Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday Morning Memo: Eyes On Us

Well, what a week it has been.  I could hardly wait for the election to be over so that every commercial I saw wasn’t knocking and belittling someone else to make the one who approved the message look better.  But I think we just traded one irritation for another.  Now every time I turn on the TV or the radio…everyone is talking about the protests and riots going on across the country because people didn’t get their way.  I’m all for free speech, but when it endangers people and destroys property, it stops being a “right” that anyone should have.

I really don’t think we should be surprised.  For years now the acceptable thing to do has been to make sure that no one ever fails or doesn’t get their way.  Trophies are handed out to every child playing sports…because we don’t want to hurt their psyche and make them see a counselor some day.  Parents are making teachers’ jobs very difficult because they don’t want their child to be disciplined in the classroom.  Adults believe that they should be able to do their own thing…whenever they feel like it…because no one should have any authority over them.  We have become a “feel good” society and when someone or something doesn’t make us feel good…we believe we have the right to lash out in any way that we deem appropriate.

Unfortunately, all this is happening among Christians as well as non-Christians.  I have been appalled at comments I have heard or read from professing followers of Christ.  At a time when we should be the example of Christ’s love…I think we are falling woefully short.

I heard about a conversation this week between a woman who voted for Trump and her employer who voted for Clinton.  They were talking about the results of the election and the employer wasn’t happy with the outcome.  But then she told her employee something rather surprising.  She told her that she was brokenhearted at the results but that this employee is a person that she feels is extremely intelligent, tolerant and well educated and she respects her. She said that if this employee could vote for Trump, it makes her feel like everything is going to be okay.

Two things struck me when I heard this.  First of all, what a great attitude this employer had, even when she didn’t get what she wanted.  She was able to look at the situation logically and find a way to have a more positive attitude on the future.  We could all learn from her example.

Secondly, it is obvious that this employee has been a great example of how we as Christians should be living our lives.  Her boss has been watching how she handles herself at her job on a daily basis and as a result, when this employer faced a difficult situation, she looked to her employee for direction.  This boss may not realize that this woman is a Christian…but I can’t help but wonder if some day she may seek to have what she has seen in her employee.

It is so important that each of us realizes that we are always being watched and how we act and react to life’s disappointments can have an impact on those around us.  If we stomp our foot and raise our fist when life doesn’t go our way…I highly doubt anyone will want what we have in Christ.

No matter who is in the White House…God is still on the throne and He is supposed to be our focus.  Let’s make sure that those who need Him as their Savior will catch of glimpse of Him in us.   

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.”

Philippians 4:9 The Message

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