I’m going to share with you today a very deep, theological statement: If I ate every day, the way I know I should eat, I would not struggle with my weight. OK…maybe this statement wasn’t deep and maybe it wasn’t theological…but it sure is true!
My weight has nothing to do with my knowledge. In other words, I can’t use the excuse that I don’t know what I should be eating as a reason for my extra pounds, because it wouldn’t be true. I do know enough about carbs, fats, sodium, sugars and general nutrition to be able to make a healthy meal plan to follow. So. my current weight is not a result of a lack of specific information, it’s a result of not using what I know to make the right, healthy choices…especially after returning from a vacation last week
You may be wondering what in the world inspired me to share with you this not-so-flattering tidbit of information about me. Well, believe it or not, it came from a scripture I read. It was one of those verses that just jumped off the page at me and hit me between the eyes and trust me, it wasn’t a good feeling.
The verse can be found in Romans 2:15 and I read it in the Living Bible translation. It said, “After all, salvation is not given to those who know what to do, unless they do it.” Ouch. Even though I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior…this verse was still painful. Why? Because it reminded me of the areas of my life where I have the head knowledge that I need to follow Christ, but my actions don’t always show it. Just like knowing nutritional facts doesn’t make me healthier unless I incorporate them into my lifestyle, knowing Bible facts doesn’t do me any good unless I am living them out every day.
Reading verse 16 didn’t leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling either. It said, “The day will surely come when at God’s command Jesus Christ will judge the secret lives of everyone, their inmost thoughts and motives; this is all part of God’s great plan which I proclaim.” Wow, I knew I should have read in Psalms that day instead.
These verses tell me what I already knew, but sure need to be reminded of often. Living life today is not for my pleasure. The decisions I make every day should not be made just to make sure I am comfortable and don’t ever have to suffer. Christ doesn’t want me to follow Him only when it is convenient for me and doesn’t go against what the world is screaming at me. Finally, the Bible wasn’t written with just “suggestions” on how I should be living; it is filled with commandments that I need to take seriously and follow day in and day out.
We are living in a time when it isn’t popular to go against what the world says is “normal”. Standing up for God’s Word as it is written, without just picking and choosing verses that make us feel better about our sin, isn’t accepted well either. But that is what is commanded of us to do if we are going to be true, devoted followers of Christ. We are called to be His servants, whether it makes us feel comfortable or not, and that is true when we are in public or in the “secret” confines of our home.
This coming weekend I am going to be speaking at a retreat Friday and Saturday and then preaching at the same church Sunday morning. What Christ has laid on my heart to share may not make people feel good. I haven’t spent time sugar coating His words so that people will make sure to like me when I’m done. I take the responsibility of stepping onto that platform very seriously and I don’t think Christ will be glorified if I’m not true to His Word.
I so covet your prayers for me as I do my final preparation for this weekend. Please pray that I am sensitive to the Spirit’s promptings and that my words will be His words so that those who hear will truly listen and be drawn closer to the One who makes life worth living. May our time together inspire all of us to make sure that our head knowledge results in everyday choices which brings Him honor and glory and impacts eternity in a powerful way.