Monday, December 25, 2017

Monday Morning Memo: Time to Adore

"I’m sorry to bother you. I’m sure you are probably really busy today, but I just have to tell someone. You see, just a few short hours ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He’s the most gorgeous baby I’ve ever seen.  He has dark curly hair, chubby cheeks and ten fingers and ten toes!  I think he may even have my eyes!

It’s been such a long nine months. I’ve had so many different feelings and emotions. First, I had an angel tell me that I was going to have a baby and that I was to call him Jesus. The angel said that my baby would be great and he would be the Son of God.  The Son of God?  I was going to give birth to the Son of God?  How could this be?  I was still a virgin and I wasn’t even married yet.  

It didn’t take long for me to realize that what the angel had said was true.  I had terrible morning sickness those first few months, and then once I started showing, I was the talk of the village. I could feel people staring and whispering behind my back. There were days when I wondered why I was chosen for this and why people didn’t believe me when I told them that I was carrying the Son of God.  I guess it did sound pretty unbelievable. 

Then, we found out that we had to go to Bethlehem because the Roman emperor, Augustus, decided that a census had to be taken throughout the Roman Empire.  Oh, I really didn’t want to go but my fiancé, Joseph, said we didn’t have a choice.  So we started out on the long, almost 100-mile trip.  It was hard because I was so uncomfortable and just couldn’t wait to finally get there.  Then, to make matters worse, when we finally did arrive in Bethlehem, all the rooms were filled!  I started to cry but Joseph told me that it would be ok.  He finally found a place that had room in the area where the animals lived.  That was fine with me because it was at least a place where we could get some rest, plus it had a manger that I could lay my baby in once he was born.

But, when I held my baby Jesus in my arms for the first time, it made it all so worthwhile. Did I tell you how beautiful he is? He is absolutely perfect!  I can hardly wait to see him smile for the first time and see him take his first step and say his first word.

I do worry though about how you will treat my son. I wonder if you will love and adore him like I do. The angel told Joseph that Jesus was the Messiah and he was coming to save you from your sins. Will you listen to him? I wonder…will you realize how much God must love you to send my child into the world to save you?  Will you turn from your wicked ways or will you reject him?

Well, I hear my baby crying and I must go and see what he needs. I do want you to see him and know him personally.  I want so desperately for him to be a part of your life, but the choice is yours to make.  I know you are really busy today, but will you take some time to come and adore him with me?

By the way, did I tell you how beautiful he is?” 

“Oh come let us adore Him,
Oh come let us adore Him,
Oh come let us adore Him,

Christ the Lord.”

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