Monday, October 5, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: The Days to Come

They are words I am hearing a lot these days.  It seems like many are feeling the same way and I can see the concern on their faces as they speak about the current condition of our country.  I have been told over and over again, “I worry so much for my children and grandchildren.  What kind of a world will they have to endure?”


Honestly, it may be a good thing that we don’t know what we or our family will have to go through in the days ahead.  What we are promised is that our God does know what tomorrow will bring and He is already there.  Nothing will be a surprise to Him and nothing will catch Him off-guard.  He is faithful…and that is what we need to remember and it is in Him that we need to put our trust.


So, if we don’t have a clue what tomorrow will bring for our loved ones… what can we do for them today?  If we are truly concerned for our children and grandchildren…what can we do now to help them be prepared for whatever comes in their path?


This came to mind recently as I was mailing out a couple of my books.  I turned to a page to sign my name and there was the dedication I had written to my grandchildren.  I hadn’t read it for a long time…so I took a few minutes to refresh my memory.  I had penned…


Dedication to my Grandchildren


I was told for many years that being a grandma was something wonderful, and even though I knew that was probably true, there was no way I could really understand until I became one.  As each of you entered the world, my heart just expanded to hold more love than I ever imagined was possible.  As I looked into your eyes, I vowed to do all I could do to be the grandma that Jesus would want me to be.


I want each of you to know that I will always have time for you. Remember that grandma loves you more than you will ever know, and spending time with you is a blessing. I want to have fun with you, explore with you and laugh with you.   I want to listen to your funny stories and play make-believe.  I want to hold you, read to you and kiss your boo-boos.  And there will be times when I will just want to “be” with you, without having to do anything at all.


I will not be successful as a grandma though, if all you remember about me is that I was someone with whom you had fun.  More importantly, I want you to be able to remember me as a grandma who loved her Jesus with all her heart.  When you are with me, I want you to see Jesus.  When I talk with you, I want you to hear words from Jesus.  When we explore this great big world together, I want you to find Jesus.  When I hold you close to me, I want you to feel Jesus in a special way.


There is nothing more in this world that I want for you, than to love my Jesus with all your heart.  He will never leave you or disappoint you.  He gave everything so that you can walk with Him with every step, every day and someday spend eternity with Him.  


Unfortunately, I’m not going to be a perfect grandma, but I hope my love for you will outshine my imperfections.   My prayer is that as we do life together, each of us will learn and grow from each other, and be better Christ-followers as a result of our relationship.


When you read this book I have penned, I want it to remind you of just how much I love my Jesus and how much I love you.  You are truly a blessing to me.


Love & Lots of Kisses,




I can’t read these words without getting teary-eyed…because I love these precious souls so deeply.  I want each of them to not just know me…but more importantly…know my Jesus.  But what if my actions and reactions during this crazy time in our world aren’t reflecting Him…but reflecting my selfishness and my self-centeredness?  What if all they see is me screaming to get my own way and name-calling those who don’t see things the way I do?


You see, even if I am right in what I believe…even if all my opinions and facts are Bible-based…if I’m not showing Jesus’ love through me, what will my children and grandchildren learn?  Oh, I’m guessing they will still learn from me, but it probably won’t be anything that is beneficial.  


You and I can’t see tomorrow.  You and I, more than likely, can’t stop bad things from happening in our world tomorrow.  But there is something we can do today to help prepare those, whom we so deeply love, for the days ahead.  We can do all we can to be Jesus with skin on for those who come behind us.  We can show them how Jesus loves others.  We can show them how Jesus forgives others.  We can show them how Jesus shows compassion…even to those who disagree with Him.  Yes, we can show them Jesus…by allowing them to see His ways in us.


I am definitely not a perfect mom or grandma; I’ve blown it many times.  But I am committed, with Christ’s help, to do all I can to not just speak about my Jesus…but show Him to them too.  I need to remember that they are watching and that the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words” is often so true.  My prayer is that what they “see” in me will line up with what they “hear” from me…because turning their eyes towards Him…will help them face whatever life has in store in the days to come.


“If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing.  If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.”


1 Corinthians 13:1-3

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