Monday, November 30, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: A Birthday Celebration!

Thanksgiving is over and tomorrow begins all the craziness that December usually brings.  But of course, it is still 2020…so I’m confident that this December won’t look much like any other we have lived through.


I have confessed before that I have been known to be somewhat of a party pooper at Christmas time.  I’m one of those people who gets so irked that stores have Christmas decorations out in August and September that it makes me not want to put anything out by the time December rolls around.  Call me lazy…but if I do decide to make our home look somewhat like a holiday is on the horizon…I’m usually thinking about all the work it is going to take to put everything away…while I’m still putting it out.

But for some reason, this year has been different.  I actually put our tree up, decorated it AND I did it before Thanksgiving.  I know…call me wild and crazy.  I’m not sure why I did it early…other than I’m hoping I will enjoy December a little more, knowing my decorating is done.  And after the year we have all endured…maybe I just needed some extra beauty at which to look.   


There hasn’t been a lot of beauty this past year, has there?  We have spent the last ten months hearing a daily list of stats…those who tested positive, those who have recovered and unfortunately…those who have not survived.  It has been a daily reminder of what “could” happen to us or to those whom we so dearly love.  


On top of those stats, we have all witnessed friends and family members fighting with each other over masks, size of gatherings and elections.  As a result, I have talked with many who have dealt with depression during these past months…unable to see any light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes, thinking positively about anything can become a chore.  But I’m realizing that we have to be intentional in focusing on those things that we know to be true.  For example, I’ve come to comprehend that thinking about an event that was miraculous, spectacular and life changing helps me focus on the truth.  It gives me hope that this babe, who was born in a stable, was part of a plan.  He was born for me and for you.  He was born so that He could die for our sins and He rose again so we can have eternal life with Him.  What an awesome time to celebrate and to share with others that this baby came to give us hope, even when darkness and negativity is all around us.

Will you go through each day in December in expectation of celebrating His birth, or will fear consume your every thought?  I would love to encourage you to keep your eyes focused on the precious babe that was born to give you hope.  Nothing is happening today that surprises Him.  He’s not wringing His hands wondering how we will make it through another day.  The reason for the season is HIM, and hopefully every time you think about His amazing entrance into the world, you will feel your pulse quicken a little bit…excitement will fill your soul…and you will look forward to the birthday celebration of your King!

I came upon the following words from the Mariners Church which spoke to me and expresses exactly how I am feeling.  I hope they will also speak to you as you intentionally turn your eyes towards the babe that was born for you and for me.

“Lord, I pray that Christmas would not sneak up on me this year.  I don’t want to arrive on Christmas morning with only my gifts wrapped and tasks accomplished.  I want a heart that is full and prepared for Your coming.  Help me this season to be active in waiting for You.  Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand the signs, beauty and the wonder of the One I am waiting for.  This season, give me an awareness of the carols, the cards, and the people around me.  Remind me of the truths of Christmas: with You all things are possible, even when I am like Zechariah and Mary with hearts that don’t understand.  When Your promises seem impossible.  God, remind me once again ‘with God all things are possible.’  This Christmas, fill my heart with the Christmas message.   Don’t let fear, pain and sadness steal Your promises.  I want to celebrate You as a promise-making and promise-keeping God.”

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

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