Monday, August 23, 2021

Monday Morning Memo: WHY? By His Grace...

Last week I shared with you the word “why”, and how it had been used in recent days from various friends.  Why has God allowed Covid to interrupt our lives and cause so much pain, fear and dissension?  Why am I being afflicted with one health problem after another?  Why did my spouse walk away from our marriage?  Why did God take my spouse in the prime of their life?  Why aren’t my children following the Lord like I want them to?  Why are we struggling to make ends meet, when others who aren’t following the Lord seem to prosper?


This past week, I watched the news and since then, an entirely new set of “why” questions have been flooding my mind:


Why am I fortunate enough to live in the United States…instead of Afghanistan?


Why am I blessed to be living in a comfortable home…instead of in Haiti where many buildings and homes are nothing but rubble after the recent earthquake?


Why do I have a plethora of food in my cabinets, refrigerator and freezer…and there are others who are standing in food lines for hours because they have nothing to eat?


Why did I have the privilege of hugging my grandkids this past week…instead of trying to pass them off to American soldiers…hoping…just hoping…they might be taken from my country to a safe land?


Why was I allowed to worship in my church yesterday without the threat of being killed for doing so…when others chose to worship knowing full well, they may be martyred and see Jesus before the service was over?


Why are all my children safe here in the United States…when others’ children are serving in the military, putting their lives in grave danger?


Why was I born into a Christian family…where I was raised by Christian parents…instead of in a home of drug dealers in a poverty-stricken inner city, where there is little hope of having a prosperous, abundant life?


Trust me, I could go on and on.  You see, the word “why” can be used to complain about my current circumstances, OR, it can be used to humble me and open my eyes to realize how blessed I truly am.


I don’t know the answers to these questions…but I do know one thing.  I. am. blessed.  I am blessed beyond measure, and I hope that in the days to come, I will remind myself of this over and over again.  When I find myself comparing my circumstances to others…thinking they have it better than me…I hope I will run through the “why’s” I have listed today.  Because there is absolutely no reason I should have it any better than anyone else in this world.  I don’t deserve it.  I’m not loved more. I’m definitely not a better person.   All I can say is, “There but for the grace of God…”.

BY THE WAYtomorrow morning I will be posting our final look at “Fears, Worries & Futures” on my YouTube channel, Image Seeker.  We will be looking at a man in the Bible who asked God to bless him and what can happen if we do the same!  Make sure and “Subscribe” to my channel today so you won’t miss this study and the studies to come!  You can find Image Seeker at

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