Monday, October 12, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: A Legacy to Follow

I had the privilege of officiating at two funerals last week.  That may sound a little strange to many of you…putting the word “privilege” in the same sentence as “funeral”.  But I have always felt honored when asked to speak to families and their friends at a time when they, more than likely, need encouraged and comforted.  


Funerals almost always make me do some introspection.  Both of the Christian women who were laid to rest, left a legacy for their families to continue.  I was so touched to hear that one of them, even when her health was not at all good…was still looking around the nursing home to see who might need a friend.  The other woman was always more interested in how others were doing, than she was on her own well-being.  These dear saints made a difference in this world and, more than likely, in eternity.


Funerals always make me face the reality that I sometimes want to ignore.  I will one day leave this world and stand before my Jesus.  I’m guessing that in that moment…He isn’t going to ask me how much wealth I was able to accumulate.  He isn’t going to ask me if my home was larger than my neighbor’s.  He isn’t going to ask me if I achieved fame as I pursued the ministry He called me to.  And believe it or not…I don’t think He will ask me if I was a Republican or a Democrat.


I do think He will ask me if I genuinely loved those with whom He put in my path.  Did I spend my days looking for those who needed a friend?  Did I spend my time reaching out so others could see His love through me?  Was I more concerned about the well-being of others than I was about what was in it for me?  And maybe the hardest and most seat-squirming question…had I been willing to do whatever my Jesus had called me to do…regardless of the cost? 


My mind knows my answer to each of these questions should be “YES”…but if I’m honest I know I have fallen short.  It is easy for me to fall into the trap of making excuses…


         *I’m too busy

         *I’m too tired

         *They do not believe what I believe

         *I’m not qualified

         *What if I do what Jesus is asking…and I’m laughed at?

         *What if I do what Jesus is asking…and I fail?


Trust me…I could go on and on.  But I know that on that day when I see my Jesus face to face…none of my excuses will be valid.  I will be standing in front of the One who was spit on…beaten…ridiculed and hung on a cross for me and I’m pretty confident I won’t even be able to choke out my lame excuses.


Ephesians 3:20 is a verse that is often quoted…but I’m wondering if we really believe what it says: “Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”  Just think…if we really believe this…we know that we have God’s mighty power working in us!  And if that is true…we have no reason for any excuses.  He has promised to give us whatever we need…whenever we need it…to accomplish His perfect plan in us.   He is just waiting for us to be obedient…so He can do mighty things through us for His glory!


Oh, what a difference we could make in this world…if each of us had the courage to be completely obedient to the plan that Jesus has set before us.  Not only would it have a huge impact today…but I think we would leave a more powerful legacy for those who come behind us to follow.  


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