Monday, March 1, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Image Seeker Revived!

 As you know, I tend to write about the areas of my life that need chiseled…that need worked on…that need to have some “renovations” crafted by my Jesus.  So, as I’m sure you may have figured out…that’s why the last few weeks I have been sharing about how important it is to be completely surrendered to Christ, not dwelling on the “what-if’s” and not allowing ourselves to become too “comfortable”   Oh, I’m such a work in progress!


My spirit was unsettled again several months ago…feeling there was something new I was supposed to pursue in my ministry.  But as details started to become clear to me, I wasn’t sure I was ready to completely surrender…give up all my “what-if’s that immediately came to mind…and to be honest…I kind of enjoyed being comfortable!


But, I reminded myself that I began writing many years ago because simply...I care about you.  Plain and simple.  I believed then, and I still believe now, that Christ wants you and me to live a better life; a more fulfilled life - a life that looks more and more like His life and less and less like the world.  So, I guess Christ’s most recent nudging was just a natural progression because now I began feeling led to do what I could to have more of a “presence” on the Internet.  Not to promote me…but to hopefully help others see Jesus every day in a more personal way.     


In those days, many years ago, God impressed on me that I was to be an “Image Seeker”, taken from the verses in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 which say, “For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”  I believe everything that happens to me is an opportunity to become more like Him…depending on how I act and react.  It’s a daily choice that’s entirely up to me.  So now, I am returning to my “roots” of those initial days of my ministry and “Image Seeker” is being revived.  This time, it can be found as the name of a new Facebook page where I am now sharing encouraging posts to hopefully help others in their daily walk.  


I realize that not everyone is on Facebook, so I felt led to begin a YouTube Channel also entitled, Image Seeker.  On it, as of today, I am posting videos of my teaching.  To begin with, we will be studying the book of James together.  I chose this book because I believe it is so important for us, especially during the times we are living in, to do all we can do to strengthen our faith.  It’s going to be easy to become discouraged and lose our focus and as a result, I think it will be easy for us to be pulled down into the ways of the world.  So, as Christians, we need to do all we can to strengthen our faith so our eyes will be kept on our Jesus and others will see Him in us. 


May I ask a favor of you?  Will you please pray with me that God will use this ministry for His glory?  I really believe that time is of the essence, and there are so many who need to learn about our Jesus.  They need simple, straight-forward teaching that will help them realize how much they are loved and how each day they can look more and more like Him.  That is my prayer and my desire, and I would so appreciate you joining me in that prayer.

If you would like to follow me on my new Facebook page…you can find it at  

If you would like to join me in my study of the book of James, you can find my YouTube channel, Image Seeker, at


Let’s do our best this coming week to seek His image…so that every day…we will look more like Him!

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