Monday, October 31, 2022

Monday Morning Memo: In His Family Together

If you have been in my home, you know that I really don’t have a theme as far as my decorating.  I pretty much have things on the walls and sitting around that I like…regardless of whether they all flow together or not.  I’ve heard people say their style of decorating is country, or modern, or eclectic, or traditional or mid-century modern…my style is just me.  I really don’t care if it is the latest fashion or not…I just want to feel comfortable with it and I want my home to feel comfortable to those who visit.


My decorating includes several scenery pictures on my wall which I really like, but there is one that has a very special meaning to us.  A dear friend of ours painted this picture that I’m sharing with you today.  While I’m sure we would love it if we just saw it in a store, it has a much deeper meaning to us because the artist is someone we know.  We have spent time with him, and we know him fairly well, so when he gave it to us it immediately became a prized possession of ours. 


The photographs I have in my home of my family also mean the world to me.  Looking at them brings me comfort, happiness and a feeling of contentment.  Why?  Because I know those in the photos well and oh, I love them so.  I have spent hours and hours with them and have desired to know everything about them.  I could put pictures of your family throughout my home and while I would think they were nice…I wouldn’t have the same feelings when I looked at them as I do with my own family.  I know my family intimately because I have spent time with them and of course, we are related.  If I ever feel distant from them, it is usually because I haven’t spent quality time with them recently. 


The same is true with my relationship to my Jesus.  Those times when I feel alone and I become discouraged, He can feel distant to me.  Is that because He has left me, or is it maybe because I haven’t spent quality time with Him for a while?  Have I been reading His Word because I truly want to know Him intimately, or am I just skimming the words to be able to mark it off my to-do list? 


I am the daughter of the author of this precious book and so it should be my desire to know everything about Him.  I should know Him so well that I ought to feel comfortable in His presence as I share with Him and He shares with me.  Being with my Jesus should bring me comfort, happiness and a feeling of contentment; but none of that will happen unless I desire to know everything about Him and want to live my life according to His instructions.


When you enter my home, I’m guessing it won’t take you long to know how much I love my family because of everything I have displayed.  But since I know I must love my Jesus even more, you should also realize my love for Him.  I want you to sense that the Holy Spirit lives in me and through me.  If you don’t…then I have failed.


I have a long way to go to be the follower of Jesus He wants me to be.  I know I need to spend more time in His Word…devouring His truths so they become my truths.  Since He is my Father, I want to learn everything He wants to teach me and I hope you want to also.  I think we all need to support each other and encourage each other on our journey because we are all in His family together.  And I just can’t help but think that maybe when we get to heaven and see the home He has prepared for us…there might be pictures of us displayed for all to see.  Why?  Because we are His children and oh, He loves us so!


“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. 

In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself 

but only by being joined to the vine, 

you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.

I am the Vine, you are the branches. 

When you’re joined with me and I with you, 

the relation intimate and organic,

 the harvest is sure to be abundant.”

John 15:4-8 (The Message)

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