Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: The End Result

I was watching one of the morning shows this past week while I was getting ready for the day.  I heard a statement which caught my attention…so I backed it up to hear it again.  It was a man teaching some students about music and he said, “The end result is not as important as the process.”


Throughout that day, his statement kept coming to my mind.  While the reasoning behind it might be true for music while learning to play instruments, etc., I think the opposite is true in our Christian walk.  I think if we keep in mind what the end result will be…it will affect how we carry out the process.


Let me explain.  As Christians, we know the end result will be spending eternity in heaven with Jesus.  Just yesterday in church we sang the song, You’ve Already Won, with lyrics which say, 


I know how the story ends

We will be with you again

You’re the one who saves 

You’re my Savior my defense

So we don’t have to be afraid

No more fear in life or death

I know how the story ends,

We will be with you again.


Yes, we know how the story ends…we know the end result.  We also know that only those who have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior will be there with us.  If we really grasp that fact…then everything we do…every choice we make during our life (the “process”)…should be directed at witnessing to everyone whom we meet.  You see, if our focus isn’t on eternity…then it is easy to direct our thoughts inward…making sure we are as comfortable as possible.


I want to share with you a very sobering thought:  Every single person we meet today…will either spend eternity in heaven or in hell.  Our family members…the person who works next to us…the cashier at our favorite store…our neighbor…our boss…every person will have a choice to make as they live out their “process”.  What if we are the only person who is given the opportunity to tell them about Jesus…and we decide not to do it?  What if they need us to be “Jesus with skin on”, to show them how much they are loved?  What if we step out of our comfort zone and make the decision to step into their world…loving them…caring for them…doing everything we can to make sure they accept Him?  Would the end result make heaven just a little more crowded?  I happen to think it would!


As we go throughout our week…let’s concentrate on keeping our focus on the end result.  Let’s use that then to help us make daily decisions which will in turn… affect that end result.  Because oh, what a day that will be…when we see our Jesus face to face.  And I’m sure you would agree…we want just as many people as possible to be there with us.

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