Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: Big Shoes to Fill

I had the privilege this past Saturday to participate in a celebration service for my Aunt Berdaline.  She passed away in March at the young age of 96 and was an amazing woman.

I have been blessed with an awesome Christian heritage.  There have been many faithful ones who have been ushered into heaven before me…but have left me with such a wonderful example of what it looks like to be a totally devoted follower of Christ.  Aunt Berdaline was one of those who showed me, by her daily devotion to her Jesus, how I am supposed to be living…how everything I do…should be done for His glory and to impact eternity.  

I hear people say that they have served throughout the years, but because they are now retired, they will let the younger people take over.  I don’t think my aunt ever got the memo on that thought.  Right up until she left this earth…she was ministering and witnessing to everyone who entered her room.  Every CNA…every nurse…every employee…knew that she was willing to listen to them, that she cared about them and was willing to pray with them.  She had note cards with each person listed and the concerns they had…so she could continually pray for them.  She spent an hour every Saturday night…praying for pastors who would be standing behind their pulpit on Sunday morning.  This woman was a true intercessor…lifting so many others up to God’s Throne.  

All I could think of this past weekend was what huge shoes she left to fill on this earth.  As one intercessor is ushered into heaven, if we don’t pick up where they left off, there may be those who won’t spend eternity with Jesus.  Each of us needs to do just what my aunt did…reach out to everyone we meet…letting them know that we love them and that there is a Savior who loves them more than they can imagine.  No matter what age we are…we are to never “retire” from caring…loving…and sharing about Him. 

My prayer is that when God calls me home…I will leave big shoes to fill.  I know I have a long way to go to be there…but I sure hope I won’t ever retire from wanting to make a difference in the lives of others.  My heart aches for those who may not know my Jesus and are waiting for someone to reach out to them.  I don’t ever want to become complacent or lazy…expecting someone else to make a difference in eternity so I don’t have to.  I want to be willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that those who need to hear will hear from me.

Will you join me?  Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to do whatever it takes to make a difference in eternity?  I sure hope so…because I know I have so much to learn and maybe you will be someone I can learn from as we are on this journey with Jesus.  Let’s work together to make sure that when we are called “Home”…we leave HUGE shoes to fill! 

I can’t impress this on you too strongly. 

God is looking over your shoulder. 

Christ himself is the Judge, 

with the final say on everyone, living and dead. 

He is about to break into the open with his rule, 

so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. 

Challenge, warn, and urge your people. 

Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple.”

2 Timothy 4:2 (The Message)


BY THE WAY…Do you live your life in fear?  Do you find yourself consumed with worry?  Make sure and check out my YouTube channel, Image Seeker, because I have  a new series entitled, “Facing Fears, Worries & Futures”.  We are looking at what the Bible says concerning living life without fretting about what might happen today or tomorrow…because God is in control and is powerful enough to handle anything that we might face!  The first video in this series is up and I will be sharing the second video tomorrow.  To access this series, click on this link: and  subscribe today so you won’t miss any of the lessons in this new study!

If you would like encouraging thoughts to help you in your daily walk with Jesus, check out and “Like” my Facebook page, “Image Seeker”…you can find it at  

And, if you aren’t on Facebook but would still like to see encouraging posts and notices of new videos…”Follow” me on Instagram.  Just search for “The Image Seeker”

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