Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday Morning Memo: Walking Boots

I recently observed an anniversary.  Notice I did not say that I celebrated an anniversary…because trust me…there wasn’t much celebrating happening here.  One year ago…on August 30th, 2023, I tore both of my Achilles tendons at the same time.  I am doubtful I will ever forget that day.


What a year it has been.  I have shared with you before that much of this time has found me wearing two walking boots…not something you usually see.  During that time, I was stared at…pointed at…laughed at…and yes…questioned over and over again as to whether I kicked my husband and that landed me in two boots.  That question “might” have been funny the first time I heard it…but it lacked much hilarity by the time I was asked for the 100th time.


Of course, the two boots took me to my first tendon surgery in February and then I was thankfully only in one boot when I went in for my 2nd surgery in June.  And now…I’m now starting to see a faint light at the end of the tunnel at getting rid of the 2nd boot and being able to wear two tennis shoes.  Hallelujah!


As I was thinking about this past year recently, my mind went to something I have shared with you before and that is the Japanese version of Psalm 23, which reads:


"The Lord is my pacesetter, I shall not rush.

He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals.

He provides me with images of stillness which restore my serenity.

He leads me in the ways of efficiency through calmness of mind and this guidance is peace.

Even though I have a great many things to accomplish this day,

I will not fret for His presence is here.

His timeliness is all important.

He will keep me in balance.

He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity.

By anointing my mind with his oils of tranquility,

my cup of joyous energy overflows.

Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruits of my hours

for I shall walk in the pace of the Lord and dwell in His heaven forever.”


When I shared this with you before, I wrote these words:


“I have to admit that sometimes when I read this version, I think they are describing a life in a make-believe world. Whoever wrote this sure wasn’t living in reality and in the world that I live in – with my hectic schedule, my sometimes-frazzled thoughts, my friction with others instead of peace and harmony.”


I had to chuckle when I reread these words this past week.  Why?  Because after all which has transpired this past year…I look at this version of Psalm 23 completely different.  I would be greatly exaggerating if I told you that I’ve had a hectic schedule and I’d probably even be stretching it to say that I’ve had frazzled thoughts…because to be honest…my brain hasn’t functioned much at all.  


So, when I wrote about this last time, the phrases that jumped out at me were “The Lord is my pacesetter, I shall not rush” and “Even though I have a great many things to accomplish this day, I will not fret for His presence is here.” And then “He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity.”


This time, because I have been in a totally different set of circumstances, the phrases which caught my eye were, “He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals” and “His timeliness is all important.  He will keep me in balance.”  And then, “By anointing my mind with his oils of tranquility, my cup of joyous energy overflows.”


Do you know what this showed me?  God’s Word is relevant no matter what we are going through.  If our life is filled with one appointment or deadline after another…His Word is sufficient to give us what we need to get through those hectic days.  But if our life is brought to a sudden standstill and each day looks pretty much like the day before…His Word is able to comfort us, sustain us, and strengthen us to make it through each and every day.


As you know, I try to be completely honest with you, so I have to admit that there have not been lots of days where my “joyous energy overflowed”.  There have been some dark days this past year as I’ve struggled to see God’s purpose in all of this.  But I can attest to the fact that God has remained faithful day after day after day.  Over and over again, He has used family and friends to be “Jesus with skin on” to my husband and me…and we will be forever grateful for their love, support and their many acts of kindness.  


Wherever you and I find ourselves today…we need to remember that the Lord is our pacesetter and His Word will direct our steps.  He determines what each day will hold and our job is to walk in His pace, not ours, keeping our eyes focused on the fact that someday, we will dwell in His heaven forever.  I know I’m so looking forward to that day…because I am confident…there will be NO walking boots needed on the streets of gold!  Hallelujah!

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