Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday Morning Memo: In His Presence

I don’t know how it is in your life, but I have days where I get to bedtime and I wonder if I really accomplished anything of real importance during the 16 or 17 hours I was awake.  When this happens, it makes me feel sad to think that maybe I missed God’s plan for my day because I was too focused on my agenda.

Then, there are other days where when the sun sets and I look back on the hours I have just lived, and I know I have been blessed with being in His presence.  I have experienced life to its fullest…not because of my plans but because of His.

This past Saturday was one of those days.  I had the privilege of spending it with a group of women at the Waynedale UM Church in Ft. Wayne.  I knew no one there…they had just asked me to speak at their “Day of Growth Spiritual Retreat” on the recommendation of someone else.

I’ll be honest, a day like that can be a little unnerving.  Being asked to speak when I don’t know anyone there can make me a little nervous…but I’m even more nervous, wondering if they will be greatly disappointed that they asked me in the first place!

I was also apprehensive because I had no idea how I would minister to these women, when I myself felt depleted.  My Hypermobility Syndrome has reared its ugly head the past few months and as a result I have been tired and at times discouraged…so knowing that it would be my responsibility to share God’s Word seemed a little overwhelming.  But I tried to focus on the fact that God had known when I scheduled this retreat last year what I would be experiencing on Saturday so He must be powerful enough to see me through.

Any jitters that I may have felt were quickly dispersed as I walked into the church and began meeting the women.  They were so welcoming and made me feel like I had always known them.  They greeted me with smiles that would light up the darkest room and I immediately felt God’s presence in our midst.  It was obvious that each of them had given up precious hours of their Saturday because of their desire to be drawn closer to each other and even more importantly to their Savior.

Another highlight that blessed me to the core was two young people, both seniors at a local high school, who took time out of their day to sing for us.  We hear so many negatives about the youth of today, but don’t often hear the positives.  These two teenagers, Michael and Sierra, were amazing.  With Sierra’s father accompanying them with his guitar, their voices blended beautifully as they blessed us with their talent.  As they sang, I just imagined how the Lord was smiling down on them, so proud of them for using their abilities for Him.

As I reflected on that day, I realized that I entered the doors of that church in the morning knowing no one…but left that building later in the day knowing that I had just spent precious hours with dear sisters in Christ.  I had also arrived worn-out…but left feeling refreshed and renewed as only God could do.  I knew at that point that I hadn’t done the ministering that day…I had just been the vessel through which He chose to share His words.

Unfortunately, I think most of our schedules are so jammed packed that we don’t often take the time to spend a day in His presence…. listening for His Word to come alive and speak to us in a new and powerful way.  As I shared with you last week, “We live in a crazy world with so much chaos going on around us and as a result, it is easy to become too busy doing those things with no eternal value.  Because of this, it is critical that we grasp what is truly important.  For us to look more like Christ…for us to be a light in the deep darkness…we must spend time at Jesus’ feet, listening to what He has to teach us.  Only then will we be equipped and able to lead others to His saving grace.”

It is so important for us to take the time to be refueled if we are going to do what Christ has called us to do.  Are you in desperate need of replenishing?  Then I would recommend you begin to pray that God would make it possible for you to receive it.  It may not be an organized event that He will use to fill you to the brim and overflowing with His Spirit.  But whatever He chooses to provide…wherever He chooses to lead you…I am confident that He will gladly fulfill your request to spend time in His presence as he renews your spirit as only He can do. 

“You will show me the way of life,
    granting me the joy of your presence
    and the pleasures of living with you forever.”

Psalm 16:11

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