Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: Don't Be a Fool

I came across this graphic last week and it sure hit home to me.  Many of you know that I come from a long lineage of Christians.  My grandfather was a minister…my father was a minister…so was his brother…his sister was a missionary nurse in Africa and his other sister married a minister.  On my mom’s side, her two sisters also married ministers and her brother was always a leader in the church.  Just about everywhere I turned growing up…someone in the ministry was in eye-shot.

I told someone recently that I don’t know why I was blessed to have this kind of lineage. Why was I born in the United States…to parents, grandparents and extended family… who loved the Lord?  Why was I fortunate to always have enough to eat and a safe, warm place to lay my head at night?   Why was I shown Jesus over and over again growing up, instead of being born in a country that never even spoke His name?

I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I am realizing the responsibility that I have because of what I have been given.  I think it is coming to my mind more often now, and in a much clearer view, since both of my parents are now in Heaven.  It now starts with me and those who have come after me will either feel blessed to have me in their ancestry “pool”, or wonder why they were chosen to have to put up with me.

I do know one thing for sure…having the long line of Christians before me…won’t get me into Heaven.  When I stand before Jesus, He won’t say, “Now let’s see…ahhh yes LuAnn…I see where your father, grandfather and uncle were ministers.  Why, quite a few of your ancestors were Christians and are already here in Heaven, so by all means…come on shore!”

No, I’m very doubtful that any of my relatives will be in the conversation between Jesus and me when I see Him face to face.  I also doubt that He will ask me what church I went to…gasp…because just being a member of a church won’t get me in either!  The only thing that Jesus will care about at that moment, is whether I asked Him to forgive me of my sins and invited Him to come into my heart and lead me on my earthly journey.

As the graphic today tells us, no one will ever get into Heaven because of someone else’s faith.  It is up to each of us to ask Jesus into our heart. So, if we are expecting to spend eternity with Jesus, just because our parents were Christians or because we sat in the pew every Sunday, unfortunately, we are wrong.

Today is April Fool’s Day and I know many people will be pulling pranks on their family and friends.  I want to assure you that my words today are not said as a prank or a joke.  Jesus is the reason that I get up every morning, pen every blog post and urgently pray for those who need to know that there is hope! Accepting Him is not difficult; you can come to Him just as you are right now…today.   All you have to do is say a prayer such as this:

“Dear Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins, were resurrected and that you are alive and well today.  I believe that you are the Son of God and that you deeply love me.  I confess that I am a sinner and I need you to forgive me and cleanse me from my sins. I accept you as my Savior and want you to create a new and clean heart in me.  I now want to live every day for you and I know that I will have eternal life with you because of what you did on Calvary’s cross for me.  Thank you, Jesus.  Amen.”

If you have prayed this prayer, please let me or a friend know so that we can be praying for you as you begin your walk with Jesus.  Please…please…don’t be a fool and reject what He has to offer you.  Only you can make this life-changing decision and I’m urging you to make it today.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

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