Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Looking Like Jesus

I read a story about a man who had rented a house which had a large mango tree in the backyard.  The owner told him that unfortunately, the tree had never produced fruit.  Following that discussion, a man came to cut the grass and he told the renter he knew what to do to get the tree to bear fruit the next year.  The renter was thrilled and told him to do whatever he had to do to get it to produce (I had to wonder what the owner felt about that!).

Later that day, the renter went out to look at the tree and he was mortified at what he saw.  The tree, which was previously lush and provided shade for the house, was now barren.  Almost all the branches had been cut off and all that was left was the tree trunk.  He wanted to be angry…but he knew he had given the man full reign to do what needed to be done.  And much to his surprise, the next year the tree was filled with mangos.  The gardener had known how to prune a tree so that it would bear much fruit.

I found it interesting in this story that it wasn’t that the tree looked dead when the man moved into the house.  He said it was lush and was providing shade.  So, to look at the tree, no one would have known there was a problem unless you were told it was supposed to be bearing fruit…but it wasn’t.

This observation makes me think of my life and what others see when they look at me.  Do I have the appearance of being a Christian only on the outside?  If someone sees the real me…do they see fruit or am I barren?  And am I willing to be pruned by my Jesus to ensure I am bearing fruit to the fullest?

Spring has finally arrived in Indiana, so you will now find me outside as much as possible.  I love to work in my flower beds…doing what I can to help them flourish.  This means that at times…I will need to do some pruning.  I will need to cut off dead parts of plants…to make sure all the energy is going towards the live portions.  I may even have to, at times, cut off parts which look healthy…knowing that in doing so…what is left will be even prettier and more productive.  

Just like these plants, sometimes Jesus needs to cut things out of my life, removing any dead areas that aren’t producing so my life can yield more fruit for Him.  And yes, sometimes He will need to cut things out of my life that may look ok…but in doing so…I’ll have more time to spend with Him…drawing from Him the ”energy” needed to do what He has called me to do.

I think it all comes down to a word I’ve written about many times before…trust.  Do I trust that Jesus knows what needs to be stripped away in my life so that I will bear the fruit that He desires?  The truth is, if I do trust Him completely, then I should be willing to let Him work in me and through me for His glory.

Allowing Jesus to prune us isn’t always fun…but we know it will be worth it in the end.  Why?  Because then we will look more like Him…and that’s a reflection in the mirror we all long to see! 

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