Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Don't Just Know...DO

I’m going to share with you today a very deep, theological statement:  If I ate every day, the way I know I should eat, I would not struggle with my weight.  OK…maybe this statement wasn’t deep and maybe it wasn’t theological…but it sure is true!

My weight has nothing to do with my knowledge.  In other words, I can’t use the excuse that I don’t know what I should be eating as a reason for my extra pounds, because it wouldn’t be true.  I do know enough about carbs, fats, sodium, sugars and general nutrition to be able to make a healthy meal plan to follow.  So. my current weight is not a result of a lack of specific information, it’s a result of not using what I know to make the right, healthy choices…especially after returning from a vacation last week 

You may be wondering what in the world inspired me to share with you this not-so-flattering tidbit of information about me.  Well, believe it or not, it came from a scripture I read.  It was one of those verses that just jumped off the page at me and hit me between the eyes and trust me, it wasn’t a good feeling.

The verse can be found in Romans 2:15 and I read it in the Living Bible translation.  It said, “After all, salvation is not given to those who know what to do, unless they do it.”  Ouch.  Even though I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior…this verse was still painful.  Why?  Because it reminded me of the areas of my life where I have the head knowledge that I need to follow Christ, but my actions don’t always show it.  Just like knowing nutritional facts doesn’t make me healthier unless I incorporate them into my lifestyle, knowing Bible facts doesn’t do me any good unless I am living them out every day.  

Reading verse 16 didn’t leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling either.  It said, “The day will surely come when at God’s command Jesus Christ will judge the secret lives of everyone, their inmost thoughts and motives; this is all part of God’s great plan which I proclaim.”  Wow, I knew I should have read in Psalms that day instead.

These verses tell me what I already knew, but sure need to be reminded of often.  Living life today is not for my pleasure.  The decisions I make every day should not be made just to make sure I am comfortable and don’t ever have to suffer.  Christ doesn’t want me to follow Him only when it is convenient for me and doesn’t go against what the world is screaming at me.  Finally, the Bible wasn’t written with just “suggestions” on how I should be living; it is filled with commandments that I need to take seriously and follow day in and day out.

We are living in a time when it isn’t popular to go against what the world says is “normal”. Standing up for God’s Word as it is written, without just picking and choosing verses that make us feel better about our sin, isn’t accepted well either.  But that is what is commanded of us to do if we are going to be true, devoted followers of Christ.  We are called to be His servants, whether it makes us feel comfortable or not, and that is true when we are in public or in the “secret” confines of our home.

This coming weekend I am going to be speaking at a retreat Friday and Saturday and then preaching at the same church Sunday morning.  What Christ has laid on my heart to share may not make people feel good.  I haven’t spent time sugar coating His words so that people will make sure to like me when I’m done.  I take the responsibility of stepping onto that platform very seriously and I don’t think Christ will be glorified if I’m not true to His Word.

I so covet your prayers for me as I do my final preparation for this weekend.  Please pray that I am sensitive to the Spirit’s promptings and that my words will be His words so that those who hear will truly listen and be drawn closer to the One who makes life worth living.  May our time together inspire all of us to make sure that our head knowledge results in everyday choices which brings Him honor and glory and impacts eternity in a powerful way. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Do You Feel Like a Dumb Ox?


This graphic made me laugh!  Do you ever feel or act like a dumb ox?  Boy, I sure do.   So, when I read certain verses in the Bible, I knew they had probably been written to me 

When I read scripture, I often read it in various versions of the Bible because I have found that sometimes one version will get through my thick skull easier than another.  This was true with Psalm 73:21-28.  While the verses were powerful in the first version, I then read them in The Message and they really came to light.  If you aren’t familiar with this Bible version, it is written in more modern, up-to-date language, which often makes it easier to understand.  In this version, it says:

“When I was beleaguered and bitter,
    totally consumed by envy,
I was totally ignorant, a dumb ox
    in your very presence.
I’m still in your presence,
    but you’ve taken my hand.
You wisely and tenderly lead me,
    and then you bless me.

You’re all I want in heaven!
    You’re all I want on earth!
When my skin sags and my bones get brittle,
    God is rock-firm and faithful.
Look! Those who left you are falling apart!
    Deserters, they’ll never be heard from again.
But I’m in the very presence of God—
    oh, how refreshing it is!
I’ve made Lord God my home.
    God, I’m telling the world what you do!”

Do you know what my first thought was when I read these verses in The Message?  All I could think of was the fact that God loves me…even when I am a dumb ox!  It just blows my mind to think that God sent His Son to die for me even before I asked Him into my heart.  And now, even though I am a Christian, I still have times when I’m sure I look and act like a dumb ox.  There are even times when I can be, just like these verses state, beleaguered and bitter and totally consumed by envy.   But even in those moments, I am still in God’s presence, and He is patiently waiting for me to turn back to Him so He can continue to walk with me every step of the way.  

He is all I need here on earth, and I can’t wait to spend eternity with Him.  It is so amazing to know that God never changes…even when this chaotic world swirls around me, God is my rock and will never leave me.  He never wavers…never loves me any less…or gives up on me.  And just like these verses state, even when my skin sags and my bones get more brittle, He is always faithful and firmly planted by my side.

Are you feeling all alone today?  Are you feeling like a dumb ox?  If you are, I want you to know that I’ve been there too. I’m so thrilled to be able to share with you that God is still right by your side and He loves you right where you are today.   You and I can go to Him, with all our faults and failures, and He can make something so beautiful out of our lives.  No matter what you have done, He doesn’t love you any less and He wants to be the rock that you lean on every day.  Allow yourself to feel His presence in a new and powerful way because He can’t wait to wisely and tenderly lead and bless you!

Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Heaven or Hell?

It’s not something you want to see…especially at 9:00 pm.  It isn’t something you want to see at any time of the day…but when it occurs at night when you are really tired…it seems even more of an “inconvenience”.


I went down into our basement the other evening and just happened to glance at our upright freezer.  Well, it really wasn’t the freezer that caught my attention…it was the trickle of water coming out of the bottom of it that did.  If you know anything about freezers, you know it isn’t supposed to be leaking, so I immediately knew we had a problem.


I first checked to make sure I had shut the door the last time I had been in it, because I just might have neglected to do that one other time, which had caused the same problem.  But this time, the door was firmly shut, so I knew we had a bigger problem than just my negligence.  


I then heard the freezer try to cycle on…and then cycle back off.  It was trying its hardest to work for me…but it was evident it wasn’t going to stay on.  So, at 9:00 pm…we got to unload a freezer of partially thawed food items.  Fortunately, since we have a catering service on our property…we had a freezer to move things into…so that was a blessing!


Life’s inconveniences.  They never happen at a good time, do they?  I mean, I’ve never heard anyone say, “Oh the other evening my car broke down in the middle of nowhere and I was so happy about it because it was just the most perfect timing!”  Nope, you just don’t hear anything like that very often.  All you need to do is check what the dictionary says about the word “inconvenient” to know it isn’t a good thing.  It says it means: “Something inconvenient; trouble.”


Ahhhh, trouble.  That’s a great word for most of life’s inconveniences.  Everyone has times in their life when trouble suddenly shows up and many times…it isn’t anything that is earthshattering…but it sure can be an event that “ruffles our feathers” a little bit. As I’m sure you know…we then have a choice.  We can rant and rave and scream and cry and throw things and even blame God…but after we have exhausted our energy doing those things…we still need to deal with the trouble at hand.


I wonder sometimes if God watches us during these times and just shakes His head.  I wonder if He is proud of how we react, or if He wishes we would put these inconvenient times in perspective and realize that most of the irritants that come our way have no eternal value.  I wonder if it saddens Him when I get more upset over my freezer going out…than I do over the fact that there are people whom I know who will spend eternity in hell because I didn’t have the time to tell them about my Jesus.  Probably because I was too busy ranting and raving and screaming and crying and yes…even blaming God.


I don’t know about you…but I really want to get to the place in my walk, where, when an inconvenience happens, I immediately ask myself, “Is it going to heaven or hell?”  And if I determine it has no eternal value…then I’ll take the “hiccup” in stride and get it taken care of…without any ranting and raving and screaming and crying and yes…even blaming God.


We are living in a messed-up world that often seems unhinged, so I think there just might be more important things to dwell on than a broken freezer.   So, when we are tempted to throw a hissy fit this week over something that isn’t going to heaven or hell…let’s practice self-control, smiling, soft words…without blaming God.  I think He will be proud of us if we do 


Take control of what I say, O Lord,
    and guard my lips.”

Psalm 141:3


BY THE WAYhave you watched all four lessons in my latest YouTube series entitled, “Fears, Worries & Futures” on my YouTube channel, Image Seeker?  If not, check it out and make sure and subscribe so you won’t miss out on the next series when it becomes available! You can find Image Seeker at

Monday, September 6, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Those Who Labor

Well today is Labor Day, which is a sure sign that summer is coming to an end.  UGH.  I have so enjoyed this summer’s warm, sunny days and I’m praying we have many more before the snow flies!


Labor Day is a day when we honor the American worker; those people who work hard day in and day out to keep this world of ours moving forward.  Everywhere we look, we see laborers who are faithfully doing their job to the best of their ability.  Yes, I’m not naïve enough to think that everyone is doing their very best and working their hardest…but I don’t want to dwell today on those who choose to do just enough to get by.


I want us to turn our thoughts to those with whom we come in contact, who are obviously giving their all to bloom where God has planted them.  It doesn’t matter whether they are a cashier, a salesperson, a teacher, a lawyer, a ditch-digger, a stay-at-home parent or a doctor…they get up each morning determined to follow God’s plan for their day.  Even when they aren’t employed at their dream job…they still do their best…working as if God was their boss.


It is so important we recognize and appreciate these dedicated workers today on Labor Day and in the days to come.  Some people give their all in everything they do…but never have anyone notice and I find that sad.  It is easy to become so busy in our day that we overlook those whom God has placed in our path who need an encouraging word.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, as we go throughout each day, we were intentional in praising those we see?  It doesn’t have to take a lot of our time; sometimes just a simple, heartfelt “thank-you” is appropriate.  Maybe it is just asking the cashier how he or she is before they can say anything to us.  Maybe it is writing our child’s teacher a note, thanking him or her for all they do to instruct our loved one.  Maybe it is taking the time to tell our spouse how much we appreciate all they do each day to make our lives easier. 


The list of those we can encourage is endless.  The key is that we must be intentional; otherwise, opportunities will be missed.  The amazing thing is that as we lift the spirits of others, we will also be blessed.  The reason is that we can’t out give God…so as we deliberately strive to bless others…we will be blessed in return.


So let me begin by thanking all of you, my readers, for the love, support and encouragement you have shown me.  I am so humbled that you take your valuable time to read my ramblings.  Some of you I know quite well and there are others whom I have never met.  Regardless, you have blessed me immeasurably and my prayer is that God will shower you with HIS blessings as you continue your journey with HIM!


Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”                                       Philippians 1:3-6


BY THE WAYhave you watched all four lessons in my latest YouTube series entitled, “Fears, Worries & Futures” on my YouTube channel, Image Seeker?  If not, check it out and make sure and subscribe so you won’t miss out on the next series when it becomes available! You can find Image Seeker at