Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Morning Memo: F-E-A-R Part 2

Last week we began our “study” of the word F-E-A-R.  Why did I think this was important and very timely?  Because I am noticing a common theme among many people these days…yes, even Christians…and that theme revolves around living in “fear”.  


We are living in a world which seems off its hinges.  Things are happening which we never would have guessed would take place and, as a result, people are consumed with fear.  Is this how we should be living?  I don’t think so.


Last week we looked at the fact that when we allow fear to overwhelm us, it shows our lack of Faith in God (if you missed that post…please go back and read it before continuing).    We spent these past seven days asking the question “How big is my God?”  We asked that because we have realized that when we allow our fears to rule us, we make fear more powerful than our God.


Today, we are going to look at the “E” and the “A” in the word fear, because they go together.  First of all, when we allow fear to overtake us, we lose our Effectiveness for God.  Let me ask you something.  When you are filled with fear, how good are you at getting anything else done?  What is your level of concentration?  I don’t know about you, but when I am afraid, I’m not able to do much else.  Instead of being productive…I become paralyzed.  My focus is on me and not on Christ and at that point the letter “A” comes into play because through my fear, Satan can then Attack.


Did you know that fear and worry are not just emotions, they are expressions of what we hold dear.  They reveal the loyalties of our heart.  So, if we know Christ and profess to serve Him, but are still consumed with fear, we are trying to have it both ways and, unfortunately, Satan is no dummy.  He knows where our weak spots are.  If he can get me so wrapped up and paralyzed by my fears, he doesn’t have to worry that I’m going to be very effective for God.   Satan is sneaky and he knows that usually the best way to control me is by small inconspicuous ways.  Anytime he can lure me into being fearful, he knows that I am taking my eyes off God, because I am saying I don’t trust God to handle my circumstances.  Fear and worry are signs that I am trying to have it both ways, with one foot in the world and one foot in God’s kingdom and the Bible tells us we can’t serve 2 masters.  We must make a choice.


Next week I will share with you something that happened to me some years ago…when my eyes were taken off Christ and Satan immediately stepped in to make sure I was paralyzed in fear.  Honestly, you may read my story and think “Why did that cause her so much fear?”…but it did…and I want us to look at what can occur in our day to day happenings to throw us off track.  In the end, I obeyed…but trust me, I wasn’t a willing servant.


See you next week!

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