Once again…I’ve got a word rambling in my head. This happens every once in a while. I see a sign or hear someone mention a word
in conversation or as it happened this time…read a graphic.
The word? Resolution. It’s not a word that we hear as much in
October. It’s a word that is more apt to
be said or thought at the beginning of the year when many of us make one or
more New Year resolutions that are often broken before the calendar is turned
to February.
The dictionary says that a resolution is a firm decision to do or not to
do something. Another dictionary
said that it’s when you are firmly determined about something.
You make up your mind that you will not waver and you will not accept less that
what you have resolved to do. You
resolve that you are going to eat healthier and exercise. You make a promise to yourself that you are
going to read God’s Word every day and spend time with God in prayer. You make up your mind that you will control
your spending and not go on shopping sprees where you spend money that you
don’t have. All of those things are
great resolutions to make, but the problem is that they are much easier to talk
about…than to do.
So why is it that even with the best intentions, we often fall
short of keeping our resolutions? We
usually don’t make our promise, expecting to break it. We make it fully intending to be strong
enough to see it to fruition. We believe
in whatever we resolve to do and have faith in ourselves to see it
It wasn’t until I saw this graphic that I had a light bulb go on
in my head concerning why our resolutions often fail.
I think one of the biggest reasons our resolutions fail is
because we often make our promises alone.
We make a decision to do or not do something, but it isn’t long until we
realize that those around us haven’t made that same resolution. We are determined to eat healthier and
exercise on a consistent basis…but the rest of our family has no intention to
give up their Twinkies.
We promise God that reading His Word and spending time in prayer
will be our top priority. The problem
arises when those around us don’t see this as a daily task that is important
and so when their schedules begin to affect ours, we soon lose track of time
and it isn’t long until our quiet time is filled with noise.
We make up our mind to control our spending, but then we see
that our friends and neighbors have toys that we don’t have and we begin to
feel “less” than them. To be able to
keep up with the “Joneses” we soon determine that we are going to have to
overextend our finances once again; otherwise we won’t be included in the in
I think that is where we often fall short. Our resolutions are only applicable as long
as everyone around us is making the same resolutions. As long as they are in total agreement with
our thoughts, we have the stamina to keep our promises. But when they don’t have the same convictions
that we have, it doesn’t take long for us to crumble.
I believe God is asking for more than a flippant resolution that
changes with the wind. He is asking for
us to make a solemn vow to Him that we will do His will each and every day,
even if everyone around us isn’t. Even
if we are the only one who He is calling to do or not do something, He expects
our resolution to not be a mere sentiment, but a steadfast determination that
is fueled by His strength.
I get excited when I think about what might happen in our
families, our communities and in our world if each of us would make this
resolution to live completely sold out to God, even if no one else does. What a difference could be made in these dark
days that we are living in, if each of us would resolve to let our light shine
for Him, no matter the cost.
Are you in? I hope
so. But I know that I can’t wait to see
what your choices are before I make my decision. I need to resolve today to do His
will…regardless of your decision.
“For this reason, since the day we heard about this, we have not
stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the full
knowledge of God’s will with respect to all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
so that you might live in a manner worthy of the Lord and be fully pleasing to
him as you bear fruit while doing all kinds of good things and
growing in the full knowledge of God.”
Colossians 1:9-10