Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: Go Ahead...ASK!

I remember the day well.  We, along with the employees of our catering service, were at a lake here in Indiana.  We were feeding approximately 1200 people who were the employees and their families of an area business. 

It takes experience to know how much food to prepare when that many hungry people start through the line.  At this particular event, they often begin lining up an hour before serving time because they are so anxious to be fed.  Once the designated time rolls around, the stream of customers doesn’t end for a very long time and it is our job to make sure that the last person in line gets just as much to eat as the first.

We have the privilege of serving this group every year for their company picnic, and those in charge have requested a variety of items for their menu.  For that year, they had asked for Au Gratin potatoes to be included.  Since we serve outside, a hot dish such as this is somewhat of a challenge, making sure that everything is kept piping hot for the entire time we serve.

It really was a sight to behold as 14 roasters were lined up on tables beside our unit.  As each roaster was emptied, it was taken off the serving line and a fresh one was put in its place.

The problem arose when we realized that people were taking much larger servings than we expected.  We have been in this business for many years and my husband has a knack for knowing, on an average, how much people will eat.  But this group must have been hungrier than the average group and the potatoes were quickly disappearing.  As each roaster emptied, our stomachs churned just a little more as we began to fear that we would run out.  The last thing we want to happen at any event is to have to tell people that something on the line-up of food is not available.

All of a sudden, the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish came to mind.  At that moment, I knew how the disciples must have felt as they faced hungry people and not enough food to satisfy their appetite.  Just as there wasn’t a store right there for the disciples to purchase additional supplies, we also had no place at this lake to buy anything and we didn’t have enough time to cook it if there had been.

So all I knew to do was to begin praying.  I stopped right where I was and prayed something like this, “Lord you know the predicament that we are in.  There is no way that we have enough potatoes to feed the number of people that have yet to go through the line.  If you could multiply the five loaves and two fish, you surely can multiply these potatoes.  I’m not asking for an over abundance…we just need enough to get everyone fed.”

We then waited.  People continued to file past and potatoes continued to disappear.  But when the last person was through and everyone was satisfied, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Thirteen and 9/10 of the 14 roasters were empty…and there were just a handful of potatoes left.  We didn’t have 12 baskets leftover as they did in Biblical days, but we had just enough.  We had what I had asked for.

I don’t know if the Lord actually multiplied the potatoes or if He diminished the appetite of the people who were left to go through the line, but I believe He heard my prayer that day and blessed us with His intervention.  Was this a dire situation that was a matter of life or death?  No.  I think it was a moment where the Lord just wanted to show us, once again, that He cares about every area of our life and is still in the miracle business of answering prayers.

Are you facing something today that is completely out of your control?  Have you prayed about it or do you think you shouldn’t bother the Lord with it because it isn’t a matter of life and death?  Go ahead.  Tell Him every detail.  He cares about every aspect of your life and wants to do mighty things even in the mundane events of your day. 

Did you know that every miracle in the Bible started with a problem? The same is true today and your problems just may be the avenue through which the Lord wants to use to show you His mighty hand.  Remember, He is able to do much more than you can even imagine and He might just be waiting for you to ask.  What are you waiting for?

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
Matthew 7:7

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

Ephesians 3:20

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