says…tell everybody about Jesus!”  So, you better obey because you want to make sure you get to stay in the game!


 “Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.

Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!

He is to be feared above all gods.”

Psalm 96:2-4

Monday, January 23, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: A Reflection of Him...Always

OUCH.  Sometimes I come across a quote that makes me a little uncomfortable.  The one I am sharing with you today does just that.  On the surface, we all know we aren’t supposed to judge others and most of us think we aren’t guilty of doing it.  But if we are honest, we all probably judge more than we think we do. 

I believe for many of us, we judge others because we want to feel better about ourselves, so we point out the negatives in those we meet.  We surely would never do the things that they do…we are much holier than them.  So, we continue to run them down to make sure and lift us up.  Too often, our low self-esteem rears its ugly head and because of that, we lash out, pointing out all the negatives and wrong things that others do.  

But (and you knew there would be a “but”) our quote today should remind us that we need to look in a mirror.  Most of us make a habit of looking into a mirror at least once in the morning to see if everything is as it should be.  We want to ensure that our hair isn’t a mess, our clothes are on straight and for some of us…our makeup isn’t all smudged.  In other words, we take the time to peer into the looking glass, to see if anything is wrong with our outward appearance.

What if we could look into a mirror to see the condition of our heart?  What if doing that would show if our attitude was where it should be and our actions were in line with Christ’s desire for us?  What if it would show what our innermost thoughts and desires were and whether they were pleasing to Him?  If a mirror could do all of this, we might not be so quick to point out the sins of others.

What I find sad is that I have seen families torn apart and friendships destroyed because someone spent more time pointing out the splinter in another’s eye, than confessing the log in their own eye.  I have seen siblings refuse to even speak to each other, all because one feels superior to the other, squelching any chance for a relationship.  Yes, we may not always approve of the actions of family members or friends and they may even be committing sins.  But it is important that the mirror which we hold in our hand, is turned towards us more than it is towards them.  I John 4:7-8 tells us, “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God.  Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.  But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”  Notice that it does not say, “Let us continue to love one another, unless their sins are much worse than ours.”  If we know God, we are supposed to love.

We are ALL sinners saved by grace.  None of us are sinless…no matter how hard we try.  Where we get into trouble is when we rank someone else’s sin as much worse than ours.  Their sin may not look like ours, but in the end, any sin isn’t at all pleasing to the Lord.  When we stand before Him on the Day of Judgment, He won’t ask us about the sins of others; we will only answer for what we have done.  We each need to take responsibility for our actions and ask Him to forgive us and make us clean.  Then we need to show love, because God is love, and we are to be a reflection of Him…always.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Success That Matters

Success.  The dictionary says that this word means an achievement of intention; attainment of fame, wealth or power.  We hear this word or a form of it used quite often in our society today.  The party was a success.  I had success in locating him or her.  He was very successful in business.  

I do think that this word has a different meaning to different people, depending on their age, career, or social status.  What one person thinks is a success, may not be to someone else.  “Joe” may think he has been a success in his career, but to someone like “Bill” who has climbed higher on the corporate ladder, Joe hasn’t come close to being successful.  I think it depends on the criteria on which we base our success.

I think where many of us err, is that we often base our success on the here and now.  What do we have to do to make the world think we are successful?  What do we have to accomplish to have others notice us?  How high up the corporate ladder do we have to climb, to be deemed a success?

I saw this graphic this week and it really got me thinking.  I often hear people say that they have a fear of failure.  They don’t want to try anything new or step out of their comfort zone because it may not work out and they won’t be a success.  But when I read these words, they gave me a totally different perspective.  If we are fully devoted followers of Christ, our focus should be on making sure what we are successful at will make a difference in eternity.

Let me give you an example.  There is nothing wrong with being successful in your career, but if that is your main focus and goal, you may be investing a lot of your time and energy in the wrong direction.  If you are working countless hours to further your career, but your spouse and children never see you at home, what you are successful at may not matter.  You may consider yourself successful because you have a large home to live in, but if your home is not being used for God’s glory, that mansion may not matter.

Maybe we need to ask ourselves what we are willing to sacrifice to be successful and in whose eyes we want to be a success.  If we are only concerned with how the world views our achievements, then anything we accomplish really won’t matter in the light of eternity.  But if we are more concerned that we do whatever Christ has called us to do, whether or not it brings us accolades from the world, then whatever we accomplish will be deemed a success in His eyes.

We have all heard it said that when we die, we can’t take it with us.  How true that is.  Very few headstones read, “He was very successful in business” or “She climbed to the top of the corporate ladder”…because when we are gone, none of that will be important.  But if we have left behind many whom we told about our Jesus, then our time on earth will have been a success.  A success that will make a difference in eternity.  A success that really matters.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: A Million Little Choices

I love to eat.  Now I know the word “love” is used way too often these days because we use the same word for many different things…but I really think, in this instance…”love” is the correct word.  I’ve talked to people who only eat when they are hungry and I’m sorry, that just doesn’t make sense to me.  There are many times I sit down to eat when, if I’m honest, I’m not very hungry, but I can still put away a fair amount of food.  Mentally I know that probably isn’t a good thing, but my taste buds are usually watering in anticipation of just about any meal.

Because of this, losing weight isn’t always easy.  I, like others I suspect, have good intentions on controlling what goes in my mouth, but then something chocolate jumps in front of me and my self-control isn’t always what it should be.  Some days I can resist the temptation…some days I can’t. I think one reason I often fail in this area is that I look too far ahead.  I tell myself that I want to lose a set amount of weight by a certain date and I may do well for a few days but then I either lose sight of the goal…or I just feel overwhelmed and give up.

Several years ago, our pastor made a statement in his sermon that stuck with me.  I think it is a statement that can help me in this area of my life, along with my spiritual life too.  He said, "The future is a million little choices and it starts right now."  There is so much truth in that one sentence.  Whether it is trying to lose weight, or trying to get a project accomplished, or desiring to look more like my Jesus… the choices I make today will determine how successful I am in those endeavors.  

I think we often “over-think” how we are going to achieve our goal and during that over-the-top thinking…we can easily become overwhelmed.  We end up blowing it way out of proportion, making a mountain out of a molehill, and then frustration can easily take over.  I think we will be much more successful if we just make a point to think before we make today’s choices and not worry or fret about what decisions we will have to make tomorrow.

Whether it is making the choice to eat a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar…or focusing on marking off one of the things on our to-do list to move closer to finishing a project…or choosing to pick up our Bible instead of turning on the TV…our choices today will impact our overall health tomorrow. 

So why not join me today in thinking before we make our choices.  As we are faced with decisions to make, let’s ask ourselves, “Will this choice move me closer to my goal, or further away?”  Remember that God is always willing and able to help us make the right decision.  I’m praying that this simple step will help all of us be much more successful in reaching the goals which God has set before us.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God,

and he will give it to you.

He will not rebuke you for asking.”

James 1:5

Monday, January 2, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Open Hands

It’s hard to believe that 2023 has now begun.  During these first days of January, many will vow to turn over a new leaf; to begin doing something different than they did in 2022.  Whether it is a resolution to eat healthier, exercise more, spend more intentional family time, make it a priority to read their Bible every day etc., many will begin this year ready to do whatever it takes to see their plan accomplished.


I hate to be a “downer” as we begin this new year, but we all know that by February, many will have given up on their resolutions.  Many will decide that eating healthier food is just too expensive or takes too much time to prepare.  Quite a few will come to the realization that exercising on a regular basis doesn’t seem nearly as much fun as it did today.  Some will discover that spending more time with their family causes more stress than they thought it would and going out with their friends is much more relaxing.  And unfortunately, there will be those who decide that hitting the snooze button two more times sounds much more enjoyable than beginning the day with their Savior.


I was thinking about this the other day and I’ll be honest, I felt myself getting depressed.  The reason was that I was thinking about some of the things I know I need to change in 2023, but if I’m honest, I know I can easily be just like all the others who will give up within a few weeks.  Oh, my intentions are good, but my self-discipline is lacking and when the going gets tough…it’s easy for me to just quit going.  So, if I know I will likely give up on my resolution(s), maybe I just shouldn’t make any at all.

And then I read something that jumped off the page at me.  I recently purchased a book which was written in 2004 by David Jeremiah entitled, “31 Days to Happiness: Searching for Heaven on Earth” and I came across these words:


“How important it is, then, to keep God in the middle of our bank accounts, our possessions, and our portfolios.  Picture your hands out in front of you, cupped together, palms up.  In your open hands are all the things He has entrusted to you - money, cars, a home, furniture, everything.  All of this is His gift (James 1:17).  We are the stewards, and faithfulness is our charge.  That means our hands must never close over the gifts, but remain open so that He may use them as required - and refill our hands.”


I read and reread this paragraph and then I highlighted it.  I felt as if God was saying to me, “LuAnn, I just want your open hands in 2023.  I want your willingness to let me have full use of everything you have.  Stop clenching your fists…instructing me how you think I should use you.  Open up your hands and allow me to work in and through you as I see fit.”  I think that’s what God wants for me this year.  All He wants is my willingness and that will only happen if my hands are out in front of me…cupped together…palms up.

David Jeremiah then shared what will happen if I come to God in this way in the coming days.  He wrote:


“With open hearts and open hands, however, we understand that God lacks no resources and neither will we.  The more of Him we discover and enjoy, the more we find available.  Our hands joyfully open wider, and He gives from His infinitely generous heart.  It is not the gifts that bring the joy, but He Himself; the gifts are simply His creative expression in telling us how much He loves us.  And we agree with David: ‘You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore’” (Psalm 16:11).


It is with an open heart and open hands in which I will find joy this year.  How freeing it is to know that as I unclench my fists…He then can fill my hands with those things which are pleasing to Him.  Those things that can be used for His glory…and those things which can and will impact eternity.


How about you?  Are you starting this year…tightly clenching all you have been given?  I hope not.  My prayer is that you will join me as our hands are out in front…cupped together with our palms up.  Only then can 2023 be our best year ever as we allow Him to place those things in our hands that will bring Him the most glory and have the greatest impact in reaching those who desperately need our Savior.

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us 

from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. 

He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”

James 1:17