Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday Morning Memo: Our "YES"

Dan and I had the opportunity to attend a banquet last Saturday evening for Forgotten Children Worldwide, which is based in Bluffton, Indiana.  If you are ever looking for a worthwhile organization to donate to or become involved with, this is the one.  They have an amazing ministry to orphans all around the world and I love their approach to making a difference.  On their website at they state:   

Forgotten Children Worldwide empowers natives to care for their own children. We do not believe in building American orphan care ministries, but coming alongside those that already exist and helping them do what they do better. We work with ministries around the world, providing practical resources, help and guidance. We partner with ministries who share a similar vision for orphan care. In every situation, FCW comes alongside an established team with physical, financial and human resources, encouragement, prayer and training. At our core, we want our partner ministries to become self-sufficient and self-sustainable. Ultimately, we strive for the day when they will not need our guidance and our support. We believe strongly in holistic care and work on improving the care that all children receive. In the end, we work to:

1. Safeguard and lift children from extreme poverty
2. Prevent child trafficking
3. Give children hope by introducing them to Jesus Christ

This is a ministry making a difference not only in the lives of these children…but in eternity!

The guest speaker at the banquet was George Dennehy.  He was born without any arms and was immediately placed in a Romanian orphanage because his parents just couldn’t handle his disability.  Those working in the orphanage thought he was cursed and so he was grossly neglected.  Fortunately, there was a couple in the United States who felt led to adopt a child who no one else wanted…and that led them to George.  At the age of 2 ½, he weighed nine pounds.  This couple took him in and loved him back to health.

By the age of eight, George learned to play the cello using his feet. He advanced in classical music until he was able to play cello with regional orchestras. With the cello as his launching pad he has taught himself guitar, electric bass and basic piano.  I sat in amazement Saturday night as he sang and played the guitar for us.  What a testimony he has of what God can do regardless of our circumstances.

Since that night, I’ve thought about my “take-aways” from what I heard and witnessed.  First of all, I was reminded of what can be accomplished when we are willing to follow God’s leading and just say “YES”.  Forgotten Children Worldwide began because there was a couple who, in 1999, went to Moscow to adopt a daughter and realized the enormous need there was to help millions of orphans around the world.  They knew they had to do something but had no clue where to begin.  In 2000, Forgotten Children Worldwide began as God Will Make a Way Ministries. They had no idea what they were doing and had no idea where God was going to take them. They didn’t even have a building. The only thing they were armed with was their faith and trust in God and their willingness to say “YES”. 

Now, 17 years later, this ministry is having a huge impact all over the world.  I urge you to check out their website.

Secondly, I was reminded that no matter what we have been dealt in life, God is bigger.  Our limitations are just that…OUR limitations.  But with God, we have no limitations.  He is able to do far more than we can ever imagine with whatever we have been given.  A physical disability, an abusive past, a dysfunctional family, a lack of funds, or a lack of education won’t keep God from being able to work in us and through us for His glory.  Again, all He needs from us is our “YES”, and He will give us everything we need to do whatever He asks of us.

Third, I was reminded that everyone can do something to have an impact on those less fortunate.  Maybe we can’t travel to India to physically touch and help the orphans…but we can financially support those who can.  Maybe our funds are very limited and we can’t give monetarily at this time…but we can donate some of our time to help an organization like Forgotten Children or a local pregnancy center.  Maybe we aren’t able to give some of our time to help locally…but we can spend time in fervent prayer for those who can.  Everyone can do something to make a difference…all God needs is our “YES”.

I don’t know what God is asking you to do today to make a difference in the lives of those in your community, state, country or world…whatever it is…remember that all things are possible.  All He needs is your “YES”!

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