Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday Morning Memo: God Is There!

We survived! I wasn’t sure we would, but since this is February 4thand I am able to write this and you are able to read this, it proves it.  What did we survive?  January! It was such a long month and I’m sure it had more than 31 days in it.  I can’t tell you how much joy it brought me this past Friday to finally be able to turn our calendar to the next month.  Of course, getting to look at pictures of my grandchildren on the calendar never hurts either J

Why does it seem like winter drags on and on…but then spring, summer and fall just fly by? Winter can be such a hard time on our emotional health, especially if you live in a colder climate.  To see the sun in the sky is often a real treat and having to stay inside can become depressing.  

Unfortunately, though, I have talked to quite a few people lately that are really discouraged, and the source of their despair has very little to do with the season. Life has just become almost more than they can handle and they are asking quite a few “whys?”.  It is all they can do to put one foot in front of another and they are really wondering when the sun is going to shine again in their lives. They are wonderful children of the King who have just been dealt some hard blows and right now they are reeling from what they feel has been a sucker punch in the gut.

I recently read this quote, “The Christian life is not a constant high.   I have my moments of deep discouragement.  I have to go to God in prayer with tearsin my eyes and say, ‘O God, forgive me, or help me.”   Do you have any idea who said that?  You might be surprised to know that it was Billy Graham.  Yes, even Billy Graham had times of despair, but he knew to Whom he needed to turn during those times.

The exciting thing is that the same God that Billy Graham turned to, is waiting for us to turn to Him also.  Wherever we are in our life…God is there.  Just because we are in a valley doesn’t mean that God is standing on the sidelines waiting for us to pull ourselves out.  He is there.  He is in the trenches with us and loves us more than we can even imagine.  He loves us with all of our faults, sins, attitudes and failures.  There is no way He would have sent His Son to die for you and me…if He didn’t love us beyond measure.

Are you struggling today?   Are you wondering why your view right now is from the valley instead of from the top of a mountain?  Please know that you are not alone…everyone has times in their life when troubles seem to build up and detours and potholes are at every turn. We live in a broken world where Satan wants nothing else but to keep you discouraged and feeling like there isn’t any hope.  Don’t listen to him.  Instead, lift your eyes to your all-powerful God and ask Him to help you.  He is there and able to do far more than you can even imagine.  With Him…the Son is always shining and wants nothing more than to fill your life with His warmth.  Look up to Him today…because He is there!

"Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand."
Psalm 37:24

"I cling to you; your strong right hand
holds me securely."
Psalm 63:8


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