Monday, December 21, 2020

Monday Morning Memo: No Greater Gift

Christmas. This word conjures up many different emotions in those we meet. Some approach the day feeling almost giddy...anxious to see what wonderful treasures they will be given. Others enter this week feeling the same way, but their excitement is from what they will be giving...not what they will be receiving. Still others are so sick of seeing signs of Christmas in the stores and through the media since August, they just want this week to be over. 

Then there are those whose pain keeps them from barely noticing the lights, tinsel and presents. I’m afraid there is more of that than normal this year.  Pain from physical illness…pain from losing loved ones to Covid and other illnesses…pain from having to stay home and not be with family and friends and pain from strained or fractured relationships with those whom we love because of mask mandates or election results.   

Unfortunately, those who are hurting this year may never be the same again. They will never embark on this time of year without remembering these difficult days. I am confident that their joy will return because their focus will be on their Savior, but there will always be a part of them that will forever be changed. There is no way they can forget times such as this which have had such a dramatic impact on their life. 

At this point, you may be thinking that I am trying to squelch any Christmas enthusiasm you may have, but I can assure you that is not my intent. I just want you and me to remember that everyone we will meet this week has a different “story”. Each person will be viewing this Christmas through their own personal lens and even though it may not be obvious what they are going through, they may be crying out for someone to care. They may need you and me to be understanding, patient and loving, not trying to make them see Christmas through our eyes but see this special day through God’s eyes. 

God didn’t send His Son to this earth as a baby just so we can have a perfect life. Believe it or not, He didn’t send Him so we can give and receive gifts. He sent His Son so that we can have the opportunity to spend eternity with Him. The familiar verse in John 3:16 tells us, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”  If we truly believe this, it should totally change the way we approach Christmas. No longer will our focus be on giving or receiving, but on making sure that everyone, no matter what their “story” is, has the opportunity to believe in Him. Our responsibility is to share...but remember that we will never be heard if we don’t first care. 

It never ceases to amaze me that many, including me, know the reason for the season, but neglect to tell anyone else. We are so caught up in our own agenda that caring about another person’s “story” is just out of the question. Unfortunately, we leave that up to our Pastor because he gets paid to make sure others know the reason why the babe was born in the stable. 

If we knew the cure for cancer, would we tell others? If we knew that a tragedy was going to happen to someone we love, would we warn him or her? Of course we would. Why? Because we would want to make sure they were safe. We would want to make sure they knew of the impending events so they would be ready and could avoid pain and suffering. 

None of us know whom God will put in our path in the coming week; but we do know the reason for the season. Will you join me in making sure our lives impact those on our journey in a powerful, positive way? Let’s care about others enough to learn their story, walk alongside them, and share the reason with them. Our words and actions just may give them the hope they’ve been searching for and will make this Christmas one which will have an eternal impact on their life.  Trust me…it will give them a year they will never forget… not because of pain…but because of great joy in becoming a follower of Christ. Believe me, there is NO greater gift you can give than this! 

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