Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: If Only

Unless you’ve had your head in the sand, you know that it has been another week of horrific events in our world. Just about every TV and radio station gave us a moment-by-moment account of the bombings and the after effects. Time after time, I heard the newscaster say before running one of the stories, “And we just want to warn you, these images are difficult to see”. 

It is not possible for me to think the way some people think. I just don’t have it in me. I cannot fathom how someone can deliberately make the choice to injure, kill, torture and forever change the lives of many. There is no explanation, no commentary, and no psychological evaluation that can get me to understand those thought patterns. A person whose mind is so bent for evil makes decisions which most of us just can’t grasp. 

If only someone could have intervened. If only someone could have said something to those with such malicious hearts that would have changed their minds and their plans. If only their parents would have raised them differently. If only their teachers would have spent more time teaching them one on one. If only.... 

We can spend hour after hour listing the “If only” scenarios, but it doesn’t change what has happened in the past. We can’t go back. Yesterday has already been recorded in the record books and nothing we can do can change the history that has been made. 

Today, this 24-hour period, is the only segment of time in which we can do something to make a difference. But unfortunately, the only part of today which we have jurisdiction over is ourselves. We can change no one else. We cannot make anyone think the way we think, or behave the way we think they should behave, or make decisions which we think should be made. We only have the ability to change ourselves. 

That stinks, doesn’t it? It is so much easier to spend our time wishing everyone else would change. The world would be a much better place if THEY would just get their act together. I mean, I have reasons for why I behave the way I do...if only you knew what I have been would surely understand. 

The sobering thought is that others’ lives may never change if they don’t see a change in us. If we aren’t living lives which are completely sold out to Christ; lives which are filled with His Spirit and controlled by His touch, they may never know that we have the answer to their pain and hurt.

In light of the events of this past week, I think there is only one “If only” we should be thinking about. If only they could have met our Jesus and realized the sacrifice which has already been made for them. So true. But THEY may never meet our Jesus, if they don’t see Him in US. 

No matter how each incident is labeled or described, it comes down to the fact that we have a world who needs Jesus. The question is, “Are we willing to be Jesus with skin on today, so that others will have hope for their tomorrow?” Just think...If only you and I would change...they could see Jesus! 

“For he is our God.
We are the people he watches over,

the flock under his care.
If only you would listen to his voice today!”

Psalm 95:7 (NLT)

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