Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Morning Memo: Influencing For His Glory

I love being a grandma.  Many people tried to tell me how wonderful this time in my life would be…but until I experienced it for myself…I really couldn’t comprehend.

I’m beginning to realize that one of the reasons I am enjoying this “position” is because I am being given a second chance, or maybe calling it a “re-do” would be more accurate.  I was a far from perfect mom to my three children.  There are so many things about raising my kids that I wish I could turn back the clock and do them differently; but as we all know, that is impossible.  So now having the opportunity to do things differently as I grandparent is such a blessing.

Of course, life is very different now then it was when I was parenting.  The word “chaotic” comes to my mind when I think of our schedule on most days.  Having 3 children in four and a half years, working in our catering service, and then throw in poor health for me and it was often a recipe for stress overload.  As a result, exhaustion often ruled and I didn’t always take the time with my little ones that they needed.

Now, all these years later, the pace is a little slower and a little less chaotic, and I am much more intentional on clearing my schedule to be with my precious grandchildren. In fact, as I write this, I am staying with my daughter and son-in-law to help as they adjust to now raising two children. 

I love to see Elias, my twenty-three month old grandson, bow his head and fold his hands to pray before each meal.  After each time of grace, he heartedly says AMEN before diving into his food.  I am touched as I witness him look forward to having a Bible story read to him each evening.  Then, after he has been put to bed, he lines up his stuffed animals beside him and “reads” them a Bible story before closing his eyes to end his day.  

I am so thankful that my daughter and son-in-law realize the importance of raising their children to know the God that they serve.  I have talked with parents who believe that children cannot comprehend Biblical principles until they are older, but I would beg to differ with them.  Children are watching and mimicking their parents from a very young age and it is so important that what they see and hear from those around them points them to Jesus.

Naturally, they aren’t just watching their parents…they are watching their grandparents also, and that is where I find myself at this time.  Elias is soaking in everything that he sees and hears.  If my words are not spoken in a kind manner, he will be very quick to copy even the inflection of my voice.  If he sees that my cell phone or computer is more important than him while we play together or share a meal, he will begin to think that my interest in texts or Facebook supersede my interest in him.   That isn’t what I want him to see.  I so desperately want to pour into his young, pliable life and in the life of his baby brother, Ezekiel.  I want them to grow up knowing that their grandma’s sole desire was for them to serve the Jesus who gave His life for them.

If you are currently in the throes of parenting, know that I am praying for you.  I’m praying that the crazy world we live in will not pull you down to its level, making you focus more on moving up the corporate ladder or attaining more than your neighbor, your priority.  I urge you to remember that those children God has given you are actually His, you have just been given the awesome responsibility of raising them.  I know how overwhelming it can be at times…but I also know that the God you serve will walk with you every step of the way and the sacrifices you will make today…will be more than worth it in the future.

If you are a grandparent like me…I’m asking you to join me in fervently praying for those precious lives that God has added to your family.  Maybe you don’t have the privilege of living close to them, but you can still let them know that they are prayed for each and every day.   Influencing them for His glory will reap blessing after blessing in the days to come.

Will we make mistakes?  Of course we will.  But I believe that if our heart is where it should be, God will bless even when we err.  As I stated earlier, I wasn’t a perfect mom, but today I have 3 amazing children who have grown into incredible adults who love the Lord.  In spite of my imperfections…God stepped in and blessed.  And I know He will do the same for you.

“Direct your children onto the right path, 
and when they are older, they will not leave it.”

Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)

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