Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday Morning Memo: I Will Choose To Trust

What a crazy, fun time we had last week with our daughter being home from North Carolina and our other daughter and her two sons, ages four months and two years, also staying with us.  Our home looked like a bomb went off most of the time and I was exhausted at the end of each day…but I wouldn’t trade the moments and memories for anything.

So getting ready for church yesterday morning was difficult because I knew our time together was coming to an end.  Erica left to drive back home (in the fog…which didn’t help!) and Megan and the boys were leaving after we left for church.  When I went to give Elias, the two year old, a hug and a kiss before we walked out the door, he melted into tears.  That of course made this grandma start crying and I had to leave the room to get myself composed.  They only live 35 miles from us and I’m sure we will see them soon, but I still hate to say goodbye…especially when Elias has crocodile tears streaming down his face.

I was feeling pretty down as we drove to church and thoughts of the morning were definitely affecting my mood.  That led to thinking about some of my prayer concerns that aren’t being answered in my time.  I often think that I know better when and how things should happen and it is easy to become discouraged and frustrated when I don’t see God answering the way I think He should in the timeline that I think He should follow.  

Then a phrase started going through my mind.  I may have shared with you before something my niece used to recite to us when she was young.  Her mom had taught her to say, “I will choose to be happy today…when storm clouds come my way…I will choose to be happy today.”  What a wonderful thing to instill in a young child’s mind.

Of course as adults, we realize that we aren’t always going to be happy.  The reason is that our happiness is often dependent on our happenings…and what is going on around us isn’t always fun and games.  Life can be brutal as many face serious health conditions, marital problems, financial concerns and wayward children all in a world that seems to becoming unhinged.

We can choose though to have joy even when we are not feeling happy.   We read in Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving”.   I think the key words in this verse are “I trust him”.  When we trust the Lord completely…with everything in our life…it IS possible to choose joy even in times of distress.
We arrived at church and wouldn’t you know it; our pastor’s sermon title was “Timely Therapy for Troubled Thoughts”.  Yes, our God has a sense of humor.  I knew when I saw the outline that God was going to be speaking directly to me during the service and of course He did.  I would highly recommend that you check out this sermon at
So I think I will revise my niece’s saying somewhat and recite these words when I feel myself being dragged down, “I will choose to trust Him today…when storm clouds come my way…I will choose to trust Him today.”  This should be a reminder to me that it is my choice whether I will trust God with everything so that my heart will be filled with joy. 
Once I choose to trust…the joy will come…and I will want to burst out in songs of thanksgiving!  I’m guessing that will make me a much more pleasant person to be around and will help me reflect His image just a little more to those with whom I come in contact.

 “I pray that God, the source of hope,
will fill you completely with joy and peace
because you trust in him.
Then you will overflow with confident hope
 through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13

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