Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Let's Get Fishing!

Do you ever cringe when your children give you advice?  I mean…aren’t we supposed to be the wise ones?  Aren’t we supposed to know it all?  What in the world can someone in their 30’s know…that I don’t already know?  Well, I’m finding out that in many situations…they know a lot more than I ever knew at their age…or know now!


This was proven to me this past week.  Several months ago, my son, Adam, graciously agreed to help me get a new ministry up and running.  I knew when God laid it on my heart, that it was going to take wisdom in the field of technology that I just don’t possess.  So, I approached Adam and explained to him what was rattling around in my brain, and much to my surprise, he didn’t laugh me out of the room.  Instead, he immediately began sharing his wisdom with me.


I’m not going to lie…these past months have included some struggles which have pushed me way out of my comfort zone.  I have had to learn new computer programs that have really stretched this old brain of mine.  But Adam has patiently answered all my questions and when he didn’t know the answers…he started researching until he found the resolutions for me.


So, by this past week, I thought I had learned all the new programs needed for this endeavor…until I asked Adam how to do something…and he broke the news to me that I would need to learn another one.  Adam could see that I was somewhat exasperated at this and that’s when he shared these words with me, “Mom, you need to realize that this is the hardest part.  Right now, you are in the most difficult stage of this whole process because you are in the learning stage.  Once you learn it all, it will become second nature to you…but for now…you have to either keep learning or quit.  Those are your only two options.”


His words have rung in my ears ever since, because they can be applied to so many areas of my life.  It’s easy for me sometimes to want to give up when the going gets tough.  I can easily start making excuses and that’s usually when all the “what-if’s” materialize.  What if I’m laughed at for what I’m doing?  What if I fall flat on my face?  What if I’m censored and all this work ends up being for nothing?  Oh, I could go on and on and when Adam shared his wisdom with me, I knew it was time to put a stake in the ground and resolve that I will keep learning and I won’t give up.


After mulling over Adam’s words for a couple of days, I was listening to music and the old song from the Gaither Vocal Band came on, “I Catch 'Em, God Cleans 'Em”.  I’ve always loved this song…probably because we owned a fish business for over 40 years!  But as I listened to the chorus once again…I knew that my Jesus was trying to send me some encouragement.  The words were:


“He said, "I catch 'em, God cleans 'em
I bait the hook with the love of the Kingdom
I've been called to be a fisher of men"
"I catch 'em, God cleans 'em
Heaven knows He saves every soul that believes Him
I reel 'em in and He washes away their sin"


There was my answer.  I’m not called to worry about any of the what-if’s.  It’s not my problem if any or all of the what-if’s come true and I’m not called to save someone from their sins.  My job is to do what Jesus has called me to do…which is to be a “fisher of men”…and He will take care of the rest.  I can’t tell you what a relief it was for me to realize, once again, that all I need to do is fish…and He will do all the cleaning!


I can’t help but wonder if there is someone reading this today who has been called by Jesus to do something new…and they are ready to throw in the towel because all the “what-if’s” are piling up.  If that is you, I want to urge you to keep going…keep learning…keep seeking wisdom from those who know more than you do.  Remember all you are called to do is fish…and He will do all the cleaning!  My friend…let’s get fishing!


If you would like to hear the entire song that I referenced, click on this link.  Warning though…it will be in your mind and on your heart the rest of the day!


“Come, follow me,” Jesus said,

 “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

Matthew 4:19

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