Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Morning Memo: Memories to Ponder

I’ve been working these past days on notes for speaking engagements that I have coming up.  It never ceases to amaze me how God will suddenly take me on a detour while I’m studying to either teach me something new…or remind me of something I may be neglecting.

As I was researching, I came across verses in the Bible that I have read many, many times.  But when I read them this time, God impressed on me a new perspective.  I found the verses in Philippians 1:3-8.  Paul was talking about the Christians in Philippi when he said, “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart. You share with me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment and in defending and confirming the truth of the Good News. God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus.”

As I read these words, this thought came to me:  Do I ever think about what memories I give to other people?  These Christians in Philippi had given Paul such good memories because they had been so supportive and involved in his life.  How amazing that he could say that every time he thought of them…he thanked God for them!  I wonder if that is how people think when they have thoughts about me.  Or have the memories that I have made with other people been negative ones?  When they think of me, are their thoughts about how bitter I was, or how negative I was while we were together?  Or are they memories that bring them joy and thankfulness for the time spent with me?

As I’ve shared before, the world we are living in seems to be coming unhinged, and it is so easy to fall into the trap of being negative with our words and actions.  It is so easy to whine and complain when we are around others, never sharing the joy of the Lord that is supposed to be in our heart.  It’s sobering when we think that there are unsaved people listening to us go on and on about everything that is wrong in our lives and they never hear about what Christ has done for us.  No wonder many of them don’t want what we have because we don’t sound any better off than they are!

Notice that Paul stated that these Christians had been partners with him in spreading the Good News.  He didn’t say that they had been sharing their complaints, their worries and their gossip.  We have Good News that needs to be shared from now until Christ returns and the Christians in Philippi understood this!

Yes, the world we live in is pretty chaotic, but I think we make it even worse by not keeping our focus on Christ.  HE has done great things for us and HE is the One who will be victorious in the end.  Our job, while still on this earth, is to make sure that others see Him in us so that every time they think of us…they will think of Him.  That my friend, should give them good memories to ponder.

There is a song by Big Daddy Weave that goes perfectly with my thoughts today.  It’s entitled “My Story” and some of the words are:

If I told you my story
You would hear Hope that wouldn't let go
And if I told you my story
You would hear Love that never gave up
And if I told you my story
You would hear Life, but it wasn't mine

If I should speak then let it be
Of the grace that is greater than all my sin
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins
Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in
Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him

If I told you my story
You would hear victory over the enemy
And if I told you my story
You would hear freedom that was won for me
And if I told you my story
You would hear Life overcome the grave

If I should speak then let it be
Of the grace that is greater than all my sin
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins

Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in
Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him

This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long

I recommend that you listen to the entire song at  Remember, when our story becomes His story…people will be drawn to us and they will have precious memories of us and our Savior.

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