Monday, March 27, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: NEVER Say Never!

I had said more than once, “Never again”.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love animals.  In fact, growing up I wanted to be a veterinarian until I realized how much math was involved in accomplishing that profession 😊

We’ve had numerous cats and dogs in our home over the years, but when my beloved pug passed away in 2018, I decided that was it.  No more dogs for us.  At this stage of our lives…being semi-retired…owning a pet just wasn’t something I wanted to “deal” with.  We like to be free to travel and do what we want to do and not have to figure out what to do with a dog.  So, while there have been times when I’ve missed having a pet…I was firm on my decision to keep our home free of animals.

Well, let me introduce you to Truman…the dog that made me eat those words when he recently became the newest member of our family.  I wasn’t even looking for a pet…but made the mistake of scrolling through the animals which were up for adoption at our local shelter.  That wasn’t an uncommon thing for me to do, because I love animals and enjoy seeing the different breeds.  I had done this numerous times since 2018, but never once had one tug at my heart…until Truman.  When I first saw him…there was something about him that made me take a second look. 

Several days later…I scrolled through the available pets again and yes, once again…I stopped at this canine.  Honestly, I didn’t want to love this dog because I was so adamant about not having another one...especially a shedding dog! But,  over the next month…Truman kept showing up in my Facebook feed and it was as if he was staring right at me.  I felt a connection to this dog whom I had never met…but just kept reminding myself that he just wouldn’t fit into our current stage of life.

As February came to a close…I still couldn’t get Truman off my mind.  Figuring he had probably been adopted…I checked the shelter’s website and there he was…still speaking to me through his eyes.  So, I did what I do in many situations…I began praying about this mutt.  I told the Lord that I didn’t want to make a mistake…so He was going to have to make it crystal clear to me if I was to adopt him.  I threw out several fleeces (I believe in using those!) and was very specific as to how I needed them answered so I would know.  Every single fleece was answered down to the last detail.

Then, on March 1st…the Lord threw in an extra sign which I didn’t expect.  The shelter posted that they were running a special and all adoption fees were being greatly reduced.  I felt like it was now or never…and I went to meet this dog.  As I expected…I knew when I saw him that he was mine.

Truman entered our home and acted like he had always lived here.  There wasn’t any adjustment period…he was home and he knew it.  We have a connection that really can’t be described or understood…we just know it’s there.

If you are waiting for a big theological lesson in this story…you will be very disappointed.  I just wanted to remind you today that the Lord cares about every aspect of your life.  There is nothing too small to pray about.  I think we often have the misconception that He is only concerned about the big issues in our life and doesn’t want to be bothered about life’s everyday decisions.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  He loves you so much and wants to be the One you turn to when you need guidance…no matter how trivial it may seem.

Yes, Truman is now a part of our family and I’m not entirely sure what the Lord’s plans are for us.  All I know is that for some reason…I was meant to love this goofy, shedding, thankfully well-behaved dog.  Maybe, just maybe…he was brought into my life to remind me once again…just how much my Jesus loves and cares about every aspect of my life.  And the cool thing is…He cares that much about you too 

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