Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: Achieving Our Potential

In 2014, I wrote these words:

If you have read my book “Image Seeker”, you know that I really dislike winter. I am definitely a summer girl and one of my favorite things to do is work in my flower beds, and I have several of them. One of my preferred flowers to plant is the petunia. It comes in a variety of colors and if cared for correctly, will profusely bloom for several months. 

But if my petunias are left to take care of themselves, it doesn’t take long for them to begin looking bad. The key to their health is receiving plenty of water, fertilizer and lots of pruning. I do my best to go over them every day, pulling off any despairing looking blooms, so that only the vibrant, healthy looking flowers are left. If I skip a day, I naturally have more dead flowers to contend with and if I miss several days, it can almost seem overwhelming to get them back to their beautiful state. 

As I was working in my gardens this past weekend, I was thinking about how much those petunias are like me. As long as I am spending time with the Lord, the Master Pruner, each day, my life can be a beautiful display of His handiwork. If I miss a day with Him, those things (sins) that are ugly in my life start to distract from my beauty. And with each day that I miss, more of the unattractive qualities are seen and unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for others to miss seeing His image in me, because my ugliness has won out. 

Once again, in 2020, I have lots of petunias to take care of each day.  But as I’ve been pruning them this year, another thought has entered my mind.  Petunias are a lot of work.  If I want them to flourish and be a thing of beauty, I have to be willing to put in the work.   Sure, there is no rule that says I have to deadhead them every day.  I could just let them be and there will still be some flowers growing…but they will never achieve their potential unless I am willing to do what it takes to see them thrive.

Hmmmm…once again this simple act of pruning my petunias has hit me between the eyes.  God wants so much for me…so much more than I can even imagine…but for it to be accomplished I have to be willing to put in the work.  I have to be willing to do what it takes each and every day to see His perfect plan unfold.  That means I may have to sacrifice…I may have to give up something that I  want to do…I will need to reach out to those less fortunate than me…I will need to be “Jesus with skin on” to every person He puts into my path.  I may even have to step way  out of my comfort zone to do whatever He is asking of me.  And, every day I will need to be disciplined in my reading of His Word, praying and intentional to listen for His guidance and direction.

I now have to ask myself if I’m willing to do these things each and every day.  No one can do them for me…it is my choice and my decision…just like it is yours.  You may be sensing that God is leading you to seek Him and be a shining light for Him every day…and to step out to accomplish something that seems way above your qualifications.  Remember, God doesn’t call the qualified…He qualifies the called.

Back in 2014, I ended my post with these words:

As you are enjoying this beautiful day that the Lord has given us, keep your eyes out for petunias. Let them be a constant reminder that you need to be pruned daily so that you will reflect His image. If you make that a priority, you will surely be a beautiful display of His handiwork! 

Now, in 2020, I feel led to ask you, “Are you willing to put in the work?  Are you willing to sacrifice what you want for what He wants?”  My friend, neither one of us will ever reach our full potential without being willing to do whatever it takes to see His plan unfold.  Will it be worth it?  You bet.  I happen to believe He will produce bountiful blooms within us and through us so that others will see Him in us.  We have a lost and broken world all around us…are we willing to do the work so they can find our Jesus too? 

“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. 
Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.”


Colossians 3:23-24


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