Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday Morning Memo: My Shattered To-Do List

I’m convinced God just grins and shakes His head when I make all my lists.  I’ve shared before that if there were a “List-Makers Anonymous” group…I could be the president.  I love to make lists and I especially love to mark each task off as I complete it.  And yes, I’m one of those weirdos who, when I do something not on my list, I write it down and then immediately cross it off.  Oh, the satisfaction of accomplishing each task.

As I wrote last week, we recently took a trip to Boone, North Carolina.  You can bet I had a long list of things which I thought needed done before we left…but then unexpected events occurred and my list needed to be put aside.  I can honestly say I didn’t get upset…I knew the detours were in God’s plan and that the list would still be waiting for me when we returned.

I was right.  We returned home and no one else had picked up my list to do the tasks for me…so I immediately set forth where I had left off a couple weeks prior.  Of course, at that point…I had another whole list of things to add to the first list which I also felt needed to be done sooner than later. 

Twenty-four hours after we returned home from our trip, my husband began to feel ill. He rarely gets sick…but we determined it was a bad cold and so he laid low all weekend...thinking by Monday he would be up and going strong again.

By Monday morning, he was feeling a little better but yes, you guessed it, by then I didn’t feel good…and by evening I really didn’t feel good.  It was obvious that mine was more than a bad cold, so Tuesday morning a trip to the doctor was made and I was shocked to hear that I had Covid.  Trust me…having Covid was NOT on my list of things to do this past week and it really put a wrench in my plans.

These past weeks have reminded me that there are things which are much more important than my lists.  As critical as I sometimes feel those things on my to-do list are…they do not compare to being available to help others during unexpected detours in their life.  They don’t compare to taking care of my health when unanticipated “hiccups” occur.  There are times when I need to be willing to change my plans to come alongside someone else…and times when I need to just rest in Him to regain my strength. 

In Exodus 33:13-14, we read this conversation between Moses and the Lord: “If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor. And remember that this nation is your very own people.”

The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.” 

Moses wanted to understand the Lord and His ways more fully and the Lord promised him that He would be with him every step of the way and everything would be fine. He also told Moses He would give him rest.  I don’t think the Lord was just talking about the fact that Moses and his people could rest once they reached the Promised Land.  I think He was telling him that HIS presence would give him rest – physically, mentally and spiritually - no matter what life would throw at him…even when the events weren’t on his to-do list.

And the same is true for us.  The Lord’s presence within us can give us rest…when an unexpected detour comes our way.  Rest…when our spirit feels unsettled and unsatisfied.  Rest…when the world around us is in disarray.  Rest…when we are apprehensive regarding our future.  Rest…when our mind wants to dwell on our past.  Rest…when His plans don’t concur with our plans.  Rest…even when those “critical” things on our to-do list have to be left unmarked.  And yes…rest even the week before Christmas.

Are you in need of rest today…physically, mentally or spiritually?  The Lord promises that His presence can give you the kind of rest you need for today, tomorrow and the weeks and months to come.  He knows absolutely everything about you and nothing you are going through is a surprise to Him.  Today may not be the day you had planned on your calendar…but if you seek Him…He promises to walk with you every step of the way and give you rest.  I can’t think of anyone better to have as your walking partner than Him!

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