Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday Morning Memo: Insignificant Things

Dan and I had the privilege last week to work at the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) processing center in Boone, North Carolina.   OCC is such a worthy cause and getting the opportunity to work for this ministry is honestly one of the highlights of my year. It is hard to comprehend that each box we touch is going to end up in the hands of a child who, more than likely, has never received a gift before in his or her life.  We in America can’t fathom that kind of living situation.  These boxes are being sent all over the world…giving children the basics of life…and also telling them about our Jesus.  These boxes can and do impact eternity…what a blessing!


There is a man who works at the processing center who understands the difference a shoebox can make in a child’s life.  I’ve shared his story before but seeing him again last week brought the facts back to my mind.  Alex is a survivor of the Rwandan genocide that took place back in 1994, when almost a million of his countrymen lost their lives. He vividly remembers his uncle and grandmother being brutally killed right in front of his eyes by his own neighbors when he was about six.  As a result, since his mother had already died from HIV/AIDS before the killings, Alex was displaced, running for his life with his brother and sister.  Eventually he landed in an orphanage where he said no one could ever sleep because of the screams from the children as they faced nightmare after nightmare.


Then, OCC boxes arrived and each child in the orphanage received a precious shoebox.  This was the first present Alex had ever received and he said you just can’t imagine the joy he felt as he carefully removed each precious item from his box.  He shared how excited he was with everything he was given…but do you know what his most favorite prized possession was from his box?  A comb.  That’s right…something that we take for granted on a daily basis was what meant the most to him.  He said he carried that comb with him every single day for three years until he lost it and was so upset when it was gone.


A comb.  And I complain if I run out of Diet Mountain Dew.  That may seem like a silly comparison…but it is something that comes to my mind when I think of Alex’s story.  How many times do I complain about something that, in light of eternity, has no importance?  How many things take precedence in my thoughts throughout the week that really have no value?  How often do I dwell on what I want…instead of what I can do to fulfill someone else’s necessities of life?  How petty and superficial is my life on a daily basis…when there are those around me who have great needs?


Of course, there is another question I have been asking myself.  How much do I look forward to spending time with my Jesus?  It probably sounds crazy…but I really look forward to having a can of this soda…so how much more should I look forward to consuming the living water that Jesus has for me?   Do I thirst for Him more than I thirst for this drink?  Again, you may think that’s a strange comparison…but it is a reminder to me that it’s so easy for things of this world…really insignificant things…to creep in and become a priority as I neglect those who will someday face eternity…with or without my Jesus.


Not only did Alex receive a treasured comb that day…he also heard that there was a Savior who loved him more than he could imagine.  As a result, Alex accepted Jesus into his heart, which was a gift he didn’t have to worry about losing. 


Friends, we don’t have to go to Rwanda to find those in need…they are all around us.  Many have physical needs that we can meet, and many have a spiritual longing of which we have the answer.  I have come home from this trip with a renewed desire to do what I can to make a difference in eternity by meeting the needs of those whom Christ puts in my path.  If I can tell others that I “love” a carbonated drink…shouldn’t I be willing to share with them the true and steadfast love of Jesus?  That is my desire.  Will you join me?

“Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”  

John 13:34-35 (The Message)

P.S.  Before I get a deluge of emails telling me that Diet Mountain Dew is not a healthy choice, you can save your comments.  I already know that bit of information and I’m sure you will be thrilled to know that I don’t drink it every day 😊 


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