I have been sharing the last few weeks about the six-week life detour that we were on recently. I realize that our “hiccup” lasted a relatively short time compared to many of your unexpected detours. I know that for some of you, the unexpected change in life plans turned into your new normal…and you may not see a resolution this side of heaven. My heart grieves for you.
We were blessed that this particular episode was short-lived. Erica is now back home in North Carolina and has returned to a relatively normal schedule. She has been healing well and is gaining strength each day. We realize that the outcome could have been much different, and we are thanking our Jesus for many answered prayers.
As many of you know, most of our life detours have centered around my health…not the health of one of our children. So, this was a whole new “ballgame” for me, and I felt like God was whispering to me the entire time. I have written before that I would have given about anything to have the pain be mine and not our daughter’s, but that wasn’t what He wanted for us and I knew we had lessons to be reminded of during this time.
I realized during those weeks that it is so good that we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Of course, I have known that before, but in this particular situation it was just glaring to me. If I would have been told ahead of time, what my schedule for those six weeks would be, I probably would have told you that it couldn’t be done. It would be just too physically wearing on all of us and I would have been sure that my health couldn’t withstand the schedule. But, every single day, the strength, wisdom and power were given to us. What wasn’t possible for us to do…God stepped in and gave us what was needed and more.
I learned during this time how many prayer warriors there are in this world. We had people all over the country, lifting us up to the Great Physician each and every day. It amazed me how many times I would get a text or call from someone, at just the right time. Someone checking on us and letting us know that they were praying. A cousin of mine in Florida, told his church family about Erica and they began to pray. His pastor even anointed him, as a representative for Erica, asking God to touch her in a powerful way. Others put Erica on their prayer chains. And many, many of you blessed us over and over again by your willingness to pray. There is no way we can adequately thank you.
I think the biggest take-away for me from this detour, was the fact that we serve a God of details. Nothing He does is haphazard. When things make absolutely no sense to us…it is often because He is working out every exact detail behind the scenes. While we are waiting…He is working.
When doors kept slamming shut for Erica to have her surgery in North Carolina, it made no sense to us. But little did we know, that the surgeon who God wanted to do the operation was in the process of moving to Indianapolis from Texas. She would arrive at IU Health for her first day in the clinic on the exact day Erica’s appointment was scheduled.
Could God have worked it all out to have the perfect surgeon for Erica be in North Carolina? Of course He could have…but I believe He knew we needed to work on our “trust” factor. We needed to trust Him completely to shut doors and open doors. We needed to trust that His ways are always perfect and His timing is always on time J Our job is to trust…to walk through open doors AND to not waste time trying to pry doors open that have been slammed shut.
I don’t know what you are going through today but I do know that I’m glad you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Tomorrow may be the day you get your answers…or it may be the day you begin an unexpected life detour. Regardless, I want to urge you to trust the Creator of the universe. He alone knows what is perfect for you and today He is working out the details for your tomorrow. What you can’t see…He can…and trust me…His attention to details will blow you away when you least expect it.
“The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.”
He delights in every detail of their lives.”