Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday Morning Memo: Trust in Action

I shared with you last week that I was going to recite the following phrase when I felt life dragging me down, “I will choose to trust Him today…when storm clouds come my way…I will choose to trust Him today.”  I made a point to do just that during the past seven days and I was amazed at how calming it was just to say those words.

But the Lord knows that I am a visual learner and that I needed to see this in action and he provided the circumstances last Tuesday to make this a reality.  I attended the viewing and funeral of the daughter of friends of ours.  This young woman, Emily, was 32 years old and had never spoken and never walked.  In fact she had not been able to do anything to care for herself…everything had been done for her by her loving family.  Emily had cerebral palsy and the doctors had said that more than likely her life span wouldn’t be more than 13 years. That probably would have been true if not for the excellent care and love she received.

It was shared during the funeral that even though Emily couldn’t speak…she definitely knew when her family was around…especially her sisters.  When they were together Emily would flash a huge smile and before long they would have her belly laughing.  She may not have verbally been able to communicate, but her laughter spoke volumes.

During the time of viewing, we approached Emily’s father to give him our condolences.  I hugged him and told him we were praying for them. I also complimented him on what amazing parents they had been for all these years.  His answer?  “Oh caring for Emily has been a blessing.  We would do it all over again in a heartbeat.”  I was speechless.

We then greeted Emily’s mother and I also hugged her and reiterated what I had said to her husband.  Her answer?  “This is how we have served Jesus.  People talk about wondering how to serve Him…this is it.  Caring for her has been our service to Him.”  Again…I had no words.  

This my friends, is trusting Jesus when storm clouds come our way.  This is what serving Him is all about.  This is not getting angry and bitter because life has dealt us a raw deal…but taking what or who has been placed in our path and using the detour to serve Him.  This is what it means to live for Jesus.  Every. Single. Day.

Are Emily’s parents saints?  No, probably not.  I’m guessing there were days where they were frustrated and tired and felt helpless.  If they would have had a choice, I’m sure they never would have chosen this life for their daughter but life doesn’t always go the way we have planned.  They realize though, that being a Christ-follower doesn’t always look pretty.  It’s not always easy and many times it’s downright difficult.  But they have learned that to be a true follower of Christ means that even when the storms clouds come, our responsibility is to keep serving, keep loving and above all…keep trusting.  It is then that the challenges of life become our blessings.

The funeral ended with Emily’s uncle singing a song I had never heard before…but it was absolutely perfect.  The song was “The Light of That City” and I’m not sure there was a dry eye in the room by the time he ended.  The lyrics were so fitting; especially the words “And the lame, they will run all over the streets of that City”.  I knew at that moment everyone was picturing Emily doing just that.  You can listen to this beautiful song at

I went to the funeral that day to encourage this family…but instead I was the one who was touched.  Emily was blessed with an amazing family who couldn’t stop talking about how excited they were for her because she is now running the streets of gold…using her voice to praise her heavenly Father and eating without the use of a feeding tube.  Emily is now whole and experiencing the sights and sounds of heaven.  But I happen to think that she already had an idea of what heaven would be like…because she was blessed to experience a little bit of heaven here on earth in her home.  All because a family chose to trust and serve where God had placed them.  What an example…what a blessing.
“Be devoted to one another in love.
Honor one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor,
serving the Lord.  Be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.”

Romans 12:10-12

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