Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Stay in the Game!

If you know me well, you know that being a grandma is one of my greatest blessings.  Spending time with them is so much fun and yes, if I’m honest, I might be known to spoil them just a bit.  In fact, two of my grandsons were looking at a catalog before Christmas, figuring out things they wanted.  Our daughter then overheard one of them say, “Let’s tell grandma…she’ll get it for us”. That, of course, made me smile…and made my daughter roll her eyes 😊


Besides spoiling them, it is my goal to pour truth into their lives whenever I am given a chance…but there are times when they teach me instead.  Let me explain…


When our oldest grandson was three years old (he will soon be nine)…he was obsessed with the game, “Simon Says”.  In case you aren’t familiar with this simple game, Simon Says is a child's game where one player takes the role of "Simon" and gives instructions to the other players, which should only be followed if prefaced with the phrase "Simon says".  If Simon doesn’t begin the instructions with those words, the players are not to comply, and if they do they are out of the game.


Elias was at our home one day and wanted us to play this game and of course, he wanted to be Simon.  There Grandpa and I were, patting our heads, waving our arms like we were flying and doing whatever “Simon” told us to do.  After we had played for quite a while, Simon (aka Elias) suddenly told us to “tell everybody about Jesus!”  I’ll be honest, it took me by surprise and so I looked at him and he nonchalantly said, “That’s what we’re supposed to do grandma.  We’re supposed to tell everybody about Jesus!”  I responded, “Yes we are Elias.”


Elias’ statement that day taught me a few things.  First of all, it is so important that we are intentional in teaching our children spiritual principles at a young age. Children’s minds are like sponges and they can easily absorb Biblical truths.  They may not understand it all at this point, but having it in their young thoughts is so important.


Secondly, I think we often make sharing about our Jesus too difficult.  It amazed me that day how matter-of-factly Elias told me what we are supposed to do.  To him it was just a given that we are all supposed to tell everybody about Jesus.  Plain and simple.  We don’t have to prepare a sermon…study a stack of theological books…or practice pronouncing big words.  We are just supposed to tell others about our Jesus.  We are living in a lost world and so many are searching for answers, and we have those answers in Jesus Christ.  But if we don’t tell them, they may never know, and that could make the difference as to whether they spend eternity in heaven or hell. 


Last, but not least, it is so important who we listen to each and every day.  It is easy to listen to the world as it is screaming at us to do our own thing and as a result, we neglect to listen to our “Simon” – Jesus Christ.   If we are spending time in His Word and praying every day, we are more likely to hear Him as He directs our steps.  It is imperative we make listening for His voice a priority.


As we go throughout our week, let’s remember that we are on this earth to teach, share and most of all, listen to our Heavenly Father.  I believe if we are truly in tune to His promptings, He will give us the opportunity to let others know how much He means to us.  Again, we don’t have to memorize a long speech; we just need to be willing to share.  Very few of us have a hard time telling others about our kids, grandkids, job or our vacations…we ought to be willing to talk about the One who gave His life for us.  And, if you are leery about sharing, don’t forget that “Simon says…tell everybody about Jesus!”  So, you better obey because you want to make sure you get to stay in the game!


 “Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.

Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!

He is to be feared above all gods.”

Psalm 96:2-4


  1. Beautiful! Out of the mouths of babes when they have parents teaching them as God desires us to do! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Yes I am so thankful that my children are teaching their children Biblical truths. That is such a blessing!
