Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: What is Your Worth?

My husband and I enjoy checking out secondhand stores and antique stores when we travel.  One thing we have observed over the years, is that the items have changed.  When we first began looking, the antiques were pieces which our grandparents used to use.  Somewhere down the line, the items were from our parents’ era and now we have realized, we are looking at things WE used to own!  If you want to feel like an antique yourself, just start checking out these types of stores.

The funny part of it is that neither of us knows much of anything about antiques.  When we look at a priced item, we have no idea whether it is a bargain or overpriced.  We just go strictly on its appearance and whether we like it.  One thing we do know is with most of the precious relics that we see, the older the item the more valuable it is.  In other words, as each piece ages, it becomes more priceless and its worth climbs.

Also, the condition it is in affects its worth.  If it has been well taken care of throughout the years, you can expect to pay more, because its condition makes it worth it.  But each piece needs to be thoroughly checked out because what you see at first may be misleading until all its parts are inspected.  

I’ve been thinking about how much my walk with Christ should be like an antique.  As I age, I should become more and more valuable.  Now, before you think I am sounding arrogant, let me explain.  I don’t think I should become more valuable for me…but for Christ.  On my own, I am worth nothing, unless I look more like Him as I get older.  I should be doing more and more for Him, serving Him to the fullest every day.  When others see me, they should be able to “inspect” my life and see that I am genuine in every way and not just an imposter attempting to look like a follower of Christ.

One thing we need to remember though is that just getting older doesn’t mean we will automatically have more value.  I have met people who have had the attitude that just because they are older, they somehow, I guess through osmosis, have become a stronger disciple.  They haven’t spent time in the Bible or listened to Christ’s direction, they have just relied on the fact that they have walked this earth longer than others.  I think it is such a shame that they are so misinformed.  They are missing out on a life which could be worth so much more and have a much greater impact on eternity.

So, my question today is…what is your worth?  As each day goes by, are you becoming more valuable or are you just becoming a better imposter?  Is your life having an impact on eternity or are your age spots all you have to show for your additional candles on your birthday cake?  It is a given that as long as we are breathing, each of us will age so we might as well make sure we are taking really good care of the life Christ has given us.  He already paid a very dear price for this antique body of ours, by dying on a cross so we could live with Him forever.  Let’s make sure our life is an antique whose worth grows as we strive to make an impact on eternity.  That will only occur as we share with others the Good News of the wonderful grace of our God!

“But my life is worth nothing to me 

unless I use it for finishing the work 

assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work 

of telling others the Good News 

about the wonderful grace of God.”

Acts 20:24

Monday, November 20, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: A Heavenly Delight :-)

I thought at first it was a SPAM email since it told me I had been chosen as one of the anniversary cookbook giveaway recipients.  It then said that I just needed to provide them with my address, and they would send my free cookbook right out to me.  I didn’t remember entering this giveaway per se…but I usually do things like this when the entry doesn’t require me to do anything but give my first name and email.

So, I did a little investigating and found out that the person sending the email did actually work for the person whose recipes were in this book…so I decided it was legit.  I sent back my address and within 24 hours the beautiful, hardcover cookbook was at my door!

Anyone who knows me well, knows this made me happy.  I love to cook and enjoy finding new recipes.  Of course, most recipes are found on the internet anymore and I like the ones that have already received rave reviews from other cooks.  I take the time to read their thoughts on whether the recipe should be made just as written, or whether they thought it was better with their own personal “tweaking”. 

It never ceases to surprise me though, when I make one of these tried and true concoctions, and we hate it.  Sometimes hundreds of other cooks say that this combination of ingredients is the best thing since sliced bread, and we can hardly swallow it.  I have to chuckle when my husband always says the same line when he doesn’t like my new dish: “You don’t ever have to make this again.”  That’s my cue that this particular recipe needs to be destroyed!

Does this failure stop me from trying new recipes?  Absolutely not.   Do I give up and tell myself that I guess I wasn’t meant to be a cook and should resort to eating and serving TV dinners?  Of course not!  Just because this new dish wasn’t a success, doesn’t mean my next attempt won’t be a heavenly delight 

Just like I wouldn’t give up cooking because of a failed attempt, I shouldn’t give up easily in other areas of my life when I fall short.  Unfortunately, I see it happening too often in the lives of those with whom I come in contact.  They try for a new job and don’t get it, and they feel like a failure and give up.  They discipline their child and the end result is not what they were expecting, so they throw their hands up and let their son or daughter do whatever he or she wants.  They step out of their comfort zone to attempt something new for Christ and their actions are not met with rave reviews, so they resort to just being a “pew warmer”. 

None of us like to fail at anything.  But our failures shouldn’t define us as a person.  We need to remember that it isn’t the failure that will destroy us but our attitude towards the failure.  I like this quote from Chuck Swindoll, “We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.”

There is so much truth in his words.  Our attitude is key when we come up against a failure or life throws us a curveball.  Will we beat ourselves up or will we stand back up, dust ourselves off and resolve to try again?  Remember that Matthew 19:26 tells us, “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Do you believe that today?  If so…make sure your focus stays on Him as you endeavor new and challenging opportunities that will help you grow to look more like Christ.  You just never know when one of these ventures will turn out to be a heavenly delight!

Oh, and you might want to say a prayer for my husband…because with a new cookbook in the house…he’s bound to be served lots of new concoctions!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: Love Languages

I had another devotional written to share today…but then God told me to write these thoughts instead.  Many times I have no idea why He changes what I share at the last minute…I just know I need to listen to His gentle promptings and let Him handle the rest.

I’m sharing several pictures with you today.  One of them is a picture of my five-year-old grandson, Ezra (behind the plant!).  The rest of the pictures are just a sampling of what he has given us throughout the last year.  Every time he comes to our home…or we go to his…or even see him someplace else…he has something to give us that he has made.  Just last week, we were at his brothers’ basketball games…and as soon as he saw me, he said, “I made something for you Grandma…but I forgot it at home.”  He didn’t know at the time that his mom had slipped his drawing into her purse.  So, minutes later, smiling from ear to ear…he handed me an envelope with his precious artwork inside.

The day he gave me the paper folded to look like a dog, he also gave one to my husband.  In fact, I found out he had made many of them.  It had been his week at preschool to show his class something from home…and Ezra chose to take a bag full of these folded papers so each classmate could choose one to keep.

This summer when he attended Vacation Bible School at his church, I happened to see him on two of the days as he came out from his class.  I could just see the wheels turning in his head…as he contemplated which craft he would give me that he had made that day.  Then, a smile would fill his face and he’d reach into his bag of goodies and hand me one of them.  Be. Still. My. Heart.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet…Ezra’s love language is giving.  He is always looking for ways to bless people with something he has created.  It just thrills me to see him, at such a young age, want to let others know of his love for them.  In a time when most people are trying to figure out how they can get more…he is trying to figure out how he can give more.  

Oh, what lessons we can learn from this precious boy.  I know he sure has made me do some contemplating on my life.  How do I view others?  Do I look at them, wondering what they can give me…or do for me?  Am I jealous over what they have…or am I always wanting to make sure I have better possessions to show-off to them? Do I go out of my way to make sure that those I encounter know that I care about them and love them?  Do I bless them by demonstrating that I have been thinking about them when we’ve been apart?

I want to be more like Ezra.  I realize that each of us have different “love languages”…and our way of showing our love to others may be different…but I think we need to evaluate whether we are using those qualities to truly bless others.  I hope so.  Because life is just happier when Ezra is around…and I hope the same can be said about me :-)  

And do not forget to do good

and to share with others,

for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Hebrews 13:16

Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday Morning Memo: He Understands

If you have been reading my ramblings for any length of time, you know that I tend to be rather transparent.  Sometimes I find that easy…and sometimes it is hard.   What I am sharing with you today has been rather difficult to put into words.

Many of you know that I have had countless health issues over the years…many of them stemming from a disorder I have which is a form of Ehlers Danlos.  It has caused numerous things to go haywire in my body and if I had a dollar for every time a doctor has said to me, “Well, this isn’t normal”…I would be a very wealthy woman.  As a result…I deal with a lot of pain and restrictions which often determine what I can and can’t do.

I can’t tell you how often I have prayed for God to heal me.  I’ve bartered with Him, begged Him, and even reminded Him that I could serve Him much more effectively if I had a miraculous story of healing to share with others.  I also can’t tell you the number of times others have laid hands on me, anointed me, and prayed for my healing.  Just recently, dear friends called one evening to see if I was home…and said they were on their way to pray for my current health “detour”.  They asked God to, once again, heal me completely.  I can’t tell you how humbling that was for me…to have them take time out of their busy schedules to approach God’s Throne on my behalf.

While all these experiences have blessed me tremendously, I have not been healed.  If I am honest, I don’t think I will be healed on this side of heaven.  Does that mean I don’t have enough faith for God to heal me?  No, I don’t think so.  I have felt God impressing on me recently that for some reason, I can better serve Him with my health issues…than without.  

I don’t tell you all of this today to sound “spiritual”…because even though I may be able to serve God more effectively with my limitations…I don’t always handle that truth well.  It is easy for me to become discouraged and feel like a burden to my husband, my family, and my friends.  My restrictions often cause them to have to do things for me or cause us to have to change plans because of my pain.  That isn’t what I want, so to accept the fact that my situation will probably only get worse and not better…doesn’t always make me display the joy of the Lord.

I’m also not sharing this today for you to feel sorry for me.  There are many people who are going through much worse circumstances than me…but that doesn’t negate my feelings nor should it for you either.  Just because someone else may have it worse than you…your feelings still matter and so I want you to know that I understand your struggle and care about your difficulties. 

But, how thankful I am to serve a Savior who also understands.  Even though I have times of discouragement…He doesn’t love me any less.  Even though I often take two steps forward and then one step backwards in my walk with Him…He never leaves my side.  And even though it isn’t my choice to deal with my limitations…I am confident that His plans for me are still much greater than anything I could ever imagine.  Philippians 1:6 tells me, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”  Until God calls me home, He has a mighty work to do in me and I know that His desire is for me to allow Him to do whatever it takes, to make me look more like Him.  And trust me…He has His work cut out to accomplish that!

Are you facing things in your life which are out of your control?  Are you struggling with discouragement and maybe even feeling like a burden to those around you?  I understand…but more importantly…there is One who understands and in Him you can put your trust and faith.  God’s plan for you may not make much sense at this time…but it is perfect…and if it allows you to look more like Him, it will make it all worthwhile.