Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: If Jesus...

I’m guessing I don’t have to tell you that we are living in a different world than we were just a few weeks ago.  It seems like just about everything that used to be in our “normal”, isn’t normal anymore.  Many of us are home way more than we are used to…and when we do go out it seems as if we have entered a third world country.  

I have especially been struck by the difference in people in stores.  Where I used to hear lots of noise as shoppers visited with friends in the grocery store aisles…there is now an eerie silence.  I’ve observed that there isn’t even much eye contact between buyers; most act as if they have blinders on and are extremely focused to put their needed items in the cart as quickly as possible so they can exit the store.  Of course, many have now adorned masks, which just adds to my feeling of being in a different country.

This, of course, is all because of the hidden virus that has invaded our world and is the cause of our “normal” becoming abnormal.  It’s hard to understand how something that is unseen with our human eye can have such a global impact.  Words such as “social distancing” were never uttered before, but because of this virus they are words that control most of our actions.  Because of it we are now warned to stay away from others...wash our hands over and over…and just about bathe in sanitizer.

I think what has troubled me the most as I’ve seen others who have braved public locations, is the fear and anxiousness I see on their faces.  Many look scared.  This virus has put a fear in them that they have never known before or ever thought they would know in the U.S.A.  Something of this nature wasn’t ever supposed to rear its ugly head here in America and bring our daily routine to such a screeching halt.   We weren’t supposed to have our flourishing businesses suddenly be told to put a closed sign on the door, bringing incomes to a standstill.  This type of interruption should only happen in underdeveloped countries…not in such a modern, high-tech country such as ours.

But it has happened here and we have all been forced to deal with its serious consequences.  We can’t just ignore it and hope it goes away.  We have to face it and make the necessary changes in our lifestyle to not only keep ourselves healthy…but keep from infecting those around us.  

It is natural then that fear and anxiousness creep into the recesses of our mind.  Our world has been turned upside down in a relatively short time and it is normal to feel apprehensive about our future.  The question then becomes: How do we control our fear and anxiety so that it doesn’t take over our emotions every second of every day?

So that you know…I wrote this much of my post before yesterday…before Easter Sunday.  And if I’m honest…I didn’t have a clue how I would answer that question…so I stopped writing.  Sure, I knew of scriptures I could share…glib phrases that we all know well that I could list…but nothing I considered seemed “right”.  Then…Easter happened, and I knew the answer to my question.

We just came through probably the most important weekend for Christianity.  This is the weekend we spend time contemplating Jesus dying on the cross for you and for me…and then celebrate the fact that He rose again so we can spend eternity with Him.  As I watched one service after another yesterday, hearing over and over again what has been done for me…it suddenly hit me.  Do I really believe that this happened?  Do I really believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and rose three days later so that I can now serve a King who is alive and well?  If my answer is YES…I DO believe this happened…they why in the world would I let anything that happens on this earth control my emotions and cause me to be anxious and fearful?  Why would you?

💗If Jesus was powerful enough to rise again…He is powerful enough to handle those things that cause us fear.

💗If Jesus was powerful enough to rise again…He is powerful enough to handle our health and the health of our family.

💗If Jesus was powerful enough to rise again…He is powerful enough to handle our loneliness during this time of quarantine.

💗If Jesus was powerful enough to rise again…He is powerful enough to handle our finances and will provide for us what is needed.

💗If Jesus was powerful enough to rise again…He is powerful enough to handle ANYTHING that we will face today and tomorrow!
YES…if He was powerful enough to rise again…we don’t have to worry, fret, lose sleep or fall apart, screaming that the sky is falling…because He walks before us, beside us and stands behind us.  He is with us ALWAYS!  HE IS RISEN INDEED…HALLELUJAH! 

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