Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday Morning Memo: Out of Sorts

Thanksgiving 2018 is in the books and as a result…I’m tired. I had a great week which included cooking, cleaning, eating, laughing, playing with grandkids, more cooking, more eating…well you get the idea.  I loved every minute of it, but it does take a toll on me and as a result…I’m tired.  And if I had to guess…you just may be tired too.

We had some of our family in for dinner Saturday night and while I was getting things ready in the kitchen, my two-year-old grandson came in and he was out of sorts.  I wasn’t sure what triggered his sudden mood change, so I decided to take him by the hand and we went in to the living room where it was quiet.  I held him in my lap and we just started talking.  I asked him several times what was wrong, and he finally said he didn’t know…he just wanted me.  Melt. My. Heart.  So in the quiet room we just spent time together.   We didn’t do anything noteworthy; I just held him and we talked about his day.  After a while, whatever caused the meltdown was long forgotten…he was smiling again…I felt renewed strength…and he ran off to join the rest of the family in the other room.

As I relaxed in my recliner later that evening, I thought about those precious moments with Ezekiel.   That precocious little boy sure made my day by just wanting to spend some time with me. He didn’t have a long list of things he wanted from me…he was just happy to be with me.  I think he just needed to be taken out of the noise for a while to allow him to reset his emotions.

We are entering a time of year that can be crazy busy as Christmas is on the horizon.  I’m fairly confident that there will be times during these next weeks, when we will, once again, become weary.  Maybe at those times it would be beneficial to just spend time with our heavenly Father because I’m guessing He loves it when we want to sit quietly with Him. Time spent not telling Him our long list of requests, but just being content to be with Him.  

Let’s be mindful this Christmas season of the times when we need to remove ourselves from the “noise” of this world to reset our emotions as we spend time with our Jesus.  Maybe if we do that, we will have less times when we are out of sorts.  And maybe, just maybe, others will see more of Him in us as a result of our quiet time in His presence.

 “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

Psalm 91:1

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