Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: Not Once

First of all, I want to thank so many of you who messaged me last week, stating that you were praying for me.  I was just overwhelmed by your kindness.  Your prayers are being heard and I am gaining strength.  I was able to spend time this past weekend with my grandchildren and then went to church yesterday, so my heart and soul had a much needed “feeding” and I am feeling very blessed.


I have a question for you to start your week.  How often are you thrilled with what you see when you look in the mirror?  All the time?  Most of the time?  Rarely?  Never?


I was thinking about this question last week and it made me think of all the times in my life when I have looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw.  The times when I have wished I was like someone else.

Why can’t I be as pretty as her?
Why can’t I be as thin as her?
Why can’t I be as creative as her or him?
Why wasn’t I given the athletic ability with which she or he was blessed?
Why can’t I be as smart as she or he is?
Why can’t I write as well as she or he can?

I could go on and on with my list.  There have been many times when what I saw in the mirror, just didn’t measure up to what I thought was “perfection”.

So when I saw this graphic a few days ago it really hit home.  It is so hard for me to believe that when God created me, He didn’t make any mistakes.  Not once has God looked at me and thought:

I sure wish I would have made LuAnn as pretty as ___________.
I sure wish I would have made LuAnn as thin as ___________.
I sure wish I would have given LuAnn the same creative ability as ___________.
I sure wish I had made LuAnn as athletic as ___________.
I sure wish I would have made LuAnn as smart as ___________.
I sure wish I would have given LuAnn the ability to write as well as ___________.

Not once has He done this.  God created me to be me, and I can waste so much time in my life trying to be someone else, that I miss out on who and what I am.  I am a child of God who was created in HIS image.  I am a child of God who is so dearly loved, that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins.  I am a child of God who has accepted Him as my Lord and Savior and, as a result, I have a home which is being prepared for me in heaven.  When He calls me home…I will spend eternity with Him, my Heavenly Father.


And the exciting news?  The same is true for you!  Not once has He looked at you and wished He would have made you more like __________(insert the name of your choice).  Not once has God looked at you and thought He made a huge mistake.  NOT ONCE!  You were also created in His image, and He loves you more than you can ever imagine.  


Yes, He loves you and me with all our flaws and imperfections and nothing we have done or no inferior quality which we might have can diminish His love for us.  I don’t know about you…but that just blows my mind!

Does that mean we should never strive to change those qualities which hinder us from looking like Jesus?  Of course not.  Striving to reflect His image should be our focus every day, by making choices which we know will please Him.  It is a continuous process in which He loves us where we are today…but wants even greater things for us tomorrow.  Why?  Because He loves us that much.

I just feel like someone needs to read these words today.  Someone feels they are a failure.  Someone doesn’t think he or she has worth.  Someone is thinking that if they were just like ___________...their life would be perfect.  So if you are that “someone”…when you look in the mirror today…don’t concentrate on what or who you aren’t.  Concentrate on Who created you and in Whose image you were created.  


Remember…God is perfect so He can’t make a mistake, so He didn’t make a mistake when He made you and He loves you right where you are TODAY!

So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27

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