Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday Morning Memo: Settling for the Imitation

I tried to write this devotional last week, but for some reason the words just wouldn’t come.  Each time I attempted to write it, I just felt like I was hitting a wall.

I think I now know why.  With the horrific events happening in our world these past days, the Lord has now brought to my mind those thoughts I began to have a couple weeks ago and has laid on my heart what I am to share.

I don’t think anyone would argue with me the fact that our world is in utter chaos.  It seems like everywhere we look, things are falling apart.  It doesn’t matter whether you are a Democrat or a Republican…I’m confident that you realize that Satan is having a heyday and is unleashing turmoil throughout our country and in many other countries.  We are seeing like never before, our Christian foundation being torn to shreds.

It is so easy to feel completely helpless in times such as this.  Sin seems to be whirling all around us and so much of what is happening is totally out of our control.  People who have chosen to follow the evil one are making decisions that are affecting what we face on a day-to-day basis, even putting our safety and lives in jeopardy. 

What then are we supposed to do?  If so much of what is going on is out of our control, what can we do then to get through each day?

We are currently studying “Gods at War’” by Kyle Idleman in our Connection group from church.   He challenges us with the thought that maybe all sin springs from the same source – IDOLATRY.  He says that while we may not see many “graven images” in our world today, there are still countless gods passionately at war for the throne of our heart.  If we put the wrong god on the throne, our lives will be thrown into chaos and all our efforts of managing sin will be futile.  Kyle shares that only by recognizing our misplaced worship and by enthroning Jesus can we experience true freedom and life.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that those who are wreaking such havoc and destruction in our world have made the choice to put the wrong god on the throne of their heart.  As a result, their lives are a vessel that is being used by Satan to destroy everyone in their path.

But if we are going to point out the gods that are on the throne of others, we must also ask what gods are on our throne.  Where is our focus?  What or who do we hold most dear to our heart?  Idleman asks us to spend time looking inward.  Is the god of money on our throne?  The god of love?  The god of pleasure?  The god of power?

Any god that is on our throne, other than the one true God, will eventually lead us into chaos.  We will never have any peace, regardless of our surroundings, if we ourselves don’t have God on the throne of our life.  He must be our sole focus and nothing else dares get in the way of serving Him with everything that we have.

A man who had put food on the throne of his life made a statement on one of the videos from our study and it really spoke to me.  He stated that he eventually learned that he needed to give up the imitation (food) so that God could give him the real thing.  What a powerful statement.  Anything that we focus on other than God is just a cheap imitation.  God is just waiting for us to give up all those worthless, artificial idols in our life so that He can be the only one on our throne and He can bless us with the real thing.

Unfortunately, I believe that many settle for the imitation, because they don’t know what they are missing.  I used to use imitation vanilla in my cooking.  Then I was given a bottle of real, pure vanilla and once I had used that, there was no way I was going to return to the fake stuff.  Yes it cost more, but the benefit far outweighed the cost.  The real thing had so much more flavor and really enhanced my dishes.  But if I had never experienced what the real vanilla was like, I would have never known what I was missing.

I’m afraid many of us have such a tight grip on our idols, that we struggle to open our hands and give it all to Him.  We cling to the imitation, not realizing how much better the real thing would be.  Will it cost more to loosen our grip?  Yes it probably will.  But I happen to believe the benefits will far outweigh any cost or sacrifice that we might experience.

Before we can deal with the chaos around us, we must first deal with the chaos within us.  Who or what is on the throne of your life today?  Is it an imitation or the real thing?

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
Matthew 6:24

“Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.”
1 Samuel 12:24

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