Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday Morning Memo: Cinderella to Godzilla

Yep, it happened again.  For most of my life, I have been stumping doctors.  Time and time again, I’ve had them tell me that I’m wired backwards…that my body reacts differently than others and that they just aren’t sure what to do with me.  Once I received the diagnosis about six years ago of Hypermobility Syndrome, we had a start to some answers.  But it hasn’t stopped me from still being looked at like I’m from another world.

Last Friday I received “the look” again.  As I shared last week, I’ve been trying to get over a sinus infection and for the most part, it is gone.  But it left me with plugged ears that just won’t unplug.  I have done everything I was told…from sinus rinses to allergy medicine to nasal sprays, etc. etc. etc.  But as I sat in the doctor’s office once again last Friday, he looked in my ears and said, “Wow.  You still have tons of fluid behind your ears!”  Yep, I already knew that.

The doctor said he had one more thing to try (short of sticking a hole in both eardrums to let things drain!) and that was a round of steroids.  I don’t know about you…but I hate steroids.  They can cause more reactions in this wired backwards body of mine than I care to list so I try to avoid them at all cost.  To be honest, they can make me go from Cinderella to Godzilla in three seconds flat so it isn’t just me that may have to suffer…my husband would possibly have to suffer too.  But this time, I was desperate enough to agree to take them and then the doctor told me that maybe I should warn my husband J

Well, it’s now Monday morning and thank the good Lord…my ears are improving and Godzilla never showed up (well, maybe you should ask Dan about that!).  I can’t say that I am enjoying taking the steroids, but the result is worth the side effects so I’m glad I took the advice of my doctor.  It wasn’t what I wanted but it was the best thing for me.

It seems like following Christ sometimes leads to similar situations.  There are times when the “crud” of the world seeps into my life and I begin to feel sick spiritually.  I try everything I know to feel better on my own…but nothing seems to bring me out of it.  Then I finally go to the One I should have started with…my Jesus.  He never looks at me… wondering how I am wired…because He is the One that created me.  He knows everything about me, right down to the number of hairs on my head.  Most importantly, He knows what I need to do to be right with Him again.  But I often balk because I know that the remedy might hurt.  I might have to swallow my pride and allow Him prune me so that I’m less like Godzilla…and more like a princess of the King.  It’s not always what I wanted but it is always the best thing for me.

How about you?  Is there something in your life that is making you spiritually ill?  Are you avoiding going to the One who can make you well because you know there is pruning that needs done?  Take it from me…being a Godzilla just isn’t very attractive.  I want to urge you to seek Jesus today and let Him bring peace and healing to your soul. My guess is that those who are around you just might notice your transformation, as you too look more like a prince or princess of the King!

“But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.”
1 Peter 2:9-10 The Message

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