Monday, February 17, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: Dancin' Shoes

If you know me well, or even if you only slightly know me, you recognize the fact that I’m rarely at a loss for words.  I can usually find something to talk about with just about anyone I meet.  In fact, I’m confident that there are times when I need to remember the words, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”


There are just certain topics of which I have trouble staying silent.  Ask me about my husband and children…and you will hear an earful.  Ask me about my friends…and you will probably learn way more than you wanted.  Ask me about my church…and I’m pretty sure my face will light up and you will hear how much I love my church family.  And beware…ask me about my grandchildren…and you better hope a chair is nearby because you are in for a long description of each precious blessing and more than likely…pictures will be included.


I am passionate about each of these subjects.  I love my family, friends, church and grandkids more than I can even put into words (even though I will try!).  They all mean the world to me, and I am never bashful or embarrassed to talk about them.  But do you know what?  None of them are perfect…(gasp)!  They are all human and probably, at one time or another, have let me down.  Maybe they did or said something that hurt me…or maybe they didn’t live up to my expectations.  But regardless…it hasn’t stopped me from bragging about all of them…especially since I know I have also let them down at times too.


So, how come I can ramble on and on and on about all these people…but shy away from telling everyone I meet about my Jesus…who IS perfect and has never let me down?  Why are there times I don’t speak up about everything He’s done for me because I’m afraid I might say the wrong thing?   Why are there times I keep my mouth shut…when I should open it…to stand up for issues which go against Biblical values…because I’m afraid I’ll step on someone’s toes or make them feel uncomfortable?  


There is a fairly old song which I love to listen to by the Gaither’s called “Good, Good News”. The first verse and chorus are:


I woke up Monday morning and I walked out on the lawn
My eyes were barely open and my mouth began to yawn
Picked up the daily paper, every single headline said
That this whole world is full of trouble and I wished I’d stayed in bed
Sometimes the bad that's goin' on's enough to bring you down

Turned on my television and began to flip on through
All one hundred channels, HBO and pay-per-view
Not one message had a meaning that was good in any way
Just before I wrote the whole world off, I heard the Father say
"Don't forget what I have promised, you can overcome it all"

I'll spread this talk all over town 'bout the peace and joy I found in you
(good news, good, good news)
This story is about to break and blessed are the feet that take the truth
(good news, good, good news)
I'm slippin' on my dancin' shoes 'cause I’ve got good, good news


As I was listening to this song the other day, all I could think of was, I’ve got Good News to tell!  Not just Good News…I have Great News and I need to make sure I’m spreading what I know all over town!  Christ has given me peace and joy and I need to tell everyone I meet.


Just like this song says…there sure isn’t much good news in our world today and people are starving to hear about the hope, joy and peace we have in our Jesus.  So, as we go throughout our week…let’s be intentional on telling those who Christ puts in our path about our Good News.  If we don’t tell them…who will? 


If you still aren’t convinced that you should speak up…click on the following link and listen to this song.  Then join me as we slip on our dancin’ shoes (I want red ones!)  because we have good, good news to tell!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: How Comfortable Are You?

I know I have shared with you, more than once, that my favorite season is summer.  I really enjoy the warm, sunny days when you don’t have to bundle up in 20 layers of clothes just to step outside.


But I must admit there is one thing about the cooler (or too often frigid) weather in Indiana that I look forward to and that is Sunday afternoons.  The reason is because I love to come home from church and put on my sweatpants and sweatshirt and relax.  Now I can come home and relax on most Sunday afternoons regardless of what the weather is outside, but there is just something about being able to wear those clothes that make it even nicer.


Why do those clothes make my afternoon better?  Because they are so comfortable.  They are soft and baggy and don’t bind me anywhere.  They’re warm and cozy and I don’t have to worry that they will wrinkle if I kick back in my recliner and take a nap in them.  When I have them on, I don’t care if I make a fashion statement and honestly, I really don’t even care if they match!   To sum it up…they are easy.  I know when I am wearing them, I can just unwind and not expect too much from myself.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every moment of every hour of every day were that way?  Complete relaxation.  Never have to push ourselves to do anything.  Never have to care if we accomplish anything or do anything to impact anyone else’s life.  Never have to worry that something or someone will come along to put a “wrinkle” in our day. 


This may sound wonderful…but if we were honest…a life like this would be rather shallow.  It would be a life centered on us and what makes us comfortable.  We would miss out on the blessings which are received when we stop dwelling on us and do something to make someone else’s life a little easier.  We would surely become stagnant in our walk with Christ because our focus would be inward instead of outward. 


I read something that made me start thinking about all of this.  The quote said: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”  What a convicting statement.  If we are always only willing to do what makes us comfortable, we will miss out on the life that Christ has planned for us.  He has more waiting for us than we can ever imagine and even though it may include some hills and valleys and detours which we don’t expect…it will be much more fulfilling than any afternoon in the recliner.


So, my question to you is, “How comfortable are you?”  If you are really comfortable day in and day out…you just might want to reevaluate your walk with Christ.  Are you listening to Him and following His directions for your journey?  Or are you content to just kick back and only do what is the easiest and makes you feel the best?


Life is so short and today is the day that we need to step out of our comfort zone and begin living for Him instead of us.  If we don’t, we just might fall asleep and miss out on the adventure He has planned to make us look more like Him!

“Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said,

“If any of you wants to be my follower,

you must turn from your selfish ways,

take up your cross, and follow me.

If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it.

But if you give up your life for my sake

and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.”

Mark 8:34-35 (NLT)

Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: Never Satisfied

Last week I shared with you how often we tend to compare ourselves with someone else.  I was referring to those times when we wish we had those good qualities or attributes that we see in others…wishing we were as thin, or as pretty, or as handsome, or as creative, etc. as we think they are.


I was thinking this past week that there are other times in our life when we compare ourselves to someone else…but it’s in a different way.  We compare ourselves…thinking we are better than they are…and as a result, we can quickly puff ourselves up, thinking we are surely racking up more “points” in heaven than the other person we know.  Let me give you an example.


There is a question I really hate to be asked.  I’ve had it spoken to me many, many times over the years and I cringe every time I hear it.  It’s usually said to me by a doctor and while I know they have my best interest in mind…it still irks me.  The question I always dread hearing is, “On a scale of 1 to 10…with 10 being the worst…what is your pain level today?”  Ugh.  I just think that trying to put my pain level on a scale doesn’t really give a good picture of how I am feeling.  Each person has their own pain tolerance, so a “4” on my scale may be a “2” or a “6” on someone else’s scale…so I just don’t think it reveals a lot of information.


I proved this point one day when I was asked this question by one of my doctors.  My face immediately brightened as I told her that I was having a good day since my pain was about a 5 or a 6.  She just shook her head and asked me if I realized that having a pain level of 5 or 6 was not a good thing…that they would like to get me to a place of no pain or at least minimal pain.  I told her I understood that but having experienced many days in my life where my pain level was a 10+…I was quite satisfied to be down to a 5 or 6!


I’m just so thankful that I’m not asked this same question when I go to church.  What would I answer if I walked into church some Sunday morning and my Pastor would stop me and ask, “LuAnn, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the farthest away and 1 being the closest…where do you see your relationship to Christ?”   Would I answer him that I was content to be at a 5 or 6…because I’ve had times in my life when I’ve been much farther away from Christ so at least this was an improvement?    Or, (yes, I’m finally getting to my point) would I try to explain my place on the scale by telling him to look at “so and so”…you know…that other church member who appears to be a 7 or 8…so at least I’m better than that person. Hmmm…I’m not sure he would be very impressed with either of my answers.


I have a feeling that when I get to heaven and stand before Christ…He isn’t going to compare me to anyone else.  I’m not going to slide in through the gates because I happen to be a notch closer to Christ than someone else.  And, thankfully, I’m not going to be turned away from heaven because someone else looked more like Christ than I did.  Oh, I am so thankful for His amazing grace!


As I have given this some thought, I’ve decided that in this particular area of life, we should never want to be “satisfied”.  We should want to do whatever it takes to strengthen our relationship with our Jesus.  We shouldn’t be content with just some improvement…we should want a huge improvement!  We should want each day to bring us closer to that number “1” on the scale, knowing that if He has brought us to where we are today…He is more than able to take us the rest of the way!


Even though I really dislike this scale…maybe it would be a good idea to take some time this coming week to evaluate where my relationship with Christ is on the 1-10 scale…with 10 being the farthest away.  Once I determine where I’m at…then hopefully I will be more intentional in doing those things which will draw me closer to Him.  Will you join me?  Let’s set our eyes on the #1 so that we will look more and more like Him!

“So all of us who have had that veil removed 

can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. 

And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.” 

2 Corinthians 3:18


Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: Not Once

First of all, I want to thank so many of you who messaged me last week, stating that you were praying for me.  I was just overwhelmed by your kindness.  Your prayers are being heard and I am gaining strength.  I was able to spend time this past weekend with my grandchildren and then went to church yesterday, so my heart and soul had a much needed “feeding” and I am feeling very blessed.


I have a question for you to start your week.  How often are you thrilled with what you see when you look in the mirror?  All the time?  Most of the time?  Rarely?  Never?


I was thinking about this question last week and it made me think of all the times in my life when I have looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw.  The times when I have wished I was like someone else.

Why can’t I be as pretty as her?
Why can’t I be as thin as her?
Why can’t I be as creative as her or him?
Why wasn’t I given the athletic ability with which she or he was blessed?
Why can’t I be as smart as she or he is?
Why can’t I write as well as she or he can?

I could go on and on with my list.  There have been many times when what I saw in the mirror, just didn’t measure up to what I thought was “perfection”.

So when I saw this graphic a few days ago it really hit home.  It is so hard for me to believe that when God created me, He didn’t make any mistakes.  Not once has God looked at me and thought:

I sure wish I would have made LuAnn as pretty as ___________.
I sure wish I would have made LuAnn as thin as ___________.
I sure wish I would have given LuAnn the same creative ability as ___________.
I sure wish I had made LuAnn as athletic as ___________.
I sure wish I would have made LuAnn as smart as ___________.
I sure wish I would have given LuAnn the ability to write as well as ___________.

Not once has He done this.  God created me to be me, and I can waste so much time in my life trying to be someone else, that I miss out on who and what I am.  I am a child of God who was created in HIS image.  I am a child of God who is so dearly loved, that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins.  I am a child of God who has accepted Him as my Lord and Savior and, as a result, I have a home which is being prepared for me in heaven.  When He calls me home…I will spend eternity with Him, my Heavenly Father.


And the exciting news?  The same is true for you!  Not once has He looked at you and wished He would have made you more like __________(insert the name of your choice).  Not once has God looked at you and thought He made a huge mistake.  NOT ONCE!  You were also created in His image, and He loves you more than you can ever imagine.  


Yes, He loves you and me with all our flaws and imperfections and nothing we have done or no inferior quality which we might have can diminish His love for us.  I don’t know about you…but that just blows my mind!

Does that mean we should never strive to change those qualities which hinder us from looking like Jesus?  Of course not.  Striving to reflect His image should be our focus every day, by making choices which we know will please Him.  It is a continuous process in which He loves us where we are today…but wants even greater things for us tomorrow.  Why?  Because He loves us that much.

I just feel like someone needs to read these words today.  Someone feels they are a failure.  Someone doesn’t think he or she has worth.  Someone is thinking that if they were just like ___________...their life would be perfect.  So if you are that “someone”…when you look in the mirror today…don’t concentrate on what or who you aren’t.  Concentrate on Who created you and in Whose image you were created.  


Remember…God is perfect so He can’t make a mistake, so He didn’t make a mistake when He made you and He loves you right where you are TODAY!

So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27

Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: Off-Kilter

It wasn’t the week we had planned…but then again…are most weeks?  It was a week I had looked forward to for quite a while because we were going to have the blessing of caring for four of our grandchildren, ages 1-8, for four days.  Yes, I knew I would be exhausted, and it would probably test me to my limit…but I knew all the memories would be worth it.


We hadn’t been sure for quite a while if we could do it, because of my two major surgeries in 2024 on both of my Achilles.  But God had blessed me with a better recovery than I even expected…so I didn’t think that would affect our plans.


The only problem was the nagging cough that I just couldn’t shake and the subsequent tiredness I was feeling.  I kept telling my doctor, “I just don’t feel good”.  My energy was much less than normal, and I was finding myself taking at least one or two naps a day.  We kept thinking it was maybe because of the two surgeries, that my body was just worn out from the recoveries, and that it would just take time to bounce back.  My doctor kept checking me out, trying different medications to stop the cough so I could begin to sleep better and in turn, hopefully have more energy.  An x-ray was even taken to see my lungs and it came back that everything was clear.


Finally, on January 9th, my doctor sent me for a CT scan of my lungs.  He knew something had to be going on that the x-ray didn’t show.  My doctor called me that evening and he was as shocked as we were with the diagnosis…double pneumonia.  But it did give us some answers as to why I felt so bad.


The news came Thursday evening, and we were to get our grandchildren on Saturday.  The first person I called after my doctor’s call was our son to give him the news.  To him the decision came quickly…he knew there was no way I was going to care for their four children.  While I knew he was right, it broke my Grandma’s heart.  And the news probably did something to the children’s other Grandma’s heart…because she got the call that she would now have four children for a week, instead of half a week!  The woman is a saint…and I can’t thank her enough for caring for our grandchildren so lovingly. 


Honestly, we thought that was enough unexpected news for the week, but Sunday arrived and when our well pump kicked on, it tripped a breaker.  Hoping it was just a bad breaker, Dan replaced it after he returned from church.  But it wasn’t long, and it tripped again.  Knowing that wasn’t a good sign, Dan contacted our local service company first thing Monday morning.  After checking things out, it was determined that we needed a new well pump…but of course…that didn’t turn out to be an easy fix.  I’ll spare you the saga of each day’s disparaging report…but they couldn’t get the pump out and we had to have a brand new well dug.  So, we spent the week, until Friday evening, living as our ancestors did…carrying water in day after day after day…


To say this past week hasn’t been fun, would be an understatement.  But even so, we could see God’s hand working.  We still had heat, so that gave us a warm home to live in.  We still had electricity…so lights to see what needed done.  Many times we stated that we are sure there are many in California who wish they were only dealing with lack of water…instead of losing everything they owned.  And thankfully, we will not miss any meals because we must pay for a new well.


While it wasn’t what we had planned, I realized God’s hand was also in allowing me to get a diagnosis before our grandkids came to stay.  I would have felt so bad if I would have, by chance, given any of them my pneumonia.  And, while living a little bit like our ancestors wasn’t easy…can you imagine trying to care for four children with no water?  That, my friends, would have taken it to an entirely new level of difficulty and threw me way further back into my heritage than I wanted to go.


Yes, God is SO faithful.  When things go as planned, or not as planned, none of it is a surprise to Him.  He knows what we need, exactly when we need it…so there really is no reason to worry or fret.  While His ways don’t always make sense and sometimes throw us a little off-kilter…He is right there to straighten us back up and set us back on course.  I don’t know about you…but I just can’t imagine doing life without Him.   


“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: My Miracle Moment

I had another post written for today, but this past weekend, I couldn’t get my mom off my mind.  The reason is that if she were still on this earth, she would turn 99 years old this coming Wednesday, January 15th.  What an amazing woman she was, and I would give just about anything to have one more hug from her.  


I dedicated my first book, Image Seeker, to my mom, where I wrote:


“This book is dedicated to my mom, Coyla Gerig, who taught me through her example to put Christ first in my life.  Then, and only then, will I live, love and serve to the fullest.  Thanks Mom, for showing me how to look more and more like Christ every day.  May your legacy live on through me and may I, in turn, inspire others to seek His image.”


These past few days have brought to mind the miracle I experienced the last time I saw her alive and I just felt led to share it with you today.  Yes, I’ve shared it before…but when God works a miracle right before our eyes…I believe it deserves to be shared more than once 


I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done (Psalm 9:1).


If I am completely honest, I had mixed feelings on Thursday, August 13th, 2009, when I received a phone call informing me that my mom had taken a turn for the worse.  As I drove to be by her bedside, I really wasn’t sure how to pray.  The thought of losing my mother from this earth overwhelmed me, but the realization that in death she would have a new, whole body and mind with Jesus was healing to my soul.  She had made it clear to us as we grew up that her focus was on her Lord and Savior, and she was willing to do whatever He asked of her.  She had shared with me that in every decision she made, she wanted to make sure it honored her Jesus and would have a positive impact on eternity.  Knowing that was her desire, I knew it was selfish of me to want her to remain on this earth.  I knew of no one else who deserved more to be welcomed into heaven with the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”


I entered her room and the scene was hard to observe.  The nurses were telling us she had suffered another stroke and could no longer swallow or speak.  Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling and there was no recognition on her part that her family was by her side.  We did our best to keep our conversation on a positive note not knowing for sure whether or not she could hear us.


Then, out of the blue and much to my surprise, I saw her eyes begin to move.  Not only were they moving but they were actually following me as I walked around the room.   I remember thinking that maybe I wasn’t seeing clearly or that it was just my imagination, but when I looked again it was clear that I was looking into the face of the mom I had known for so many years.  Even though she couldn’t speak, it was obvious she was trying to convey a message to me.


As tears fell, I looked at her and said, “Mom, you know everything that is going on right now, don’t you?”  And, as unbelievable as it seemed at the moment, with everything she had left in her, she shook her head yes and attempted the slightest smile.  I then moved to the end of her bed and once again, her eyes followed my every move.


I realized at that point that I more than likely had a very small window of opportunity to talk to her, so I knew exactly what I wanted to say.  I looked into her beautiful eyes and said, “Mom, I just want you to know how much I love you.”  No sooner had the words left my mouth than my mom did something I will never forget.  She winked at me.  I couldn’t believe it.  In that instant, I knew God had performed this “miracle moment” so that my mom could tell me she loved me one last time.  She couldn’t speak, but she could wink and what a gift that was to me.


Just as quickly as the miracle happened, it was over.  Her eyes glazed back over, and she was back in the world I could not enter.  But at that point, I knew it wouldn’t be long until she would meet her Jesus face to face.


Two days later, her family who had gone before her, along with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, greeted my mom on the streets of gold in heaven. No more anxiety.  No more confusion.  She was finally whole. 


Miracle.  It may be an overused word in our vocabulary but for me, it is the only word that is appropriate for this experience.   I have no doubt it was an act of God, and it was truly amazing, extraordinary and unexpected. 


What amazes me about this event is the fact that the Creator of the universe, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, my Jesus, cared enough about me to bless me with this miracle.  I didn’t deserve it and I surely didn’t do anything to earn it; but it was given to me because He knows me so well and knew what occurrence would be miraculous to me.  I also believe He orchestrated this miracle moment not only to remind me of my mom’s love for me, but to whisper in my ear that I am also His child whom He dearly loves. He wanted me to know He would hold me in His arms in the difficult days that followed.


Do you want to see miracles happen today?  Look around you.  Be watchful.  I think too often we are looking for an earth-shattering miracle to take place and we miss the miracle moment.  You may not see a withered hand healed, but you just might experience a blessing far greater than you could ever imagine!


Jesus, thank you so much for shining Your light in my darkest moments.  Help me to rest in Your care when sorrow overwhelms me, but keep me mindful that Your blessings may be right around the bend on my journey with You.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: Back to the Basics

I am artistically challenged. Just hearing the word “art” makes me feel a little queasy. I remember when I was in school, and they required us to take an art class. I would have rather cleaned the toilets with a toothbrush than take that class.  I’m not sure I will ever forget the day they told us we were going to make a pinch pot out of clay.  All I could think of was…seriously? How in the world was that going to help me in my future? It was just torture, pure torture for me.


I think one of the reasons that I don’t enjoy art is because I’m not a very patient person. I want things done and I want them done now, and creativity often takes time which I’m not willing to give. I wish I could take that lump of clay and make something beautiful out of it, but if I’m honest, I’m just not willing to put the time and effort into making it become a reality.


I was thinking recently about the fact that not only am I artistically challenged, but I’m sometimes Christian challenged. I know how I should be living and what I should be doing, but I think about how much effort and time it is going to take to be the person God wants me to be, and I just give up before something beautiful can be created in my life. It’s often easier to do nothing and just be content with the status quo, than to push out of my comfort zone and allow God to create a masterpiece within me.


I also think fear often plays a part in my choice to not want God to work in my life. What will He ask me to do? What will others think of me if I am more vocal about my beliefs and values? What if I’m put in a situation where I speak out and I find myself standing alone?  I’ve been there in the past…and I know it isn’t a very fun place to be.


This is the time of year when many are making New Year’s resolutions which often consist of eating better, losing weight and exercising more. While those are important things to strive for, I really feel God asking me to consider what I want my walk with Him to look like this year. Will I be satisfied with the status quo, or am I willing to walk on the journey He has set before me…wherever that may take me? Do I love Him enough to patiently wait for His directions and His timing or am I more bent on following my plans and ideas?


I like Jonathan Edward’s resolutions, and I’ve decided to adopt his as my own for 2025. They are simply this:


Resolution One: I will live for God.

Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.


Pretty basic, huh? Yes it is, but I think it is what God is trying to get through to me.  Following Him isn’t rocket science. It’s just living each and every day for Him, listening and obeying what He tells me to do. I’m realizing that creating a masterpiece out of my life isn’t my responsibility – it’s His. My responsibility is to be obedient and if I am, He will make something beautiful out of this “lump of clay” named LuAnn.


Believe it or not, I still have that sad looking pinch pot that I made many years ago and I have it in my library as a reminder. I realize as I look at it that on my own, my efforts won’t amount to much, but with the Master Artist doing the work, I know I can hold onto the words in 2 Corinthians 9:8, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” As I begin 2025, I am so thankful that HE IS ABLE!!