Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Morning Memo: Off-Kilter

It wasn’t the week we had planned…but then again…are most weeks?  It was a week I had looked forward to for quite a while because we were going to have the blessing of caring for four of our grandchildren, ages 1-8, for four days.  Yes, I knew I would be exhausted, and it would probably test me to my limit…but I knew all the memories would be worth it.


We hadn’t been sure for quite a while if we could do it, because of my two major surgeries in 2024 on both of my Achilles.  But God had blessed me with a better recovery than I even expected…so I didn’t think that would affect our plans.


The only problem was the nagging cough that I just couldn’t shake and the subsequent tiredness I was feeling.  I kept telling my doctor, “I just don’t feel good”.  My energy was much less than normal, and I was finding myself taking at least one or two naps a day.  We kept thinking it was maybe because of the two surgeries, that my body was just worn out from the recoveries, and that it would just take time to bounce back.  My doctor kept checking me out, trying different medications to stop the cough so I could begin to sleep better and in turn, hopefully have more energy.  An x-ray was even taken to see my lungs and it came back that everything was clear.


Finally, on January 9th, my doctor sent me for a CT scan of my lungs.  He knew something had to be going on that the x-ray didn’t show.  My doctor called me that evening and he was as shocked as we were with the diagnosis…double pneumonia.  But it did give us some answers as to why I felt so bad.


The news came Thursday evening, and we were to get our grandchildren on Saturday.  The first person I called after my doctor’s call was our son to give him the news.  To him the decision came quickly…he knew there was no way I was going to care for their four children.  While I knew he was right, it broke my Grandma’s heart.  And the news probably did something to the children’s other Grandma’s heart…because she got the call that she would now have four children for a week, instead of half a week!  The woman is a saint…and I can’t thank her enough for caring for our grandchildren so lovingly. 


Honestly, we thought that was enough unexpected news for the week, but Sunday arrived and when our well pump kicked on, it tripped a breaker.  Hoping it was just a bad breaker, Dan replaced it after he returned from church.  But it wasn’t long, and it tripped again.  Knowing that wasn’t a good sign, Dan contacted our local service company first thing Monday morning.  After checking things out, it was determined that we needed a new well pump…but of course…that didn’t turn out to be an easy fix.  I’ll spare you the saga of each day’s disparaging report…but they couldn’t get the pump out and we had to have a brand new well dug.  So, we spent the week, until Friday evening, living as our ancestors did…carrying water in day after day after day…


To say this past week hasn’t been fun, would be an understatement.  But even so, we could see God’s hand working.  We still had heat, so that gave us a warm home to live in.  We still had electricity…so lights to see what needed done.  Many times we stated that we are sure there are many in California who wish they were only dealing with lack of water…instead of losing everything they owned.  And thankfully, we will not miss any meals because we must pay for a new well.


While it wasn’t what we had planned, I realized God’s hand was also in allowing me to get a diagnosis before our grandkids came to stay.  I would have felt so bad if I would have, by chance, given any of them my pneumonia.  And, while living a little bit like our ancestors wasn’t easy…can you imagine trying to care for four children with no water?  That, my friends, would have taken it to an entirely new level of difficulty and threw me way further back into my heritage than I wanted to go.


Yes, God is SO faithful.  When things go as planned, or not as planned, none of it is a surprise to Him.  He knows what we need, exactly when we need it…so there really is no reason to worry or fret.  While His ways don’t always make sense and sometimes throw us a little off-kilter…He is right there to straighten us back up and set us back on course.  I don’t know about you…but I just can’t imagine doing life without Him.   


“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

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